FOR THE EMPIRE’S CAUSE. CRICHTON.—KiIIed in action, in France, on October 12, 1917, Private H. Crichton, dearly beloved son of Henry and Jane' - Crichton, Elies road. South Invercargill; in his 24th year. FINDLAY.—KiIIed in action in prance, on October 12, 1917, Rifleman James Arthur Findlay, son of the late Thomas Findlay, in his 33rd year. ‘Tor King and , Country.” FRISBY.—Killed in action, October 10, 1917, in France, Sniper William Edward, dearly beloved eldest son of William Fnsby, Browns; in his 37th year. - ‘Tor King and Country.” GIBSON. —Killed in action, somewhere in France, on October 12, Private Clarence H. Gibson, 18th Reinforcements, beloved son of Mr and Mrs N- Gibson, of Chelmsford St., Invercargill; in his 22nd year. ‘Tor his King and Country.” INGRAM. —Killed in action in France, October 12, 1917, Sergt. H. Ingram (Bert), beloved second son of Mr and Mrs W. H. Ingram, of Nelson street, Invercargill. KERR. —Killed in action in France, October 12, 1917, Private Alexander Kerr, 24th R«nforcements, son of W. L. Kerr, 88 Venus street, Georgetown, Invercargill. ‘Tor King and Country.” s KIRWAN.—KiIIed in action in France, October 12, 1917, John Augustus Kirwan, beloved youngest son of John Kirwan, East Road, Invercargill; aged 25 years. R.I.P. WATSON. —Killed in action, in France, October 12, 1917, Thomas, beloved brother of Mrs R. Fraser, Mrs A. Fraser, and Mrs George Anderson. “He gave his life his country.” T. HIDE TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL. 1918 SOLDIERS’ DIARIES (with 365 pages), Ready for posting, 3/6 each. PATRIOTIC CHRISTMAS CARDS for the Boys at the Front. STATIONERY AT ALL PRICES. Tablets—l/-, 1/3, and 1/6. Boxes of Paper and Envelopes, 1/- and 1/6. LADIES' HANDBAGS, SUIT CASES and DRESS BASKETS, at all Prices. T. HIDE. Undertakers: Thoneß 501111(1 835< MONUMENTAL SCULPTORS. J. FRASER & CO. . Corner SPEY and KELVIN STS., INVERCARGILL. SCIENTIFIC LENSES Science has found that in all Light there are certain invisible rays harmful to the Eyes, and Science has also found the gloss that will SAVE YOUR EYES from these Rays. It is known as: WELLSWORTH CROOKES GLASS. Lenses can be ground to your prescription frbm this ideal Glass. J. D' GILMORE D.S.OJ. OPT.G.,, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST, PEE ST., opp. P. 0., INVERCARGILL. rpO FARMERS. "CRITERION" GRAIN And TURNIP MANURES Produce the BEST CROPS AND ROOTS Of HIGHEST FEEDING VALUE. Highest grade ingredients used in mixtures. Guaranteed analysis. Reserve your order for “Criterion” this coming season. ONCE I|BED ALWAYS USED. dalgetyTco.. Ltd. INVERCARGILL,
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Southland Times, Issue 17805, 2 November 1917, Page 4
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