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6 o NOTES BY SIR MODEED. Entries for the Otago Hunt Club’s meeting, on Sept. IS, close on Wednesday, Sept, 1. Nominations for all handicaps at the Ashburton County R.C.’s spring fixture close on Monday. The handicaps for the forthcoming New Zealand Trotting Club are due on Monday, August 30. The name of Gienshine has been claimed for the chestnut colt by Glenculloch —Minaret now under 3?. T. Hogan’s care. The Otago Hunt Club are moving to have the second express to Invercargill stopped at Wingatui on Saturday, Sept. IS. When the last mail to hand left London news had just been received that racing was being carried on in both Austria and Germany. On July 3 the list of winning horses in England was headed by the New Derby winner, Pommern, who had £9500 to his credit won in two races.
The Otago Hunt Club desire it known that their handicapper. Mr H. Gourley, has emphatically stated that he has no intention of entering any of his horses for their meeting.
The horse breeding industry in East Prussia is likely to be crippled for many years as the result of a Russian incursion there. Herr von Oetttngen, who succeeded the late Count Lehndorff as director of the Prussian Government studs, has reported to the Government that the Russians took away 20,000 brood mares of the highest class and uprooted the foundations of the horse-breeding industry in that country'.
When the last mail to hand left England the leaders in the jockeys’ premiership list were.—£?. Donoghue, 219 mounts. 35 wins; M. Wing, 160 mounts, 24 wins; F. Rickaby, 110 mounts, 23 wins; J. Clark, 14S rides, 20 wins.
At the first meeting of the recently elected committee of the Gore Racing Club it was decided to increase the stakes for the spring meeting by £3OO. The committee also voted the sum of £IOO to the Wounded Soldiers’ Fund, in addition to which a percentage of the profits from the spring fixture will be added to the same fund. Mr R. E. Harley was re-appointed starter for the season. The Riversclale mare Queen’s Drive, who won in Christchurch last week, will probably go to the stud this season. It is on the cards that Queen’s Drive and her young daughter by King Cole will be
mated with Denver Huon. The King Cole filly was a promising youngster, but it is surmised that she met with an accident by reason of being gored by a bullock, hence any idea of rat ring her had to be abandoned.
The pacing mare Lady Clare, who won tlie New Zealand Trotting Cup in 1911, is in foal this season to Ravenschild, who won the big November race in 1913. Lady Clare was sold last week for a very low figure to a North Island sportsman, and is to be mated this year with Petereta.
The four-year-old gelding All Ready, by All Red —Aeinina ("sister to Canrohert) will in future be trained and raced by R. McKay, who acted as mentor to the late Mr St. John Buckley. Mr Buckley made arrangements for All Ready to be leased to McKay, who is entitled to the credit of developing the All Red gelding into a very useful At a meeting of the Gore Racing Club on Saturday evening it was intimated from headquarters that it would be necessary in future for the club to pro- | vide an approved box for jockeys drawi ing for places for starting positions. It j v. as stated that the box could be proi cured for £7, plus railage. The sum was ! thought to he quite exorbitant, though there seems no remedy but to procure a i box. A way out of the difficulty, however. (says ■■Starter” in the Mataura Ensign) seems to lie for all the Southland . clubs to tri.cMiro a box and pass it round : at tlie various meetings: this, of course, only refers to clubs which do not already possess one of the boxes referred to. It may be staled that no complaints have been made in regard to the means already provided by the Gore Racing Club for drawing for places. One of the most promising young horses at present being,educated in America is Volga, a two-year-old sister to the champion three-year-old trotter Peter Yolo, who lias a record of Minin Ml secs. Volga has already trotted a mile in ”mi n IMsec. It is anticipated that she will heat all existing two-year-old records. Peter Volo. by the way. is a son of Peter the Great, sire of Petereta. a horse who is making a name for himself as a sire of promising young square gaited trotters in Canterbury. At a meeting of the committee of the Gore Trotting Club held on Monday evening, the president (Mr O. Kelly) mentioned that at the last annual meeting it was made a recommendation to the committee that steps should be taken to obtain a permanent lease of the Gore racecourse for the annual race meeting from the Gore Racing Club. All the members present were unanimous in the opinion that the Gore Trotting Club was very fairly treated by the Racing Club and that things should bo allowed to go as at present. Mr W, Kerr, of Wildwood Farm, New Brighton, sold his pacing gelding Inwood to Mr R. Logan, of Oamaru. Inwood, who was foaled in 1910, is by Wildwood Junr. —Sybil, and is thus a full-brother to Prince Akwood, who won the last New Brighton Trotting Club's Derby. Inwood lias not yet been started in a race.
