SEVEBEIT chapped hands. PIBST APPLICATION OR EBXOHA GATE BELIEF. •■] suffered for some time with severely chapped hands,” writes -Mrs Bird, 602 Kin" street, Dunedin North, New Zeafectionery business, and am constantly v.-ashins glasses and dishes. The cuts •were laid open almost to the hone, and nothing f used scorned to cure or give nie relief. A friend, seeing the terrible stafe of my hands, gave me a little of vour Rexona Ointment to try. The first application gave me instant relief. It took the heat completely away, and in a week's time my hands were quite healed. 1 would not be without your Ointment for the world.” Rexona, is sold at 1/6 and Obtainable everywiiere. x
You’re really dry Fish Brand POMMEL % SLICKER Keeps your saddle dry, too. The front and back extend to corcr every bit of leather. Roomy, Durable, Comfort Giving. Tower** Goods can be obtained from all leadins Storekeepers and Warehousemen. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -SCfWERS A. J. Tower Co. BOSTON. U. S. A. Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Auckland Takes Applied ip Sick Rooms ; to Sinks, Drains. s Garb ape Pails, Closets, etc,, FLUID destroys the Germs of Disease and purifies the Air. “SANITAS’ ? FLUID is Kodpoisonous. Fragrant, and does not Stain Linen, and is a most grateful application to hot, tender feet. SaMiAS FLUID n iho best first aid and wash lor Wounds and Sores, ft • . ./e - per bottle at all stores. fhe “ SANiTAS ” \ Limehousc, London, E.4> Obtainable from ALL GROCERS.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Southland Times, Issue 17501, 16 August 1915, Page 3
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