REIN’S FOR RINGS. OUR LARGE AND INCREASING SALES IN DIAMOND RINGS indicate that our Southland people appreciate a square deal and good quality. QUALITY. VALUE ’ We use NO MISREPRESENTATION in our advertising. Our Stocks are clean; our Rings made and set by proper Ring-makers. We will be pleased at all times to show our RINGS and explain their merits. OUR NAME IN A JEWEL CASE MEANS QUALITY & SATISFACTION. SIZE CARD SENT POST FREE. N. J. M. REIN THE JEWELLER INVERCARGILL.
•se Dinner Sets we ' 1 : and Q’s ’—We saw d QUALITIES were 1 pie or gaily beautiful J zements of breakages. eif you want sound J <£ Co. I et, Invercargill JL
to uxe/VlirsQ Bulldog uinness’ Stout for its nourishing and sustaining sing Mothers, the Convalescent ed it to build up a permanent b. indy Cases* • Robert Por»,r 3 Co. Ltd. HAZLETT LTD. - BLUFF Guinness’ Stout bert Porter & Co. Ltd., London
Take a KODAK with you! Keep a pictorial record of the precious happy hours you spend with your children of their little frolics and pastimes. Such pictures, interesting now will be treasured in years to come. Any Kodak is convenient to B carry, easy to work and fun to use. You’ll get good picture from the start. See the compact, efficient No. 1 Autographic Kodak Junior. dSpw Price 55/-. Other Kodaks from 42/6 Box Brownies from 11/9 ya«r Kodak or Brownie and enter for Kodak £5OO Competition. Full particulars and entry form r from any Kodak Deai-r, LOCAL KODAK DEALERS: G. H. BROWN, Chemist, late Neil’s Dispensary MACALISTER & CO., Chemists G. I. MOFFETT, Chemist
(Amber Tips™J It’s all in the Cleaning t' and Pressing. VTO home-method of Cleaning and PreesjJl ing White or Light-coloured Clothes can give Clothes the new smartness of our scientific methods. We have the machinery and chemicals for Cleaning, the Presses for Pressing, and a Staff paid to devote their whole attention to this work. Tennis Flannels, Sporting Togs, Woollens, etc., a Speciality. SEND TO THE City Dye Works “ GEORGE STREET, DUNEDIN.
Page 10 Advertisements Column 1
Southland Times, Issue 19464, 31 January 1925, Page 10
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