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BSAKD WATIOKTAL MEETING. CONCLUDING DAY. (Per United Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, August 14. The weather was beautifully fine for the concluding day of the Grand National meeting and there was again a capital attendance. The totalisator investments for the day were £49,349. as against £35,G72 IPs on the corresponding day of last year. For the meeting the total was £134,556, as against £111,017 last year. Details of the racing are:— AYLESBURY STEEPLECHASE, of 300 so vs; about 2’i miles. BS. Connolly's Oratonu. 9.7 (J. Boyd) 1 8 J. WJlsley’s Grey Renown, 12.3' (.terry O'Connell) 2 .4 J. D. Smith's Rufus, II.U ' (H. Tricklebank) 3 Also started —1 Captain Mackay ILL 2 N'itnblefoot 11.0. 7 Stockade U.O, 6 Fritz 11.0, 3 Agatha Green 11.0, 2 Phamos 10.12, 9 Fairy Finn 9.9 and II Royal Guard 9.7. Won by two lengths, with Rufus about I'd' yards away third, and Kritz the only other to finish. Time, 6min. Ovisecs. HEAT HOOT K HANDICAP, 330 sovs; seven furlongs. 8 Hon. J. D. Ormond's Kamiuohe. 9.13 (W. Adams) 1 10 C. Mae'.u-ll's MeUiclukoff, 9.S IA. Wornnild) 2 8 D. 11. Roberts' Slogan. 9.S ( F. E. Jones) Also started —1 Crown Pearl II.'), I Banksia 1".13. *i Kuapani 1".3, 11 Lady Louisa 19.4, 13 Master Lupin 9.13, . Fortify 9.13, s Birkline 9.12. 9 Nieomar 9.11. 11 Pender 9.9, 12 Scotch Melody 9,5, 3 Blackhcart 9.2, 13 Wild Pilgrim 9.0, and 1•> Jcannot 9.0. Kamiuohe won a good race by a neck. Slogan, who was finishing well, was a similar distance away third. Time, limn. 2S 3-a sees. STYN HURDLE RACK HANDICAP, 200 sovs; once rouiul and a distance. IG. Fulton's Art 10.0 (A. J. McFlynn) 1 6 W. George’s Silver Shield, 9.0 (11. Thompson) 2 7 W. Benaila's Lord Frederick 9.0 (W. Easton) 3 Also started —3 Ruatangata 1 IN. 1 Caher Davon 10.0, 0 Merric Valet 9.13, and 2 Scrutineer 9.7. Won nicely by about two lengths. Time, 3min. 1 1-3 secs. SYDENHAM HURDLE RACE, 500 sovs: one mile and three-quarters. 3 p. P. Neaglo’s Diavolo 9.13 (Jerry O’Connell) 1 4 Cameron and Richmond’s St. Elmn 9.13 (W. Young) - 6 C. Mach ell’s Moddite 9.13 (A. Wonnald) 3 Also started—2 Lconta 1 I.S, 1 Awahou IH2, 5 Kilmeny 11.0. 7 S Sam Pan 9.5, 10 Commotion 9.2, 1 i Braeburn 9.0. and 9 Vascular 9.0. Won by a couple of lengths. Moddite was a head behind St. Elmn, and then came Braebum, Styrax and Kilnieuy. Awahou fell at last fence. Time, 3min. ISsecs. LINCOLN STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP, 600 sovs; about 3 miles. 2 F. Armstrong’s Morning 12.3 (A. Julian) 1 1 G L. Stead’s Tim Doolan 11.13 (A. J. McFlynn) 2 4 Short’s Bonny 9.9 (H. Thompson) 3 Also started —3 Ngatoa 11.2, S Golden Glow 10.10, 5 Fagot 10.9, H Xaupata 9.9. 9 The Brewer 9.7, 7 Kim 9.1. and 10 Golden Grape 9.7. The race was between Morning and Tim Doolan, and going to the Kennels double the second time the. favourite looked like overhauling the Hawke’s Bay representative. The latter, however, had a lot in hand and went on again to win by four lengths, about a hundred yards separating second and third, with Ngatoa fourth. Fagot and The. Brewer ran off at the Kennels and Golden Glow was pulled up. Time, Smin.s. REDCLIFFS HANDICAP. 200 sovs; seven furlongs. 2 C Wadlev’s Prince Laddo 10.2 (S. Reid) 1 € K. Sherratt’s Potentiality. 10.7 (W. Adams) 2 1 J. Truman’s Plaumakaka. 10.0 (B. Deeley) 3 Also started —4 Toki 10.2. 7 Ccrvulus 10.1, 3 Maltegarde 9.12, 14 Veritas 9.10, 5 Bodenham 9.3, S Free 9.1. 13 Pearlfomi 9.0. 9 Countess Tolstoi 9.0, 10 Listen 9V 11 British Rose 9.0, I*s Olga Carlovna 9.0! and 13 Glenyar 9.0. Prince won a good race by half a length. Time Imin. 20 l-ssces. SELWYN HANDICAP, 23" sovs: six furlongs. 2 A. W. Rutherford, Junr's Encore, 10.4 (J. O'Shea) 1 6 A. Boyle’s Fabrikoff 10.4 (G. J. Pine > 2 10 C. Christie's Moongßw 9.3 (.7. Campbell) 3 Also started —3 Pride o’ clutha lO.d, 1 Glenroy 10.3. s Teviotdaie 9.12, :: Mandoline 9.0. 11 Mulmm in Parvo 9.2. 12 Scorch 9.1. 9 Svoaborg 9.1, t Mclfnrd 9.0, 7 I,ion and 13 Medallist 9.". Time, Imin. r: 4-3secs. HUNTERS’ PLATE. 14" sovs: gentleman riders; one mile and a-balf. 3. IV. Pat-son's i'rib 11.13 (S. Pour).. ! 2 H D. Delautotir's Drmoloid 11.>3 it.’. FitzgoraM 1 2 5 G. N. .McLean's Kingswny 11.13 (W. Parsons' 3 Also started- 1 Prairie Fire 12.1, s Carilla 11.6. Dear Ann!" It.", 7 Flight 11.0. 9 Traditior 11.". 6 Master-field II.", 10 Max 11.". - Glen wye 10.9 and .31b allow. Won by two lengths. Time, 2min. 4 0
