CONTINUING until MONDAY, 31st JANUARY, 1938, inclusive, the 8.35 a.m. Christchurch-Invercargill and the 7.0 and the 1.25 p.m. Inverargdl-Dunedm M.d trams will run between DUNEDIN and GORE ONLY. . , _ _;n On SUNDAY, 2nd JANUARY, the 7.0 a.m. Invercargill-Lyttelton _ and the &35i a.m Chnstchurch-Invercarg Express trains WILL run. (The 7.0 a.m. Express will NOT run on to Wharf at Lyttelton). . On MONDAY 3rd JANUARY, special relief Express leaves Dunedin 5.43 pjn., Invercargill arrive 10.6 p.m. Special Express train leaves Invercargill 6.40 p.m., arrives Dunedin 11.3 p.m. and Christchurch 7.18 a.m. (4th).
Alteration to InvercargillClinton Trains On January 3 and 4, the 10.25 a.m. Invercargill-Clinton train due to leave Mataura at 12.17 p.m. will leave Mataura (EARLIER) 12.10 p.m. CONTINUING until TUESDAY FEBRUARY 2, the 6.50 a.m. Invercar-gill-Clinton MONDAY train will NOT run. The 6.10 a.m. Invercargill-Clinton train will run in lieu thereof, except on January 3rd and 4th, when train leaves Invercargill at 7.15 a.m. Kingston-Gore Express Lake Wakatipw Service CONTINUING until SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, inclusive, the 12.15 p.m. GORE-LUMSDEN train will run through to KINGSTON, leaving Lumsden 1.58 p.m. arriving . Kingston 3.35 p.m. Special passenger train leaves KINGSTON 11.0 a.m., arrives LUMSDEN 12.35 p.m. connecting with 1.0 p.m. LUMSDEN-GORE passenger train. Both trains connect with QUEENS-TOWN-KINGSTON steamer, which will run DAILY (except Sundays) during the same period, leaving QUEENSTOWN at 8.20 a.m., returning leaving KINGSTON 3.50 p.m. AFTER FEBRUARY 5, a steamer will NOT run for passenger traffic and passenger trains will NOT run between KINGSTON and LUMSDEN. Passengers will require to travel by QUEENSTOWN-INVERCARGILL road motor connecting at LUMSDEN with GORE-LUMSDEN passenger trains. , NOTE: Rail or steamer tickets are hot available by road motor. QUEENSTOWN-HEAD OF LAKE Until further notice, the QueenstownHead of Lake steamer wilt run EACH MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Steamer leaves Queenstown at 8.30 aim. and returns leaving Glenorchy at 3.30 p.m. Excursion Fares on Lake Wakatipu HOLIDAY EXCURSION tickets will be, issuable between Kingston and Queenstown and between Head of Lake and Queenstown until January 15,1938, inclusive, available for return up to and including February 5. DAY EXCURSION tickets to ELFIN BAY and GLENORCHY will be issuable until further notice. TRAIN ARRANGEMENTS Friday, December 31 — New Tear's Eve BLUFF LlNE.—Usual 9.20 p.m. train for Bluff leaves Invercargill 10.35 p.m. and arrives Bluff 11.19 p.m. Return train leaves Bluff at 11.30 pan. SEAWARD BUSH BRANCH.—Special passenger train leaves Waimahaka 5.41 p.m., Gorge Road 6.1, Mokotua 6.25, arrives Invercargill 7.0 p.m. Return train leaves Invercargill 10.25 p.m. Both trains stop where required. Saturday, January 1 WYNDHAM RACES, BLUFF REGATTA, TUATAPERE SPORTS WAIKAIA SPORTS (CANCELLED) SPECIAL EXCURSION TICKETS TO WYNDHAM, available to January 3, will be issued from Dunedin-Inver-cargill-Bluff, Lumsden and intermediate stations, also from stations on ’~aimea Plains, Tuatapere and Wairio Branches, by trains arriving Wyndham up to 11.43 a.m. on January 1. SPECIAL EXCURSION TICKETS TO BLUFF will be issued at Invercar-gill-Woodend and intermediate stations on January 1 by trains leaving Invercargill up to 1.50 p.m., available for return on day of issue only. Return fare, either class, 2/-. including admission charge, 6d, to Regatta.
