-REORGANISATION SALE AT UNDRILL’S I 7 DEE ST.—OTP. POST OPPICE. Presents an opportunity to you to secure Reliable, Apparel at Prices which, in view of the rising markets, A BIG SAVING DON’T DDT THIS OPPORTUNITY SLIP. Up-to-date represents IX WON’T GOME AGAIN OPP. POST OFFICE, DEE STREET. % nr. mm £ ■«s i'w . Ro^p | For farm, sfcoclf and. $ poultry buildings, J-M S I lie gal Hooking is una equaled. It keeps out .* the cold in winter and the heat m summer, and keeps them dry at all times. J-M 'Regal Rooking also gives longer service than ordinary roofings. It is made of the best quality wool« feifc, heavily saturated and coaled with genuine J-M Trittidad Lake Asphalt—a mineral which lias stood the broiling sun and the raging storms of the equator for centuries without deterioration. ST IS GUARANTEED e The warranty given with J-M Regal Roofing means something. It is nimnlc, honest and liberal. And this warranty is backed by a $2,000,000.00 c oncern that has never broken a promise nor shirked an honorable obligation during the 50 years it has manufactured roofings. Don’t buy any roofing until you see a sample of Regal and learn more about roofings. We’ll send you samples of this Roofing and book if yo a can’t call. THOMSON, BRIDGES S CO., limited. tn6 o d# 'mm m men am 9u \/£ls qlity CSTTIB6I rue aru rtigh-Qrade JIECKWEAR Dainty & Attractive THE NEW SEASON’S NECKWEAR WE ARE NOW SHOWING WILL APPEAL TO ALL PERSONS OP GOOD TASTE, AND TEE STYLES ARE JUST WHAT ABE REQUIRED TO GIVE CHARM TO YOUR NEW SPRING APPAREL. MILITARY COLLARS, in Silk and Muslin, 1/.I to 3/11, MILITARY VESTS, in Silk anil Muslin, .1/6 to 3/11. X MILITARY COLLARS, .jap Silk, with Regimental Stripes, 3/6 to 5/C. •TAR SILK VESTS, with Navy, Rink, Sky and Grey Stripes, 4/11. Kmbroide.rei! Muslin Sunshine and Roll COLLARS, 1/3 to 2/6. AKUOPLAXE COLLARS, in White and Paris Lace, 3/3 to 2/6. MUSLIN VIOSTS with Roll Collars, I , ;i, ].]], 3/6. MI'SLLN VESTS in Navy and Yieux Rose Stripes, 2/3. WHITE MUSLIN and PIQUK ROLL and MILITARY’ COLLARS aiid VESTS, in Rlack, 1/6 to 1/0. rue aril THE LEADING Hot>!E I’NVBTBCARGILL. EUtMi;.. 1X62, Dial [US arjamarusni^mai amanianj C 8 Your Skin and Complexion can be kept in a Perfect Condition all the year round by a regular use of BEET HAM'S: Of all high-class. Chemists & Stores, -roe It effectually removes ail Roughness, Redness, Tan, Irritation, etc., and is delightfully Soothing and Refreshing at all times. Manufactured by M. BEETHAM & SON, CHELTENHAM, ENGLAND. Van Houtei&Sir! HOUTEN’S cocoa r
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Southland Times, Issue 17501, 16 August 1915, Page 3
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