NATIONAL MORTGAGE & AGENCY CO. CLEARING SALE AT SOUTH HILLEND. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1919. rpnE NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY CO., LTD., have received instructions from Mr Martin L. Crowe, *vho has sold his farm, to sell by public auction all bis LIVE AND DEAD STOCK on above date. Full particulars later. 0m465 CLEARING SALE AT ISLA BANK. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1919. THE NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY CO., LTD., have received instructions from J. Stenhouse, Esq., who has sold his farm, to sell by public auction all his LIVE AND DEAD STOCK on above date. Full particulars later. 0m465 CLEARING SALE AT SOUTH HILLEND. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1919. r T'HE NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY CO., LTD., have received instructions from Mr P. A. Cusack, who has sold his farm, to sell all his LIVE and DEAD STOCK on above date. Fuller particulars later. 0m462 J. R. MILLS & SON. CLEARING SALE AT DRUMMOND. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1919, At 12.30 p.m. T R. MILLS AND SON have re- * ceived instructions from the Administration in the Estate of the late David Lyon to offer by Public Auction, as above — 3 Draught GELDINGS J Harness MARE 2Q Mixed SHEEP. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.—2 Binders, Disc ! Harrows, 2 sets Tine Harrows, Cultivator, I Roller, Swamp Plough, d.f. Plough, Disc Plough, Digger Plough, Dray, Waggon, Buggy, Gig, Mower, Chain Harrows, Scoop, Turnip Sower, Sledge and Barrels, Fanners, Scuffler, Saddle and Breeching, Leading Chains, Trees, Blocks and Chains, Harness, Sundries, etc., etc. As the Property has been sold, the above will be disposed of without reserve. Also on account of a Client—--300 M.S. HOGGETS 200 Two and four-tooth WETHERS 2 Draught HORSES J Harness HORSE. LUNCHEON PROVIDED. 0j347 DONALD REID & CO., LTD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1919, At 12.30 o’clock. Corporation Yards, Balclutha. IMPORTANT SPECIAL SALE OF 18-MONTH TO 'THREE AND FOUR-YEAR-OLD BULLOCKS. TYONALD REID AND CO., LTD., acting under instructions from Mr P. Laughton and other farmers, will sell by auction, as above—--80 four-year-old BULLOCKS 320 three-year-old BULLOCKS 40 eighteen-month-old STEERS 60 yearling to three-year-old mixed-sex CATTLE 60 two-year-old HEIFERS 20 two-year-old STEERS 40 forward COWS and HEIFERS 12 forward BULLOCKS,' 2yrs and 4yrs old.
Will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. 201432 McKAY BROS. SALES BY AUCTION IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SELLING OUT. CONSULT US FIRST. ESTIMATES FREE. EXCHANGE MART McKAY BROS. AUCTIONEERS. ' Phone—lß. Box—l 7. SOUTHLAND FARMERS’ CO.-c/p, LTD. FARMERS COME TO THE CO-OP FOR YOUR SEED OATS. GRASS SEEDS, CLOVERS, TURNIP SEEDS and OTHER REQUIREMENTS. ALL VARIETIES IN STOCK NOTHING BUT THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE SEEDS. Southland Farmers' ASSOCIATION, LTD. INVERCARGILL IJORTH BRITISH BELTING keeps toe machines working satisfactorily. Year in, year out, it spells efficiency and economy. Ask your local dealer to give you full details with regard to prices and particulars. IJABY-FOLDEES, with and without Hoods, fyom 47/ G. Also Go-carta. LONDON PIANO CO, Esk street.
Page 8 Advertisements Column 4
Southland Times, Issue 18697, 15 October 1919, Page 8
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