a o First Favourite in the Home! —and it is no wonder Snowball Floor is so popular when one sees the delicioas appetising cakes, scones, pastry or bread it helps to make. Snowball Flour is silky fine, leavens evenly, bakes perfectly. Higlsest in quality, uniform in results, perfectly pore. You owe k to yourself to ase this superfine floor. 0.37 SnowbaH K FiiOim ' Thm Dotty Kneadf -when tKe boys come home” The Y.M.C.A. will continue to work for each with the fullest strength of its organisation, as it has done in the Camps, at the Base Depots and in the Trenches. Free Membership for Twelve Months Will be given to all returned soldiers. If you have served with the N.Z. Forces, it is only necessary to apply to the Secretary of the nearest Y.M.C.A., when a free membership card will be issued entitling you to all the privileges of the institution. Let us still keep together in New Zealand under the sign of the ■“Red Triangle.” ' Further information from National Secretary, Y.ALCA. Headquarters, Baker’s Bldgs., Wellington. W/A % €SO yeans* Have proved. its omxnj&n^r\ Only a medicine of merit can stand the time test. And now, as then, there is no other remedy for coughs and colds that can riral Bennington’s Irish Moss. Every winter sees a bigger demand for this standard family remedy—mothers recommend it to newly married daughters who follow the family custom and keep a bottle in the house. Bennington's allays Inflamation, soothe* the throat and bronchial tube* ami assist* in throwing off phlegm. It quickly relieve* chest cold* and may safely be given to tho youngest child. There are many imitations of Bonnington'* bnt none have the qualities of the genuine. Bbramw*toii’s IrishOMbss 'Tie the favourite of old and young—- _ children like it—parents valne its eurative properties. 183 A *OIO and pleasant specific for removing worms is WADE’S WORM FIGS, price 1/6. —(AdyM
Page 6 Advertisements Column 2
Southland Times, Issue 18654, 26 September 1919, Page 6
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