New Zealand And Empire Stations
SATURDAY 4YZ INVERCARGILL (680 Kilocycles) 7.0: Daventry news. 7.10: Breakfast session. 9.0 to 9.15 (approx.): Daventry news. 11.0: Recordings. 12.0 to 2.0: Luncheon session. 12.30: Daventry news. 5.0: Light music. 5.30: Children’s session. 5.45: Saturday Special. 6.15: Daventry news. , 6.45: "One Good Deed a Day.” 7.0: Rebroadcast of official news. 7.10' (approx.): After-dinner music. 7.30: Station announcements. 8.0: Local results. 8.5: Shall We Dance? 9.0: Daventry news. 9.15: For the music lover. 10.0: Close down.
IYA AUCKLAND (650 Kilocycles)
6.0: Station on the air for Daventry news. 7.0: Daventry news. 7.10: Breakfast session. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.10: Selected recordings. 10.0: Devotional service. 10.15: Selected recordings. 11.0: "Music and Flowers: Flowers' and the Man.” 11.10: Selected recordings. 12.0: Lunch music. 12.30: Daventry news. 1.0: Week-end weather forecast.
2.0: Selected recordings. 3.15: Sports results. 5.0: Children’s session. 5.45: Dinner music. (Subject to interruption for Daventry news at 6.15.) 6.55: Weather report. 7.0: News service, issued by the Prime Minister’s Department. British Official Wireless News. 7.10: News and reports. 8.0: Concert programme. "Gilbert and Sullivan Cavalcade." Highlights from the Savoy Operas. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.20: Weather report and station notices. 9.25: Louis Levy and his Gaumont British Symphony. 9.31: Frank Luther, Dick Rlbertson and Trio. 9.37: The Revellers. 9.41: Cecily Courtneidge and Jack Hulbert (comedy sketch). 9.47: Light Opera Company. 9.51: Columbia Vocal Gem Company. 10.0: Sports summary 10.10: Dance music. 11.15: Close of normal programme. (During the war the station will be on the air until 12 midnight. Daventry news: 11.30.)
Alternative Station IYX (880 kilocycles)— 5.0 to 6.0: Light music. 7.0: After-dinner music. 8.0: Recital programme. 8.30: "The Woman in White.” 8.45: Interlude. 90: “Tire Cloister and the Hearth.” 9.21: Variety show. 10.30: Close down.
Alternative Station IZM (1250 kllocycles)1.0: Band music, vocal gems, light orchestral and vocal items. 2.20: Piano, piano accordion items, selections from the shows. 4.0: Light orchestral and popular items, piano medleys. 5.0: Light orchestral, vocal, and organ selections. 7.0: Sports results and comments: "Bill” Hendry. 7.30: Orchestral programme. 8.0: Dance session.
2YA WELLINGTON (570 Kilocycles)
6.0: Station on the air for Daventry news. 6.50: Weather report for aviators. 7.0: Daventry news. 7.10: Breakfast session. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.10: Selected recordings. 10.0: Weather report for aviators. 10.10: Devotional service. 10.25: Recordings. 10.28 to
10.30: Time signals. 10.45: “Music and Flowers: Flowers and Society." 12.0: Lunch music. 12.30: Daventry news. 1.0: Weather report for aviators and week-end weather forecast. Running commentaries on the events of the second day of the Wellington Trotting Club’s autumn meeting. 3.28 ,to 3.30: Time signals. 4.0: Daventry news. 5.0: Children’s session. 5.45: Dinner music. (Subject to interruption for Daventry news at 6.15.) 6.55: Weather report. 7.0: Official news service, issued by the Prime Minister’s Department. British Official Wireless News. 7.10 (approx.): News and reports. 7.28 to 7.30: Time signals. 8.0: From the Exhibition Studio: New Mayfair Orchestra. 8.8: Phyllis Ferguson (soprano). 8.18: Orchestra Raymonde. 8.21: Jock Lockhart (comedy vocal). 8.29: Charlie Kunz (piano). 8.30: Nelson Eddy (baritone). 8.33: Edward Sundberg (xylophone). 8.34: Hans Busch Orchestra 8.43: Ambrose and his Orchestra. 8.46: Jock Lockhart (comedy vocal). 8.52: Louis Levy and his Orchestra. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.20: Weather report and station notices. 9.25: Recorded dance programme. 10.10: Dance music by Stan Grant and his Canadian Capers. 11.10: Close of normal programme. (During the war the station will be on the air until 12 midnight. Daventry news: 11.30.) Alternative Station 2YC (840 kllocycles)12.30 to 1.0 (approx.): Running commentaries on events of the Wellington Trotting Club’s autumn meeting, second day (relayed from Hutt Park). 5.0: Light music. 7.0: After-dinner music. 8.0: Music for the people. 9.0: Fun for all. 9.30: “Storm in Kettle Creek.” 10.0: Melody and humour 10.30: Close down.
