MOTOR CARS AND MOTOR CYCLES. Garage Tel. 401. Paint Shop Tel. 747. BATH'S GARAGE (C. S. TRILLO in Charges.) "REPAIRS to any make of Motor Car, Motor Cycle, Motor Launch, Oil Engine or Machinery. Specialist on Magnetos, Starting and Lighting systems. Vulcanising, . Battery Charging, Body Building, Springs, Hoods,, Upholstering, Painting and General Blacksmithing done on the premises. Large stocks of Ford parts, Oil, Grease, and Motor Accessories always on hand. PRICES RIGHT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. TRY ME AND PROVE ME. C. S. TRILLO MECHANICAL AND MOTOR ENGINEER. Garage Tel. 401. Paint Shop Tel. "747. — FOR SALE. 1 1915 BUICK 5-seater; electric lights and "*■ starter. In good order. Good tyres. PRICE .. £325 1 1918 CHEVROLET, 5-seater; electric lights and starter; condition as new. Any trial. price .. £285 CENTRAL GARAGE Cr. ESK and KELVIN STREETS. °HONE—I33I. PHONE—I33I. SMALL’S. GARAGE LEVEN STREET (Opposite Garrison Hall). LEXINGTON MOTOR : CARS—Demonstration. 5-seater now to hand. FEDERAL TYRES —Stocks now arrived. EVER-READY STORAGE BATTERIES. Give your Car more pep and save yourself a heap of trouble by installing one of these famous Batteries, which are fully guaranteed for IS months against sulphating and other troubles. SPECIALISTS IN MOTOR REPAIRS. A TRIAL SOLICITED. TRIUMPH A TRADE MARK THAT HAS BECOME A A GUARANTEE. TRIUMPH MOTOR CYCLES Are known the universe over as “THE WORLD’S VERY BEST,” Not because the phrase has been extensively used in advertising, but because actual service proves this statement true. ITS WONDERFUL WAR SERVICE Has only increased its Reputation of Merits Efficiency, and Reliability That has resulted in a position of UNQUESTIONED SUPERIORITY. As the demand for TRIUMPH MOTORS is unprecedented, we advise buyers to book their Orders without delay. ANOTHER SHIPMENT DUE IN A FEW DAYS. WILSON & FRASER SOUTHLAND AGENTS. RABBITSKINS RANTED IN ANY QUANTITY. Prices still ruling very high. CALFSKINS RANTED IN ANY QUANTITY. Good, Bad or Indifferent. We can use all at our TANNERY. CONSIGN TO:— Kingsland Bros. & Anderson (LIMITED). TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL (Next Bank of Australasia). TANNERS, FELLMONGERS, AND EXPORTERS. CUFFERING WOMEN, avoid operations by using “Orange Blossom”; months treatment, 5/-. Post free. Address: Mn» Hawkins, 150 George street, Dunedin. CPRING BLOSSOM PILLS. Price, 1/. Cures Indigestion, Liver and Stomach troubles, Constipation. Sold everywhere. T'HE open-air baby gets on best. Leave yours out of doors most of the time, but put a North British Hot Water Bottle at his feet. Watch him grow. PECORD (double-sided , nnrf PnnlflP f Minstrel, Herald and Poplar, 25/- doz., or 2/6 each. Just arrived. LONDON PLANO CO., ttmt. _
Page 6 Advertisements Column 6
Southland Times, Issue 18697, 15 October 1919, Page 6
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