PRANCE’S COAL NEEDS, ASSURANCES FROM BRITAIN. By Telegraph—Press Assn. —Copyright. PARIS, August 11. .Scmi-oflicial:—A Note allaying anxiety over the British prohibition on the export of coal explains that a. French official has been appointed to tho British Kxports Committee. Britain has given an assurance that tho French need not suffer in tho slightest degree. INCREASING KRUFF’S STAFF. WOUNDED MAKE MUNITIONS. AMSTERDAM, August I I. The Kolnische Zeitung states that over live thousand wounded men and live thousand women were recently added to the workers at Krupps. RESTRICTIONS ON LIQUOR. FIRST FINE IMPOSED. LONDON, August 11. Received August 15, 3.35 p.m. A labourer at Middlesborough was fined £2 for treating a man to a pint of beer. This is the first prosecution at Teesidc under the legislation providing for liquor control and order in munitions areas.
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Southland Times, Issue 17501, 16 August 1915, Page 5
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Southland Times, Issue 17501, 16 August 1915, Page 5
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