It is reported from Christchurch that the Martian —Cora Lynn filly, which Mr M. Hobbs has had in work for some time, lias been sent to .‘'"outhland on a visit to the Multiform horse, Vice-Ad-miral. who is now located at his owner's property at Woodlands.
At a general meeting of the Tapanui Racing Club held last week the following appointments were made:—Judge, Mr A. Mclntyre: handicapper. Mr Gibbs; starter. Mr W. K, Quinn: assistant starter, Mr McAuley; timekeepers, Messrs Bundle. Lischner and Willis: totalisalor steward. Mr A. T. Jenkins; paddock steward, ill' A. Haugh.—Mr F. Lischner (a member of the retiring grounds committee) reportetl that the course opposite the stand was in a very had state and that a new fence was urgently required there. The report was received.— The following committees were then elected: —General, Messrs Collins, Atkins and Sheddan; programme. Messrs Atkins, Bundle and Grant ; judicial, Messrs Regers, Robertson. Fleming, Atkins and Lischner; privilege. Messrs Collins, Munyard antß McAuley.—Four new members were elected. The grounds committee was instructed to see what improvements were required and report. The annual meeting of members of the Win ton Trotting Club will be held in the club’s rooms on Wednesday evening next. An important sale of blood stock will be conducted by the Mational Mortgage and Agency Co., Ltd., at Fairfax on Wednesday next on behalf of Mr Chas. Affleck, who has disposed of his farm. The principal attraction of the occasion will be the submitting at auction of the leading sire of the province, Canroberl, by Soult —Hotcherina, by Hotchkiss. The handsome brown horse has made quite a name for himself of late by reason of the deeds of his sons and daughters.
- including Duller, Darin gd ale, Robert - Bell, Giralda, Sir Brigid, Spanish Prinl cess, Canrobnr, and Heatherbloom. The - son of Soult is one of the most commanding stallions in the South Island, and in view of his success at the stud should command a substantial price. Mr Affleck’s second stallion. Stronghold, by Clanranald—Safeguard, will also be offered and should find a new owner in the light of the recent running of his sons Derby Day, Firmhold, and Daylight Bill. Of the elder of the mares, the matron Matapiro, by Torpedo—Eivuf I®*’ comes from one of the greatest ’ staying and performing families in. Hawke’s Bay, while , a three-year-old , Canrobert—St. Brigid filly may turn out ' the best of a line of winners from the old St. Andrew mare, as she certainly r l ias Sood looks to recommend her. One ■ of the most promising two-year-old geldL ings of the province, in the youngster by Canrobert from Matapiro, will be «nbmitted and those who sec him will ad--1 mlt that he bears the appearance of be- • ing something out of the ordinary. He ’ is of the material from which jumpers are developed, and in this connection should commend himself to the steeplechasing talent of the Western District. In many quarters it is considered Hut ■ the crack mare Warstep has been leniently treated in the New Zealand Cup with an impost of 9.5, but it remains to 1 be proved that she can win a two-mile handicap under such conditions, more 1 esepcially when it is remembered that no horse has yet won the big race with more than 5.9 in the saddle —Tasman, Vanguard, and Lady Zetland carried 8.9, ' and the last-named succeeded as far hack as 1596. Quite a number of the horses in the race look like proving strong opponents to the great daughter of Martian