MOTOR REPAIRING REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES. PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL REPAIRS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CHARGES MODERATE. MAXWELL SPARES STOCKIST. AGENT:. Jewett Six Car—Special . . . £485 Hobart Motor Cycles—English. £4B Direct Importation cause of Low Prices. Agent . . COLUMBIA BATTERIES. J. H. TATTERSFIELD Motor engineer, dee st. (North of Hospital). B URN LINTON COAL! SOUTHLAND’S BEST! A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. FULL STOCKS NOW AVAILABLE. MATAURA LIGNITE AND ALL CLASSES OF FIREWOOD. LINTON COAL DEPOTS, LTD. ESK STREET INVERCARGILL. ’PHONES— Office—lsB6. Yard—l3l7. MISS EME MILLS, CHIROPODIST, Neil's Buildings, Dee Street (Late Collins Street, Melbourne). CORNS, Ingrowing Toe-nails, Bunions, Flat Feet, Chilblains, Brokendown Arches, Weak Ankles and all Pedal Defects successfully treated. Consultations FREE. Telephone—l 479. JOHN MILLEB, M.R.C.V.S. (Member of the Royal College of Vetinary Surgeons, London). “RANNOCH HOUSE,” 278 SPEY STREET —’Phone 822
F ORBLINDS, CURTAINS —-And SOFT FURNISHINGS TRY WILLIAMSON’S We are Specialists in BLINDS and SHADES of all descriptions. We have just landed a further shipment of STRIPED VERANDAH TICKS for Outside Shades. Let us quote you Prices. CURTAIN NETS in great Variety. CRETONNES and Shadow Brocains. WINDOW FURNISHINGS Of Ail Descriptions. ART BLIND FACTORY Cr. Dee & Yarrow Sts., Invercargill. 11/ HEN once purchased a MENOFORM Vi Outfit will last you for months by adding a bottle of Tablets occasionally, which are sold to customers at almost cost
Page 6 Advertisements Column 1
Southland Times, Issue 19464, 31 January 1925, Page 6
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