3YA CHRISTCHURCH (720 Kilocycles)
6.0: Station on the air for Daventry news. 7.0: Daventry news. 7.10: Breakfast session. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.10: Selected recordings. 10.30: Devotional service. 10.45: Selected recordings. 11.0: Akaroa Centennial celebrations. 12.0: Lunch music. 12.30: Daventry news. 1.0: Week-end weather forecast. Lunch music.
2.0: Selected recordings. 3.0: Re-enact-ment of the landing of the French settlers and unveiling of the monument to commemorate the landing o Ithe French. 3.30: Sports results. 4.0: Daventry news followed by frost and special weather forecast for farmers. 4.30: Sports results. 5.0: Children’s session. 5.45: Dinner music. (Subject to interruption for Daventry news at 6.15.) 6.55: Weather report. 7.0: News service, issued by the Prime Minister's Department. British Official Wireless News. 7.10: News and reports. 7.45: Talk, George Gagley: "Understanding Europe: Italy (1).” 8.0: New Mayfair Orchestra. 8.10: Gladys Moncrieff (soprano) and John Valentine (baritone). 8.15: "One Good Deed a Day.” 8.30: Boston Promenade Orchestra. 8.36: Turner Layton (tenor). 8.43: Patrica Rossborough (pianoforte). 8.49: Michael Moore (impersonator). 8.56: Barnabas von Geczy and his Orchestra. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.20: Weather report and station notices. 9.25: Modern dance programme. 10.0: Sports summary. 10.15: Resumption of modern dance programme. 11.30: Close of normal programme. (During the war the station will be on the air until 12 midnight. Daventry news: 11.30.) Alternative Station 3YL (1200 kilocycles)— 5.0 to 6.0: Selected recordings. 7.0: Afterdinner music. 8.0: Symphony Concert. 9.30: Classical recitals. 10.0: Favourite entertainers. 10.30: Close down.
4YA DUNEDIN (790 Kilocycles)
6.0: Station on the air for Daventry news. 6.50: Weather report for aviators. 7.0; Daventry news. 7.10: Breakfast session. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.10: Selected recordings. 10.0: Weather report for aviators. Selected recordings. 10.50: A talk to women: "Music and Flowers: Your Birth Flower (6).” 12.0: Lunch music. 12.30: Daventry news. 1.0: Weather report for aviators. Weather forecast.
2.0: Selected recordings. 3.30: Sports results. 4.0: Daventry news. 4.45: Sports results. 5.0: Children's session. 5.45: Dinner music. (Subject to Interruption for Daventry news at 6.15.) 6.55: Weather report. 7.0: News service, Issued by the Prime Minister’s Department. British Official Wireless News. 7.10 (approx.): News and reports. 8.0: Light orchestral and ballad concert. Paul Whiteman and his Concert Orchestra. 8.14: Arthur Lungley (baritone). 8.20: Albert Sandler and his Orchestra. 8.26: Mary Pratt (contralto). 8.35: The LangWorth Concert Orchestra. 8.45: Arthur
Lungley (baritone). 8.51: The Light Symphony Orchestra. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.20: Weather report and station notices. 9.25: Dance music. 10.0: Sports summary. 10.10: Dance music. 11.15: Close of normal programme. (During the war the station will be on the air until 12 midnight. Daventry news: 11.30.) Alternative Station 4YO (1140 kilocycles)— 5.0 to 6.0: Recordings. 7.0: After-dinner music. 8.0: “Marie Antoinette." 8.14: In tune with the times. 8.30: The Mystery Club: "The Spark of Genius." 9.0: “Leaves from the Diary of a Film Fan.” 9.30: Band programme. 10.0: Merry and bright. 10.30: Close down.