HACING IN' AUSTOaiIA. (By Telegraph.—Press Assn.—Copyright) MKLCnrn.XI-. August ! .*. Following is the n suit i«i; the THE A I’ST I! A LIA N STEEPLECHASE. Battleship. P.t* iFdward) 1 Booligal. I-.-", (Morgan i t' Torone. lO.'j i Howie) :: All the acceptors started. Eooligal made practically all the running to the straight, whore Battleship overhauled him and wui a great rare by one and a half lengths. Two lengths separated second and third. Time, s min. I sec. Jriv e horses fell. THE EXHIBITION HANDICAP FBBSHANK. August IS. The F.Xhibition Handicap was won by Olint Bad, Bo yen ere t‘. Pnaciting hj. There ■were ten starters. Won by a head, half a length between second and third. Time, - min. S secs. HOCKEY. SOUTHLAND (?, ) v. OTAGO no. (By Our (special Reporter). The Southland rep- team Journeyed to Dunedin by the first express on Saturday and met Otago on Carishrook ground in the afternoon- Although some difficulty was experienced in getting a representative eleven away the team that lined out was a fairly strong one and have every reason to feel proud of the result. Clark and S. Smith, who hart to Pave by the afternoon express. look part only in the Hrst spc-11. being replaced by 'Wingfield (substitute) and Phillips (emergency). Soon after commencing Sampson received a bump on the shoulder and T. Bogue (an e\Wyndham player i took up his position at half-time. e>u paper Otago appeared i.. Ik. very .-tror.e and it was’ anticipated thee Would ciw ;h~ visitors a hard fight for ■ icc u \. As it turned out Southland had much the lust of the game and never allowed lu-'ir on.••-nonts m get out of hand. The match, under rite patronage of returned wounded soldiers, attracted a fair crowd of spectators. and the •‘gate" is being devoted to the Sports and Pasti'ties Queen in the Otago Carnival. At half-time a harriers’ one and a half mile race was Dcmcd. and immediately following the conclusion of the game a h.cekey relay race was run. During the afternoon selections were rendered by the Kaikorai .School Band. —Teams.— Southland. —Goal : Hazelmore; fullbacks . P. Clark. V.'. Buttin-. halves: C. Richards. F. Smith (captain), K. McLean: forwards : S. Smith. W. Sampson, J. Marcj.ssen, G. Fill. U. Martin. Otago. Goal; .1. Mcfrorie: full-backs: 1:. 11. MacGregor, 1-. AhlfVld: halves ; W. Sowar:, i 1. H. Walcott, J. Bavics; forwards: d. Belli). F. V. Drake. .1. Hogg ( capl i*.ln’i. -i. Deere. X. Mcßcod. The came opened in favour of Otago who imemdiatcly rushed (he visitors’ circle. Hogg and Drake standing out promdnenily in the forward line, being well supported by Walcott. A timely lunge by Clark removed play to the Sci
line, but McGregor returned and Drakb made a hard shot which was well stoped by Hazelmore. The bombardment was kept up, but subsequently Leith hit over the line. From the ensuing bully Mar-' cussen passed out to Fitt who hit hard across the held to S. Smith, the latter making a strong run up the line. His centre was intercepted by Ahlfeld. The visitors half-line was playing a splendid attacking game, McLean especially making some effective openings. A neat return from F. Smith was missed by I* itt and tlie ball passed over the line. Prom a roll in Otago gained the advantage and again attacked Reds danger zone, Battin. and Hazelmore being prominent in defence. Richards set his forwards in motion by passing to Smith, who transferred to Sampson, me latter passing on to Marcussen. When in a good position the movement was spoilt hy Martin being ruled off-side. Shortly afterwards another “free*' was awarded the home eleven through Battin giving sticks. Tlie latter intercepted a hard pass and drove hard down the left wing to Martin who immediately passed in to I- itt. A hot struggle ensued in which McGregoi and Stewart (Otago) and F. Smith. McLean and Richards played splendidly. Fitt was given a chance to goal, but McCrorie was on the alert and made a good clearance. Hogg. Deere and McLeod joined in an attractive forward