SERVICE^STATION The Sign of Real Service The Republic is not only the most dependable Truck, delivering real service under all conditions ; but every Republic-owner is sure of skilled advice and help whenever needed. Republic Distributors offer an adequate supply of spare parts —an organisation of capable, conscientious truck experts —co-operation in maintaining efficient haulage at the least possible expense. Let m show .you how the Republic is exactly suileJ to your needs. INGLIS BROS. & CO., Ltd. “ Republic” Distributors for N,Z. Jervois Quay, Taranaki and Cable Streets, WELLINGTON Seven Mode ____ HAISE3 —£ To Ton cCi SitJS m mmm sr m is aey *#r m iiii! II .1,,,-* H \-S?iiOtC £ W&i REPUBLIC TRUCKS. \T/’E can offer for immediate delivery:— MODEL SPECIAL FOR LIGHT WORK, 1, U, 2-24, and 3* TONS. INGL.IB BROS & CO., ttd. OBTAINABLE FROM ALL LEADING MOTOR GARAGES. MOTHER jsol^ : ■=*'« help that Mother Seigel’s Syrup gives to your digestive organs ensures the perfect assimilation of the possible. And not only that; you will then se- " r.' -- renewed sic: es of health and vitality. sa&Atrstr tK-.-riFisa?vv-/ Li M.vvM// ■.vivZKm/ Shoes arc winsome TRUE, AND>WHERE ONE S JCURES VALUE ALONG WITH STYLE, THE DESIRE OF THE SMART DRESSER’S HEART IS CONSUMATED. THAT WILL BE YOUR EXPERIENCE IF YOU PUR- . CHASE YOUR SUMMER SHOES AT “H.B.’s” THE QUALITY STORE. The latest models PATENT TWO-TIE SHOES very neat. PATENT DERBY SHOES, welted soles and dull kid insertion 32/6 35/, PATENT COURT SHOE, welted soles, self bow .. .. 35/ GLACE ANKLE-STRAP SHOES, very smart shape .. 27/6 New Zealand NfcW'ZEACAND 01 CLOTHING FACTOR' CiolMng Factory
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Southland Times, Issue 18697, 15 October 1919, Page 3
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