SUNDAY 4YZ INVERCARGILL (680 Kilocycles) 11.0 to 1.0: Sunday morning programme. 12.30: Daventry news. 2.0: Orchestra Raymonde with vocal interludes. 2.30: Fall in and fly. 3.0: The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra: "Impressions of Vienna” (Mellchar). 3.12: Famous artists: Germaine Lubin (soprano), and Walter Gieseking (piano). 3.30 to 4.0: Medley time. 6.30: Relay of evening service from St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. Preacher: The Rev. C. J. Tocker. Choirmaster: E. H. Johnson. Organist: Mrs A. E. H. Bath. 7.45: Gleanings from far and wide. 8.15: “Night Nurse.” 8.28: Concert of works by British composers in honour of the birthday of Princess Elizabeth. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.30: "Oliver Twist.” 9.45: Slumber session. 10.0; Close down.
IYA AUCKLAND (650 Kilocycles)
6.0: Station on the air for Daventry news. (News at 7 a.m., 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.) 9.10: Selected recordings. 11.0: Anglican service, relayed from All Saints’ Church. 12.15: Selected recordings. 2.0: Selected recordings. 3.30: Music from “Things to Come.” 4.0: Daventry news. 4.20: Selected recordings. 5.30: Children’s song service. 6.15: Daventry news. 7.0: Church of Christ service, relayed from West St. Church of Christ. Preacher: Pastor William Campbell. 8.15: Selected recordings.
8.30: Concert programme. Regt. Band of H.M. Grenadier Guards. 8.40: Catherine Stewart (contralto). 8.44: Jack Mackintosh and Harry Mortimer (cornet duet). 8.47: Roy Henderson (baritone). 8.50: The Band of H.M. Royal Air Force. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.20: ■ Weather report and station notices. 9.25: Massed Cavalry Bands of the Aidershot and Eastern Commands. 9.31: Hubert Eisdell (tenor). 9.34: Regt. Band of H.M. Grenadier Guards. 9.42: Roy Henderson (baritone). 9.45: Jack Mackintosh and Harry Mortimer (cornet duet). 9.48: Catherine Stewart (contralto). 9.52: Grand Massed Brass Bands. 10.0: Close of normal programme. (During the war the station will be on the air until 12 midnight. Daventry news: 11.30.) Alternative Station IYX (880 kilocycles) — 6.0: Selected recordings. 8.30: Symphonic programme. 8.42: Elena Gerhardt (mezzosoprano). 8.50: Yehudi Menuhin (violin) with Orchestra. 9.24: Alexander Kipnis (bass). 9.36: London Symphony Orchestra. 10.0: Close down.
Alternative Station IZM (1250 kilocycles)— 10.0: Sacred and orchestral selections. 11.0: Concert session. 12.0: Luncheon music. 2.0: Selections from the shows and musical comedies. 3.0: Miscellaneous items, piano, piano accordion and organ selections. 4.15: Hawaiian and band music, popular medleys. 5.30: Announcements. 5.40 to 6.0: Light orchestral numbers. 7.0: Orchestral session. 8.0: Concert programme. 9.0: A. J. Sinclair: “Thomas, the Rhymer of Ercildoune.” 9.30: A garden or song. 10.0: Close down.
2YA WELLINGTON (570 Kilocycles)
6.0: Station on the air for Daventry news. (News at 6 a.m., 7 a.m. and 9 a.m.) 9.10: Recordings. 10.0: Weather report for aviators. 11.0: Presbyterian church service, relayed from St. John’s. 12.15 (approx.): Selected recordings. 12.30: Daventry news. 1.0: Weather report for aviators. Dinner music. 2.0: Music since 1900. 2.12: Selected recordings. 3.0: “Leaders of the Churches in Early New Zealand: Presbyterian Pioneers." 3.15: Selected recordings. 4.0: Daventry news. 4.20: Recordings. 5.30: Children’s song service. 6.15: Daventry news. 7.0: Roman Catholic Church service, relayed from St. Gerard’s Redemptorist Church. Organist and choirmaster: Henry Mount. 7.45 (approx.): Selected recordings. 8.0: Concert programme. The Philhar-
monic Orchestra. Berlin, 8.6: Phyllis Ferguson (coloratura soprano). 8.16: Boston Orchestra. 8.19: Tancredi Pasero (bass). 8.27: Boston Promenade Orchestra. 8.30: La Scala Chorus, Milan. 8.38: Boston Orchestra. 8.46: Georges Thill (tenor). 8.54: Grand Symphony Orchestra. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.20: Weather report and station notices. 9.25: Tire Centennial Festival Symphony Orchestra. 10.0: Close of normal programme. (During the war the station will be on the air until 12 midnight. Daventry news: 11.30.) Alternative Station 2YC (840 kilocycles)— 6.0: Selected recordings. 8.0: Favourite entertainers. 8.30: “Mist of the Years.” 9.0: Sunday night band concert. 10.0: Close down.
