Your Last Chance ! TO SECURE PATENT LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES. Some time ago the export of Patent Leather from England was stopped, only orders on hand to be executed. Through an error in cabling, our London Agent duplicated a previous order and placed it in hand before the prohibition came into force. These Goods have just arrived. £7OO Worth of First-class PATENT LEATHER FOOTWEAR, including COURT SHOES, ANKLE BOUND SHOES and BALMORALS. As there is only a limited quantity and no prospect until the war stops of securing further supplies, we advise our customers to make an early purchase. JOBN KWGSIANi & €9., ’PHONE,'IO9 .. Box, 27. .. INVERCARGILL. 4i 0 m/ . I i S O m A =3 \ on! Its real gfrand tf Delicious, fragrant Coffee, with an exquisite flavour, and free from dregs or impurities, is made from Highlander Milk Co|ee. The scientific method with which rich creamy “ Highlander ” Milk is mixed with the finest Coflee gives to “ Highlander ’* Milk Coflee unequalled freshness, flavour, and purity, and makes it highly nourishing. Connoisseurs say it is far superior to Coflee made in the ordinary way, whether from coffee essence or ground toffee. One spoonful makes one cup. Therefore it is as economical and convenient as it is delicious. Your grocer stocks it. Insist on getting “ HIGHLANDER.** Prepared in New Zealand. All - British made by an All - British Company. Highlander MUkCoffee !p y 4 TOOLS for All Trades ! Best Value in Southland THOMSON, BRIDGER & CO., LTD. WAREHOUSE, DEE STREET. BOX 105, INVERCARGILL. IRON YARDS, SPEY STREET.
Page 6 Advertisements Column 3
Southland Times, Issue 17805, 2 November 1917, Page 6
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