[Saturday, January 1 (continued) CHEAP DAY EXCURSION TICKETS (second class only) TO BLUFF will also be issued by morning trains as follows:—From Clinton-Elles road, Tokanui-Appleby, Lumsden, Grassmere, and intermediate stations between these points; also from stations on Wairio and Tuatapere Branches. These tickets are available for day of issue only. The issue of first-class tickets on the Bluff line will be suspended on January 1. CHEAP DAY EXCURSION TICKETS TO TUATAPERE will, be issuable by morning trains from Winton-Ryal Bush and intermediate stations, and from Wrights Bush-Te Tua and intermediate stations; also from stations on the Wairio Branch. SPECIAL FARE FROM INVERCARGILL, WAIANIWA AND INTERMEDIATE STATIONS—S/- 2nd Return. These tickets are available for day of issue only. The issue of first-class tickets on the Tuatapere line will be suspended on January 1. INVERCARGILL-CLINTON-WYNDHAM The 2.35 p.m. Clinton-Invercargill train, due depart Mataura 5.48 p.m., will leave Mataura EARLIER at 5.42 p.m. Trains for Wyndham leave Invercargill 8.5 a.m. 10.0 a.m. and 10.50 a.m. Latter train stops Edendale only. The usual 10.25 a.m. InvercargillClinton train will NOT run between Invercargill and Edendale. The usual 4.0 p.m. InvercargillClinton train leaves Invercargill 5.25 p.m., Edendale 6.30, Gore 7.35 p.m. Does NOT connect with Waipahi-Edievale road motor.
Trains for Invercargill leave Wyndham Racecourse 5.45 p.m. (stops Edendale only) and 6.8 p.m. Trains for Wyndham leave Dunedin 7.30 a.m., Clinton 5.50 and 9.57 a.m., Gore 7.26 and 10.44 a.m. Train leaves Racecourse for Dunedin 5.45 p.m. For Gore and Clinton 5.45 and 6.8 p.m.
WAIMEA PLAINS BRANCH.— The usual 7.15 a.m. Lumsden-Gore train leaves Lumsden 8.30 a.m. and the usual 4.0 p.m. Gore-Lumsden train leaves Gore 6.55 p.m. Connects with train to and from Wyndham Racecourse. Waikaia sports (Switzers) CANCELLED. Special trains Gore-Switzers will NOT run.
BLUFF LlNE.— Ordinary timetable suspended. Trains leave INVERCARGILL for BLUFF 6.55 a.m., 8.45, 9.25, 9.50, 10.15, 10.35, 11.5, 11.35 a.m., 12.25 pan., 1.50, 3.10, 7.5, and 10.35 p.m. Leave BLUFF for INVERCARGILL 7.0 a.m., 8.0, 9.33 a.m., 12.27 p.m., 1.25 4.0, 4.35, 5.0, 5.15, 5.40, 6.15, 6.35, 8.40 and 11.25 p.m. SEAWARD BUSH BRANCH.— UsuaI 7.10 a.m. Tokanui-Invercargill train leaves Tokanui 7.55 a.m., Waimahaka 8.30, arrives Invercargill 10.3 a.m. Usual 4.15 pm. Invercargill-Tokanui train leaves Invercargill 6.30 p.m.
KINGSTON BRANCH.— ORDINARY TIMETABLE BETWEEN LUMSDEN AND INVERCARGILL SUSPENDED. —Trains for Invercargill leave Lumsden 7.2 J a.m., 2.55 p.m., leave Winton 8.54 a.m., 4.48 p.m.
Trains for Lumsden leave Invercargill 7.25 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Special train connecting at Makarewa with 5.40 p.m. Tuatapere-Invercargill train will leave Invercargill for Winton 7.25 pm., Makarewa 7.53 pan., Winton arrive 8.29 p.m.
TUATAPERE AND WAIRIO BRANCHES.— ORDINARY TIMETABLE SUSPENDED.—Trains for Invercargill leave Tuatapere 7.20 a.m., 5.40 p.m.', 5.55 p.m.; leave Riverton 9.1 am., 7.0 p.m. and 7.40 p.m. For Tuatapere. leave Invercargill 3.20 a.m., 9.5 am., 6.15 p.m. Train leaves Wairio for Thornbury 8.12 a.m., connecting at Thornbury with trains to Tuatapere and Invercargill. Train leaves Thornbury for Wairio 7.20 p.m. Connects with 5.40 p.m. train from Tuatapere and 6.15 p.m. train from Invercargill. Special train connecting at Invercargill with 8.45 a.m. Invercargill-Bluff train will leave Riverton 7.30 a.m., Invercargill arrive 8.41 a.m. Return special leaves Invercargill 7.45 p.m. (after arrival of 6.35 p.m. Bluff-Invercargill train), Riverton arrive 8.55 p.m., Orepuki arrive 9.54 p.m.
