I |F Suitings g B@ I* ’ s an additional pleasure, in | M / ~&siSl selecting a suiting for hard | KS X -=» i wear, to know that the weave | * s a k° stylish al, d distinctive. ;M SN v'Ak ! The man who chooses a vf Kj /, ZV-j 4/7? Golden Fleece Suiting Khl “NJ 11 A\ has t ' l * s assurance to the If] I ||: | W fulL '/fTSjw hlr OT? II \ Any bespoke tailor will |R £ 4 /A 'X »how you the new range || By jty* A \A of exclusive “Golden ga \\ Fleece” patterns. \\ |jf 4?" Every yard guaranteed !«j > I by the Agents and Pro- S , iMlwffiW prietors: Jg i MILLER & zJI! 1 1111™ AHEARN > S il w\ WeUinBton - ,/lookW fcs! I IAAw. iV' FORTHE I M RAM’S HEAD | XN ’ A -r'7 li goloberb ON THE ®S »l . 111..' .__ _'_ *V 2&5/S
Sleepless Babies Fretful, weakly children made well and strong. Healthy children sleep well. When W 1- they are fretful and fipStell',- nervous it is a sign that they need tonic assistance. Try Dr- Cassell’s Tablets. iH’AWn This safe medicine W make your child jk\ plump, bonny, and Overy t^- ~ . /j healthy, j (= ■ W’ 'I ' ! ’> ' • 'Wk' ’ llw/wWrilj///. Mrs. C. Query's Statement: ————————— Mrs. C. Overy, 15*, St. John's-road, Walthamstow, Take two AT London, E. 17, Eng., says: ’My little baby George, had been a constant anxiety for a long time. He had an-i•-refnZhe: aiT/fit ywi was painfully thin and feeble, and he was feel in the rooming. distressingly fretful. He never slept for more than a ———J few- moments at a tijne, and screamed during the Good for greater part of the time that he was awake. Night Nervous Anemia after night I had to get up t<? soothe bin, and con A”' s :wn Palpitation sequent)? continually lost sleep myself. he was ver) Jen w-akneso nervous—even when asleep he was not still, and Neur«3tiwHa medicine did him no good. At length, however, I _• ' ■ •"s weakness got Dr. Cassell’s Tablets, and at once they seemed to '7 l ’ wasting soothe him. He slept better, and then commenced to r 3 '” P «.^d a D*?g , Se CrttiSJ ™ ake P ro & ress - Now he is a bright, plump, bonny Periods of Life. child.” Dr. Cassell's PR^%'^ E V“ LAMD ' I w A CUJIdS
Never Camp Out I without BOVRIL J BOVRIL is famous all over the world as a Ift strength - giving drink. , It adds savour and nonr- / '*£&£ ishment to the cooking ? Is! pot as well. There’s A / nothing like Bovril. for Xjt-AX Y improving camp ( fwMB cookery and simplifying it too. Take ■ plenty of Bovril / \ with you. ft Pjj Bovril prevents that ®/ .^7/Taftr, sinking feeling " A V~jg WsSfisT
IHI One of Life’s I ; Consolations' ! f»W ’1 *TIIE cheering glow of stimulation pl 7% 1 that Wolfe’s Schnapps produces is, y/ in comparison, only a minor matter. \ > /// Wolfe’s Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps iVj / '/// is primarily a Diuretic, acting on the Vvl 'lvifWy/l//ir./ /// kidneys in such a way as to enable <-uU them to perform fully their task of Vi | ‘j/f/nf/j,! In I. t\ cleansing the blood of impurities. v 111 li' z//' , \\\ Thus it is that Wolfe’s, taken in the moder- 'lllill/ '' I I ate measure of “one a day for your health’s //////I /[ ! sake,” becomes one of life’s consolations I II I I I ' I II conducing to a cheerful well-being. 11l Illi I ■ WOLFE'S AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS "A Blersin^ 3 lo f/umanily
Page 17 Advertisements Column 1
Southland Times, Issue 19464, 31 January 1925, Page 17
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