WRIGHT, STEPHENSON & CO,. LTD. CLEARING SALE AT LORNE. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1919. WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AND CO., ’ ’ LTD., instructed by Mr Robert Officer (who has sold his property), will offer by public auction on Monday, at 12 o’clock sharp, the following:—• CATTLE. 1 Pedigree JERSEY COW, "Beauty” (due to calve beginning of October. Particulars at sale). 1 Pedigree JERSEY COW "Madge” (in milk, due, to calve in Feb., 1920. Particulars at Sale). 1 JERSEY HEIFER "Marchioness” (due to calve Dec. 21, 1919). 1 JERSEY HEIFER "Queen of Lome” (due to calve on Dec. 26, 1919. Pedigree given at Sale). SUNDRIES, ETC.—Hall Lamp, 3 Bedroom Sets, Overmantel, Plush Suite, Flower Stand, Hanging Lamps, Kitchen Lamp, Washstands, Towel Rack, Dressing Table, Kitchen Chair, 3 large Jars, Lister Separator, 2 Churns and Wooden Tub, 2 Milk Basins, Milk Bucket, Flour Bin, Jam Bottles, Flower Pots, Milk Strainers, Cheese Vat, Lamp Oven, Large Pot, 1 Hive ol Bees and box, large Basket, small Milk Can, Step Ladder, Telescope Ladder, Wheelharrow, 2 Trestles and Plank, Coal Shovel, Maul, Long-handled Shovel, Cross-cut Saw (newl, Seed Potatoes, S bags Oats, about 4 tons Coal, quantity of Paints and Oil, Chicken Coop and Fountain, Cask, Frame Saw, Scythe, Petrol Sheri (small), Stack Cover, 2 Sashes 34 x 37, 8 or 9 fathoms Inch Rope, 1 (newl Double-barrel Gun, 1 (newi Single barrel Gun, Iron Water Trough, etc. 35w746 HOYLE’S BLOOD MIXTURE. A VALUABLE Remedy for disorders arm impurities of the blood. Jt is composed oi sarsaparilla bieuueu with a soluble iron salt, and presents the necessary elements ot purest quality lor dmusion in the blood. It is most beneficial in all cases of ill-health arising from impurity of the blood. Price —3/0. Obtainable from Price —3/6 MACALISTEE & CO. UL WINNING), CHEMISTS AND OPTICIANS, DEE ST., IN VhIRUARGILL. Phone — i>. 80x—230.
KIA OKA itn ot cJ t't'L.ri ROOMS iiALLENSTELvS BUTLDLNGS ENTRANCE FROM ESK STREET. Mor mug leas. Luncheon. Auernouu leas and supper. HOT TEAS AMD SUTTER. MRS JAMES LAVERTY MRS D. JACK (Late Diptou and Mossburn), Jp466 Propnet.essw. GENUINE SALE 0 F HANDBAGS (all latest designs) OFFERED AT A BIG DISCOUNT TO CLEAR. Do not fail to secure a good quality Handbag at low prices. SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS. J, M. McNaughton & Co. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS,! ESK STREET. Tree Planting. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. YAWING to railway restricting weight to 661b bundleo, wo advise bolding over heavy tree orders meantime, as we hope restrictions will be removed in August. FRUIT TREES —Fruiting Bushes, Roses, and all Plants can be sent os usual These Trees will be pruned and EXTRA Trees added to cover rail cost. • SEEDS of all descriptions. Seed PotaRED OIL for Upraying, Spray Pumps, etc., can be supplied as usual POST US your full requirements. We will get them to you at minimum cost. J. LENNIE & SONS NURSERYMEN & SEEDSMEN, INVERCARGILL. Telephone 291. P.O- Box 167. PUBLIC NOTICE. to increase in business and to be able to execute more promptly the delivery of Orders of Wood and Coal, etc., we will close our BRANCH OFFICE IN NITH STREET on and after OCTOBER 1 and concentrate all business in our Main Office in SPEY ST. Telephone—l 37. SOLE AGENTS for FAMOUS MOSSBANK COAL Give Us a Trial Carrol & Thompson
Page 8 Advertisements Column 3
Southland Times, Issue 18654, 26 September 1919, Page 8
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