Reassuring Reports from Russia
THE ENEMY DEFINITELY HELD Masterly Withdrawal from Warsaw A Model for the Text Books ' THE RUSSIAN ARMIES SECURE Yon Mackensen’s Vigorous Stroke Russians’ Narrow Escape at Vlodava ( POSSIBLE DASH ON PETROQRAD The Germans Two Months Late Germany’s War Loan Courting Financial Disaster 377 th Day of the War By Telegraph—Press Assn.—Copyright. WELLINGTON, August 15. The High Commissioner reports under date London, August 14th, 5.10 p.m. :—The Ilussians, south-east of Mitau, near Jiiga, Conriand, have driven the Germans across the river Aa at Jacobstadt. At Dofsk tlie enemy was driven back. In the Middle Yistnla the Ilussians have evacuated Sokoloiv, Sicdlcc and Lukoir. PETROGKAD, August 14. Official; In the Kovno district the enemy has tcmporarily ahandonrd attacks. In the .’Middle Vistula region, in conformity Tvitli the exigencies of the general situation, vve evacuated Sokolow, Siedlce and Lakow, on the Warsaw ■ Orest - Litovsk railway. PETROGRAD, August 15. Received August 15th, midnight Official: The enemy attempted to stop our offensive near .Jacobstadt Dvinsk and Wilkomir. Lighting continues. We again repulsed four Gorman attacks on the western position at Kovno. The artillery duel continues. There is no important change on the Xarew or on the Bug front A desperate action was fought on Friday south-west of Ciechanovec. There has been an artillery duel and skirmishes within the approach lo the defences of Novo Georgievsk. Lighting with increased obstinacy continued on Thursday night northward of the SiedlccJLukow region. PARIS, August 14. Official: The enemy attacked along the whole front on the Marie Therese sector and was everywhere repulsed with appreciable losses. PARIS, August 15. Received August 15th, midnight. Official: In Artois we destroyed, by mining, some of the enemy's advanced works. An ammunition depot blew up in the enemy’s lines. ROME, August 14. Received August 15th, 5.25 p.m. Official: The struggle behind the Cadore frontier is becoming more Intense. The enemy on the Monte Piano zone, supported hy many guns, attempted on Friday a counter-attack against the positions from which they were expelled on Thursday. After a furious combat they were driven hack with heavy loss. While our artillery in the Soxten Valley maintained a continuous tiro on the enemy’s works, our infantry climbed, and entrenched themselves on, the summit of Oberbacherkanzel, sonth-eastward of Berlinkherspitze. Another detachment meanwhile occupied an Important group of Alpine communications. Our batteries on the Isonzo have started n destructive tire against the defences of the Plozzo Valley Direct hits were obtained against a battery skilfully hidden in caves. Some of the enemy’s entrenchments fronting us on Monte Seibusi wore shattered. Many occupants were put to flight and wore killed hy shrapnel and rifle fire.
Reassuring Reports from Russia
Southland Times, Issue 17501, 16 August 1915, Page 5
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