3YA CHRISTCHURCH (720 Kilocycles)
6.0: Station on the air for Daventry news. (News at 6 ajn., 7 a.m. and 9 a.m.) 9.10: Selected recordings. 11.0: Roman Catholic service, relayed from St. Mary’s Church. Preacher: The Very Rev. Father Hefferman, S.M. Organist: Miss Dorothy Blake. Choir conductor: W. A. Atwill. 12.15: Selected recordings. 12.30: Daventry news. 1.0: Dinner music.
2.0: Symphony in D Minor. 2.45: Selected recordings. 3.0 (approx.): Akaroa Centennial celebrations. 4.0: Daventry news. 4.30: Selected recordings. 5.30: Children’s service. 6.15: Daventry news. 6.30: Selected recordings. 7.0: Methodist service, relayed from East Belt Church. Preacher: Tire Rev. J. Allan. Organist and choirmaster: R H. Sherris. 8.15: Selected recordings. 8.30: Sir Thomas Beecham, conducting the London Philharmonic Orchestra. 8.40: Lotte Lehmann (soprano). 8.51: London Symphony Orchestra. 9.0: Weather report and station notices. 9.25: “The Trampled Herbage Springs.” 10.10: Close of normal programme. (During the war the station will be on the air until 12 midnight. Daventry news: 11.30.) Alternative Station 3YL (1200 kilocycles)— 6.0: Light music. 8.30: Music of the Spheres. 8.39: "The Mystery Club: Unrelenting Fate." 9.6: Sunday night concert. 10.0: Close down.
4YA DUNEDIN (790 Kilocycles)
6.0: Station on the air for Daventry news. (News at 6 a.m., 7 a.m. and 9 a.m.) 9.10: Selected recordings. 10.0: Weather report for aviators. Selected recordings. 11.0: Church of Christ service, relayed from St. Andrew street Church of Christ. Preacher: Pastor W. D. More. Choirmaster: G. Hickey. Organist: A. F. Beadle. 12.15: Selected recordings. 12.30: Daventry news. Selected recordings. 1.0: Weather report for aviators. Dinner music.
2.0: Selected recordings. 2.30: “Piano and Orchestra Symphony.” 2.55: Selected recordings. 4.0: Daventry news. Selected recordings. 5.30: Big Brother Bill’s song service. 6.15: Daventry news. Selected recordings. 6.30: Anglican service, relayed from St. Paul’s Cathedral. Preacher: The Dean. Organist: Professor V. E. Galway. 7.45: Selected recordings. 8.30: Yehudi Menuhin and the Symphony Orchestra of Paris. 8.34: The Madrigal Singers. 8.40: Eileen Joyce (piano). 8.47: Orchestra of the Opera Comique de Paris. 9.0: Daventry news. 9.20: Weather report and station notices. 9.25: “Music from the Theatre.” 10.0: Close of normal programme. (During the war the station will be on the air until 12 midnight. Daventry news: 11.30.)
Alternative Station 4YO (1140 kilocycles)— 6.0: Selected recordings. 8.30: “Wandering with the West Wind.” 9.0: A 8.8. C. recorded programme: “Who’s Hooper?” 10.0: Close down.
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Bibliographic details
Southland Times, Issue 24106, 20 April 1940, Page 17
Word Count
2,078RADIO PROGRAMMES Southland Times, Issue 24106, 20 April 1940, Page 17
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