Ji.t&.'yr ' / /Ss- u■ - \ri\\ ~£A^3S^agggS3 •4/ A w, m n <j2s£ —' / S’JS BBB3f?SadS^ *TW3 453 i *sr>- » a* m m W2M nces±m : s?s *», VjW/A. mm mm // Spring Hats The increased business we are doing in this Department is convincing evidence that We Have The Goods. The present display is the Biggest and Best Assorted stock we have ever shown. The styles are deservedly popular, and you will find the hat you are looking for amongst them Our Smart Ready-for-Service Hat which has proved a record seller is here in many styles and colours. Prices 15/6 to 35/6 Semi-trimmed Hats Finished with artistic skill which raises a hat out of the ordinary and gives it a quite distinctive finish that charms the eye Prices 27/6 to 39/6 Imported Millinery Models Representative of the best from the work-rooms of Parisian and London Designers. Each with its own distinctive note that stamps it as the work of an artist Prices 45/- to 105/THOMSON & BEATTIE, Ltd. TELEPHONE 130. TAV STREET P.O. BOS .46.
COPELAND’S 36, DEE STREET. CLOTHING PRICES DURING THE NEXT TWO WEEKS AT THE CLOTHING DEPOT. COPELAND’S Set out with one great object in view, and that is to prove to the MEN of SOUTHLAND that ’twill pay to come from any distance to buy ypur CLOTHING OUTFIT. 12 pRICES: GENTS’ MOSGIEL TWEED SUITS, well made, no vents, cuff on trousers—Our Price TO-DAY, 75/-. 6 GENTS’ TRENCH OVERCOATS, lightweight—a beautiful quality—TODAY’S Price—9o/-. 4 GENTS’ SPORT SUITS—a bargain, 29/6. 0 DARK TWEED OVERCOATS, DR., splendid value—a bargain, 69/6 worth 20/- more. 10 PER CENT. DISCOUNT GIVEN TO ALL RETURNED BOYS. AT COPELAND’S 36, DEE STREET. Doig’s Sports Depot DEE STREET. XTAVE JUST OPENED fresh stock of ail Sports Goods. YOUTHS’ FOOTBALLS (complete), good leather, at 8/6, 9/6, 10/6, 12/6 each. HOCKEY STICKS, 9/6, 15/6 (ail cane handles) up to 22/6 each. SHIN GUARDS. 2/6 to 7/6 pair. GOLF CLUBS, CADDIE BAGS and BALLS. (Full stocks in all these lines.) Also large range of PIPES, TOBACCO POUCHES, CIO ALETTES, TOBACCOS, etc., etc. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED good as new. Tree Planting. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. YTWLNG to railway restricting weight to heavy tree orders meantime, as we hope restrictious will be removed m August. FRUIT TREES—Fruiting Bushes, Roses, and all Plants can be sent as usual. These Trees will be pruned and EXTRA Trees added to cover rad cost. SEEDS of all descriptions. Seed Potatoes. RED OIL for Spraying, Spray Pumps, etc., can be supplied as usual TOST US your full requirements. Wo will get them to you at minimum cost. j. lennie & sons NURSERYMEN & SEEDSMEN. INVERCARGILL. Telephone 291. PA Box 167,
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Southland Times, Issue 18697, 15 October 1919, Page 3
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