on the eventful early Saturday in November, but to southern minds John Barleycorn will prove hardest of all to dispose of. The son of Sarto with 7.8 opposite his name looks to be particularly well treated, as it in known in well-informed circles that he was unlucky in the last Dunedin Oup won by Warstep and in several occasions since February last, the date of the race referred to, he has demonstrated that he can both sprint and stay. His performance in carrying 10.12 into third place in the Winter Cup last week must be taken to demonstrate that he is a good horse, as tliis important winter event provides a unique test for speed and stamina. The annual meeting of members of the Southland Racing Club will be held in Allen’s Hall on Friday evening of . next week when a very satisfactory report and balance sheet will be laid before those in attendance. The report shows that the club’s revenue for the past season was £8975 13s 6d, as against an expenditure of £8529 4s Sd, leaving a surplus of £446 Ss lOd, while the statement of assets and liabilities shows an estimated surplus of assets amounting to £8269 12s. The totalisator turnover has grown from £7258 in 190S-4 to £54,233 last season. The annual meeting will consider a notice of motion ly, M r T. Price :—"That £l5O of the monH in hand for the Wounded Soldiers’ Fur (collected last year) be handed over > the Sports’ Princess Committee Fund.’ METROPOLITAN - TROTTING CLUB. NEVA’ ZEALAND CUP NOMINATIONS. The following nominations were received for the New Zealand Trotting Cup. to be decided at the Metropolitan Trotting Club’s November meeting:— NEW ZEALAND TROTTING CUP, of 2500sovs. Two miles. W. Kerr’s b hj Admiral Wood, by Wildwood Junior —D.I-C., syrs. M. Edwards's hj m Adelaide Direct, by Directway Honest Harry mare, aged, M. Edwards’s b Ii Wallace Wood, by Wallace L—Cissie Wood, aged. J. Henderson's b g Tommy C, by Young McKinney—Tracey mare, 6yrs. J. G. Lecky’s blk hj Manderene, by Norval —Eland, aged, .1. Fleming’s b hj Our Tnorpe, by C.Y.M. —Lady Thorpe, oyrs. N. L. Price's r m Muricata, by Mauritius —Ocean Wave, aged. R. T. Reid s g g Eccentric, by Geo. M, Palchen—King- Harold mare, aged. W. .1. Morland’s hr m Country Belle, by Wild Moor—Bonnie Belle, aged. W. G. Abbott’s hr m St. Ursula, by Papanui—Lucy Hinton, syrs. R. Allan’s br g Don Caesar, by Prince Imperial—Maritana, 6yrs. Stevenson and McMatb’s ch m Winsoon, by Xving Child—Topsy, aged. R. McDonnell’s b m Emmeline, by Rothschild — Imperialism, aged. t T. Roe's g m Steel Bell, by Gold Bell—* King George mare, 6yrs. R. E. Hall’s b g Frandocia, by Franz—* Cappadocia, aged. H. F. NicolPs b Ii St. Swithin, by Rothschild —Queen V, aged. W. -I. M. Hopkin's b hj Albert H. by Rothschild —Jessie, aged. J. C. Whiteman’s b hj Adonis, by Harold Dillion —Thelma, aged. W. James’s b hj Calm, by Wildwood Junior—Gertie, aged. H. W. Kitchingham’s b hj Jirtgie, by Capitalist—Merry Bell, aged. A. T. Maiden’s b g Redmac, by General Mac —Speculation, aged. CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. The following handicaps have been dA. dared for the NEW ZEALAND CUP, of 2000 sovs. Two miles. st. ita. C. G. Dalgety's b m Warstep, by Martian—Stepdancer. 5 yrs . . 9 5 E. .1. Watt’s br g Sea Pink, by Seaton Delaval—Rose Madder, aged S 11 Marlon’s b m Pavlova, by Charlemagne ll.—Stepka, 5 yrs . . S 9 Collis and Casey’s br g Colonel Soult, by Soult —Lady Winnie, 6 yrs ~ - . .. S 5 A. R. Durranfs b m Sinapis, by St. Ambrose—Prologue, aged . S 5 A. Alexander’s ch m Bonny Helen, by Boniform—Helen Portland, 5 yrs S S W. Duncan’s b hj Rinaldo, by Charlemagne ll.