CAPTAIN HARDY’S EXPLOIT. HOW A SOLDIER FACES DEATH. By Telegraph-—Press Assn. —Copyright. LONDON, August 14. Received August 15, 4 p.m. Lieut. Barter describes Captain Hardy’s exploit. Captain Hardy was almost ten yards from the German trench when lie was wounded in tho right shoulder. "J shouted: 'ilanly, go hack. ’ lie answered; "It's all right. I’m left-handed.” He then rushed off and commenced to slam bombs at the enemy, and went on like that for 20 or 30 yards when he was shot through the head. Half his head was blown off. NEW IRISH DIVISION, TO GO TO THE FRONT. LONDON, August 1. Received August 15, 4 p.m. The Adjutant-General has assured Mr John Redmond, the Nationalist leader, lha.t there is every intention of sending tho Sixteenth Irish Division to the front as a unit. A NOTABLE KILLED. EVERY MARK OP HIGH RANK. ROTTERDAM. August 14. During the recent lighting an officer, believed to he a Prince, was killed. Tho body was taken in a motor car to Ghent, followed by officers of high rank.
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Southland Times, Issue 17501, 16 August 1915, Page 5
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Southland Times, Issue 17501, 16 August 1915, Page 5
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