CLINTON LlNE.— Usual 5.50 a.m. Clinton-Invercargill train leaves Clinton 6.40 a.m., Gore 8.15, Mataura 8.37, Edendale 9.11 a.m. Stops opposite Invercargill Racecourse. Usual 6.50 a.m. Invercargill-Clinton train leaves Invercargill 7.15 a.m. Edendale 9.4, Gore 10.5 a.m. Train usually leaving Mataura for Gore at 12.17 p.m., leaves Mataura 12.10 p.m. Usual 4.0 p.m. Invercargill-Clinton train leaves Invercargill 5.40 p.m., Racecourse 5.50 p.m., Gore arrive 7.20, depart 8.5 p.m. Does NOT connect with Waipahi-Edievale Road Motor. WAIMEA PLAINS BRANCH.— Train for Riversdale leaves Gore 11.0 £ftm. Returns leaving Riversdale 6.15 p.m. BLUFF LINE.— ORDINARY TIMETABLE SUSPENDED: Trains leave Invercargill for Bluff 6.55 a.m., 9.5, 10.20, 11.20 a.m., 12.15 p.m. 2.0, 5.10 and 6.20 p.m. Trains leave Bluff for Invercargill 7.0 a.m., 8.0 a.m., 10.15 a.m., 12.15 p.m., 3.55, 4.50, 5.10 and 6.20 p.m. SEAWARD BUSH BRANCH.— The usual 7.10 a.m. Tokanui-Invercargill train leaves Tokanui 7.35 a.m., Waimahaka 8.17, Mokotua 9.9, arrives Invercargill 9.47 a.m. The usual 4.15 p.m. Invercargill-Tokanui train leaves Invercargill 6.0 p.m. KINGSTON BRANCH.— UsuaI 6.47 a.m. Lumsden-Invercargill train leaves Lumsden 7.50 a.m., thence as on FRIDAYS: Usual 4.30 p.m. InvercargillLumsden train leaves Invercargill 6.20 p.m., Winton 7.30, arrives Lumsden 9.15 p.m. Does NOT connect with afternoon train from Tuatapere. TUATAPERE BRANCH— The usual, 7.33 a.m. Invercargill-Tuatapere train leaves Invercargill 8.10 a.m., Makarewa 8.41, Thornbury 9.25 (connects with train from Wairio), Riverton 9.53, Colac 10.18, Orepuki 10.56, arrives Tuatapere 11.52 a.m. 1
The usual 6.25 a.m. Tuatapere-In-vercargill train leaves Tuatapere 7.30 а. Orepuki 8.8, Colac 8.38, Riverton 9.5, Thornbury 9.24 (connects with train from Wairio), Makarewa 9.57, arrives Invercargill 10.17 a.m. The usual 1.35 p.m. Tuatapere-In-vercargill train leaves Tuatapere 4.35 p.m., Orepuki 5.34, Colac 6.5, Riverton б. Thornbury 7.0 (connects with train to Wairio), arrives Invercargill 8.7 p.m. Does NOT connect with 6.20 p.m. Invercargill-Lumsden train. The usual 4.14 p.m. InvercargillTuatapere train leaves Invercargill 5.55 p.m., Thornbury 7.2 (connects with train to Wairio), Riverton 7.25, Orepuki 8.29, arrives Tuatapere 9.10 p.m. WAIRIO BRANCH.— The usual 7.15 a.m. Wairio-Thombury train leaves Wairio 8.0 a.m., Otautau 8.37 a.m. Connects with trains to Invercargill and Tuatapere. The usual 5.25 p.m. Thornbury-Wairio train leaves Thornbury 7.5 p.m. (connects with trains from Invercargill and Tuatapere), Otautau 7.48 p.m. Tuesday, January 4 INVERCARGILL RACES ' CLINTON LlNE— Usual 5.50 a.m. Clinton-Invercargill train leaves Clinton 6.40 a.m., Gore 8.15, Mataura 8.37, Edendale 9.11; arrives Invercargill 10.23 a.m. Stops opposite Invercargill Racecourse. Usual 6.10 a.m. Invercargill-Clinton train leaves Invercargill 7.15 a.m., Edendale 9.4, Mataura 9.30, Gore 10.5 a.m. ‘ Train usually leaving Mataura for Gore at 12.17 p.m. leaves Mataura "2.10 p.m. Usual 4.0 p.m. Invercargill-Clinton train leaves . Invercargill 5.40 p.m., Racecourse 5.55 p.m., Gore 8.20 p.m. TUATAPERE BRANCH— UsuaI 4.14 p.m. Invercargill-Tuatapere train leaves Invercargill 5.55 p.m., Thornbury 7.2 (connects with train to Wairio), Riverton, 7.25, arrives Tuatapere 9.10 p.m. WAIRIO BRANCH— The usual 5.25 p.m. Thornbury-Wairio train leaves Thornbury 7.5 p.m, (connects with train from Invercargill), Otautau 7.48 p.m. KINGSTON BRANCH.— UsuaI 4.30 p.m. Invercargill-Lumsden train leaves Invercargill 6.20 p.m., Winton 7.30 p.m.
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Southland Times, Issue 23392, 27 December 1937, Page 4
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1,563NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS Southland Times, Issue 23392, 27 December 1937, Page 4
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