—Demeter, 5 yrs S 3 W. Raleigh's blk hj Rewi Poto, by Maniapoto—The Boyne, 5 yrs S 2 S. Oliver’s hj m Kooya, by Signalman —Koiano, 6 yrs S 0 G. Hunter’s ch g Indigo, by Mystification —Mungista, 4 yrs .... S 0 A. B. Williams’ b g Multiply, by Multilid —Lady Augusta, 6 yrs 7 11 J. Hawkins’ br hj Lord Multifid, by Multifid—Lady Nell, 4 yrs . . 7 9 G. F. Hardy’s b g Croesus, by Royal Fusilier —Aurarius, 4 yrs 7 S W. Gardiner, .iunr’s b g John Barleycorn, by Sarto—Brha, 5 yrs 7 S W. C. Ring's 1 1 g Putoa, by Monoform—Black Watch, 6 yrs . . 7 S Sir George Clifford’s br hj Nightwatch, by Treadmill —Glenowlet, 5 yrs 7 S G. D. Greenwood's cli m Banksia. by Achilles —Tortulla, 5 yrs’. 7 S H. G. Taylor’s hj m Bee, by Martian—Lady Disdain, 4 yrs - . 7 T M. Chaafe’s b g Mummer, by Gaze-ley—-Mimic, C yrs I S J. H. Prosser’s hr hj Coldstream, by Gold Crest —The Shannon, 4 yrs I 5 E. J. Watt's hr g Blackall, by All Black—La Notte, 4 yrs .... 7 4 R. Buick’s b c Three, by The Welkin—Teppo, 3 yrs 7 3 A. Alexander’s b m Sunbird, by Martian—Mary of Argyle, 5 yrs 7 2 W. Karaitiana’s ch b Sir Alba, by Sir Laddo—St Alba, 6 yrs . , 7 3 A. W. Rutherford, junPs b m Speciaiform, by Boniform — Signal, 6 yrs 7 2 L. C. Hazlett’s b hj Palisade, by Pallas —Red Peony, aged .. N: 7 1 Sir George Clifford’s b m Wisebird, by Treadmill —Glenowiet, 4 yrs 7- O
JL Cooper's bhj Chillies, by Achil- _ o les —Bellicenr. 5 yrs .. •• • • 6 I>J JL McKay's br g All Ready, by All Kcd—Aerina. I yrs b 1P X>. Greenwood's cli c Xanthos, by Achilles or Bcnzonian- Sunglow. 3 yrs 6 - 1 - p. Mnrray-Aynslcy's di m Lhrjsotis, bv St. Ambrose —Rosella, ‘ 6 yrs ■ • •• •• •.*. 6 3 JVhite and McLeod b in ran Rosamond, by King's Guest — ? Dear Heart, 6 yrs *> b SA 1L Roberts' b g Slogan, by Sir Laddo— Sally, 3 yrs .. .. .. b . fj. Sharwood's br g Maniaroa, b\ At aniapolo—Grass mere, 6 yrs b • A- Crawford's b m Plunder, b> Achilles —Spoil. 6 yrs *5 1 £. Wadley's b hj Prince Laddo, by Sir Laddo —Rumour, 5 yrs . . 6 * {A. Atwood's ch g Tangihou, by St. Ambrose —Bivalve, aged - - 6 ‘ ■J. IV. Skinner's b m Fender, by Martian —Fireside, 5 yrs .... C j fi. Jackson's b m Briar Patch, by Treadmill —Bonnie Brae, a yrs C 7 [B. C. McCormack's b hj Alidnight Star, by Starina —Lady Flora, * b vrs ** ‘ t \Y. E. Bidwell's b g Deviation, by Elevation —Wailethe, 5 yrs . . b 7 jC. Christie's br g Aloonglow, by Treadmill —Sunglow, o yrs ... b 7 •£. TV. Rutherford, junr.'s blk g Treadfire, by Treadmill —Ingleneuk, 3 yrs 6 1 {VV. Robertson's b g Kedshide, by * Downshire —Red Peony, 3 yrs . 6 • JBarrett and Bain's blk c Marc Anthony, by Varco —Volodia, J yrs 6 1 p. G. Dalgety’s b g Snub, by Martian —Lady Disdain, 3 yrs .... 6 7 Atwood's b hj Bronk Delaval, by Seaton Delaval —Aerial Fire, 4 yrs 6 ‘ G. Hunter's ch g Step, by Mystification —Stepdaughter, 3 yrs . 6 1 0-X. Friedlander's b c Ardenvhor, by Martian —Mary of Argyle, 3 yrs 6 i JI. Friedlander's br c Blitz, by . Martian —Fire Queen, 3 yrs . . 6 7
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Southland Times, Issue 17506, 21 August 1915, Page 10
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2,711THE TURF Southland Times, Issue 17506, 21 August 1915, Page 10
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THE TURF Southland Times, Issue 17506, 21 August 1915, Page 10
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