% v>. Only the Best Only the best fruit and the best sugar are used in the making of St. George Conserve. At the height of the season the fruit is gathered from the sunny Teviot Orchards—golden, velvet-skinned fruit that rivals the best from the Mediterranean. In the well-ordered St. George Kitchens these luscious fruits are made into rich jam the stones are removed —IA sugar is added, and the boiling is done t« a nicety in steam-heated aluminium pans. And then the solderless cans. St. George Conserve is sold in safe cans in which no solder is used—no danger from poisonous spirits-of-salts. Buy one tin of New Zealand’s best— n ST. GEORGE Conserve When Energy is Lacking! When you feel more like resting “ nd . lc,, J ike your nerves lack the essential nerve food-phosphorus. MARSHALLS supplies the nerves with phosphorus and so builds up the system. It makes the eyes bright, the step buoyant and turns dull liitieuneii into splendid energy. It’s only necessary to take a few drops daily in water. As an invigorator Marshalls Fospherine is without equal. Make the Fosphenne spelt with an F. 1/-, '/ 6 - a bottle from chemists and stores. Wholesale from * , Marshall* Piopriolasy Ltd- Moray PUoo. Dansia
a* V You’ll be thinking of Summer days and "H.B.’s” now ITS DURING THE WARM DAYS OF SUMMER THAT MAN GIVES MORE THAN AVERAGE ATTENTION TO THE LITTLE THINGS OF DRESS—TIES, SOCKS, COLLARS, BRACES AND THE LIKE. “H.B’b” HAVE ANTICIPATED YOUR SUMM KK NEEDS. Buy Your Mercery To-day MEN'S FANCY TIES (newest designs) 2/6,2/11. MEN’S FANCY TIES (slide easy) 3/11, 4/6. MEN’S FANCY CASHMERE SOCKS (good quality) 4/11. MEN’S SAMSON BRACES (strong) 2/6. MEN’S HEAVY HERCULES BRACES (extra strong) 4/11. New Zealand Clothing Factory NEW ZEALAND CLOTHING FACTORY HEADSTALLS | Full Size Adjustable. JHf Posted to any AdExtra Strong dress 17s 6d ■ With Bit 20s RITCHIE & CO., importing and Manufacturing Saddlers, { DEE STREET, INVERCARGILL t
Page 2 Advertisements Column 5
Southland Times, Issue 18654, 26 September 1919, Page 2
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