HOW KOVNO PELL, THE EERY OP THE GERMAN ATTACK IRRESISTIBLE BIG GENS. By Telegraph—Press Assn. —Copyright. PKTROGKAU, August 20. : Received August 20, 9.5 p.m. Tlie German tactics at Kovno consisted in feigning an advance on Wilko- ( mir, with a view to engaging a portion of the Russian forces, and then throw- ; ing the whole weight of violent artillery and infantry attacks against the western , sector of the _f mtress. This sector is bounded hy the .fessia river flowing ] through a deep gully ami hy the left 1 bank of the Xiemen northwestward of the town. The lesson of Kovno is that . Pf Antwerp and Maubeuge, namely, given . an attacking force, a sufficiency of six- ] ten-inch guns and a complete disregard i for sacrifices of life —-given these con- | ditions and >a modern fortress proves j only a (ernporary obstacle. The Ger- q mans’ great and incessant efforts at | Kovno and their attempts to effect aj ; landing from the Baltic in the far north, possibly show the importance attached j by the enemy to operations on the north- i ern sector, while their haste indicates a desire to finish their task before being ( caught by the November rains and snow • amid tlie impassable roads and swamps < of tlie Russian north. Fighting westward of Kovno was exceedingly sanguinary. The Germans were greatly weakened, and sent fhr more and still more rein forcemenls. 'file bombardment of the Russian positions was terrific. .Many shells were filled with glass. The assaults were repeatedly repulsed, but were again and again renewed. ; BATTERING NOVO GEORGIEVSK. THE ENEMY PARTIALLY SEC- ’ CESSFEL. ( PKTROGKAD, August 20. I Received August 20, 8.5 p.m. i A Communique confirms the German 1 success at Novo Georgjlevskl T i>« hat- i
taring of the northern sector continues. [Novo Georgievsk is a first-class fort-
ress on the Vistula N.W. of Warsaw.]
THE ENEMY’S GREAT OBJECT TO SMASH THE RUSSIAN ARMY TROOPS - jING EAST ZURICH, August 20. Received Aug. 20, 11.25 p.m. ■ Between 100,000 and 200,000 reinforcements have latterly proceeded from the west front to Russia, and the continues. The German losses are estimated at 80,000 weekly. Tho Austrians are withdrawing large forces from Galicia across Hungary to the southward and are substituting Bohemian Landwelir troops. THE HELL OF KOVNO THE UTMOST FURY OF WAR SEVERAL HOURS OF BUTCHERY GENEVA, August 20. Received Aug. 20. 11.25 p.m. Telegrams from Inneslauch report that the capture of Kovno cost the Germans several army corps. The lost 30,0£,0 on llio Dubissa in three weeks, and 120,000 at Kovno. exclusive of the final two days’ assaults, beginning on the evening of tho 17th. After an unprecedented bombardment, 200,000 troops were hurled against tho forts and a terrible butchery followed for several hours. The Russians fought with the bayonet to the end. AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL REPORT CLAIMS MARKED PROGRESS AMSTERDAM', August 20. Received Aug. 20, 11.25 p.m. An Austrian official report states; — We conquered tho crossing of tho Bug north of Janow, and stormed Niemirow and other places on the north bank. THE CAPTURE OP KOVNO ENEMY IN THE TOWN LONDON. August 19. A Pctrograd communique admits that tho Germans have occupied the town of Kovno.
Southland Times, Issue 17506, 21 August 1915, Page 6
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