Lance-Corporal Halpin, M.M., who recently returned from the front, was tendered a very warm welcome home by the city carters in Martin and Co.’s rooms on Wednesday evening, Mr J. Alsweiler presiding over a large and enthusiastic gathering. The chairman alluded to the guest’s departure for the front two years ago, and voiced the feelings of all present when he said that in welcoming him home again the carters all felt highly honoured to think that one of their colleagues had returned to them with such a distinction as he had gained. The guest, in replying, said he was especially pleased with the warm welcome extended to him by the carters when he arrived at the station. He also touched upon the terrible sacrifices being made by the people of Britain and France. The following toasts were duly honoured:—“ The King.” “Empire,” “Amy and Navy," “Parliament,” Expeditionary Forces,” and “Visitors.” The following kindly assisted to entertain during the evening : —Messrs Fitzgerald, Stewart, Garston, Couling, Hinton, and Sycamore. At the suggestion of the chairman a collection was taken up to assist the boys at the front, to be forwarded to the local Red Cross funds, the amount being £2 10s.
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Southland Times, Issue 17805, 2 November 1917, Page 5
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