rush, the latter being interrupted by F. Smith. An exchange of hits and even play chatucterised the ensuing five minutes. Otago irade a line effort to penetrate the defence and succeeded until they reached Hazelmore, who. however, relieved the pressure by driving hard out to Mai tin. The latter picked up the ball ami ceutied to Fitt. who was successfully attacked liv Stewart. Richards, F. Smith and Clark took a turn in following events and S. Smith (Who had changed positions with Sampson) battled hard to beat the opposing centre half. This ho was successful in doing' ami the visiting forwards invaded the home the defence of Ahlfeld and McGregor was unbreakable the former shitting operations to the centre of tlie field. !• Rom here Leith and Drake continued the attack. and a goal appeared imminent v, hen dark made a great effort to save. Just as Drake was steadying for one of his powerful hits the former lunged and passed out to Richards. From this stage up to half-time Southland had matters much their own way ami only on rare occasions was the services of Hazelmore called upon. In quick succession two corner hits wore awaided the visitors, and although well delivered the scoring men failed in both attempts. 1-'. Smith stayed a promising Otago rush in mid-Held and passed to Marcussen, who was beaten by Ahlfeld, McLean, playing a brilliant game, beat the opposing wing forward and passed on to Martin who transferred to 1* itt on the edge of the circle. Fitt was hustled by the opposing hacks and being unable to "shoot" gave Marcussen a chance, who snapped the opportunity and registered a splendid goal. Otago made great efforts after this reverse, but were well hold by the visiting backs. When the whistle sounded halftime play was in mid-Held. Southland 1, Otago ", The second spell opened in Southland's favour and for a time the home backs were hard pressed by the Red forwards. Ahlfeld brought about momentary relief, but Wingfield made a good return, and again Southland were hammering away at the defence: McLean, F. Smith and Richards playing a prominent part. Bogue (who replaced Sampson) was showing rare form, as also were the remaining members of the front lino. Otago's play was far below intorprovincial standard and altogether was most disappointing. What little combination the forwards did attempt was upset by the sound defence of the visitors' backs. XJoizue was responsible for scoring' Two goals in the second spell’ and when the final whistle sounded the score read ; Southland 3. Otago 0. SCHOOL MATCHES. School fixtures were played on Saturdav with the following results; — Waihopai (.14) heat South (nil). North (14) beat Middle B (nil). Middle A won Waihopai B by default. eepresentatite football. WELLINGTON v. AUCKLAND. WELLINGTON, August 1 1. The Wellington-Auckland representative Rugby football match, played here to-day, resulted in a win for Wellington bv 9 points to 5. The sky was overcast at the start and a' strong easterly wind was blowing. About half-way through the first spell rain commenced to fall and 1 the game was finished on a slippery i ground and with a wet ball. Wellington, j placing with the wind, scored its nine I points'in the first spell. Capper kicked a penultv goal and Blackmore and Wili son sored tries. In the second spell | the Auckland team had the game won but failed ro make use of easy oppor- ! tunities. Hanlon scored a tfj 11111011 i Clark converted. The hall was hardly lout Of Wellington's half in the second j spell, and most of the time play was in the visiting team's 23. The work ol the visiting forwards in the loose was favourably commented on. DUNEDIN CUT. RESULTS. DUNEDIN. August M. Kesnlts of Saturday's ga rues :F 11 ion 9, Zirigiifi c University 19. Alhambra (i; Southern 29. Dunedin nil: Fort Chalmers defaulted to Kaikorai.
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Southland Times, Issue 17501, 16 August 1915, Page 3
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2,102SPORTING Southland Times, Issue 17501, 16 August 1915, Page 3
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SPORTING Southland Times, Issue 17501, 16 August 1915, Page 3
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