H. & J. SMITH’S LIMITED. -i FOR THE BEST POSSIBLE VALUE OBTAINABLE IN MEN'S AND BOYS’ WEARING APPAREL. B«lnsr Manufacturers, we are able to offer our goods at a much lower price than we would otherwise have to charge. The large increase that we have had in these two departments and the number of satisfied customers goes to show that our Prices and Qualities are right. BARGAINS IN MEN’S APPAKEL. MEN’S LOUNGE KELTS, smart shapes, in all shades. Our Prices—2/11, 3/11, 4/9. 5/6. 6/6, 7/6, 10/6. to I )o:en MEN’S IVIDK-KXD TIES. See Window full. Uur Price —9d, 1/-, 1/6. MEN’S CAPS, latest styles. Our Price — 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6. ■MEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS, with coloured borders and initials; silk finish. Our Price —lOd, 1/-. STUDS. Pull-out or Lever action —!/• dozen. ARMLETS —6d pair. MEN'S OFFICE SHIRTS, our own make. Our Price—3/6, 4/6, 5/6. HEAVY WORKING SHIRTS, our own make. Our Price—4/6, 5/5. I r j BARGAINS IN BOYS’ APPAREL. j ROTS’ FELT HATS—2/6. | BOYS CAPS —1/-. j BOYS' SHIRTS, our own make. These j can’t be beaten. Our Price—l/ 9, i 2/-, 2'3, 2/6, 3/6. I BOYS’ CELLULOID COLLARS —4d, 6d. j BOYS’ NORFOLK SUITS—I 2/6, 15/6, I 16/6. | BOYS’ SPORT SUITS —19/6, 21/-, 25/-. | .THESE VALUES PROCURABLE ONLY ; FROM , H. & J. SMITH’S^ i LIMITED. ! Tay street, 'Phone, -SS, Invercargill. There's a Cure for | "Constipation j .—And a permanent cure at that— not merely tem* j porary relict. I Constipation is very often the result of sedentary’ Habits, or of an exhausted state of mind and body. Careless, incorrect diet sometimes causes Constipation. Then, from Constipation itself come all manner [ of ailments, such as liver troubles, piles, dyspep- I Sa, headaches and biliousness. j The remedy that will free you absolutely from | this dangerous complaint is Dr. Grassland's ; ■’N no!,” 1 a preparation composed of herb and ! fruit juices only, and of great medicinal value. j “ Noxol ’ gives instant relief, and a systematic ; course of this medicine will eventually cure you j altogether. It does good from the very first drop, i The great majority of " Noxol ” users bear the fiijunction in mind to pass a good thing on to a priced, as the following typical letter shows : “ Noxol ” can be had at 2. - per bottle from all ! Chemists and Storeu. j j-. v?m. Bang*. Waimahaka. writes: *! strongly r-ccmmand The “DALIA" Separator. It is easy to turn, runs very silently, and is a remarkably clean skimmEr.” T’p.a very latest la , CREAM SEPARATORS is “DAIW Tbs new type “ DALIA Separator ha; no equal. It is the safest Cream Separator in the World; all parts being fu"y protected. It is mechanically pertect. and a clean and accurate skimmer. Easy to turn! Silent Running! The “ DALIA" more nearly brings High Quality down to low price than any other machine. SEE HERE! Don t buy a ueam Separator without investigating the merits of The “ DALIA.” 45 m The “ DALIA’ is built in Sweden, by the leaping da’ry engineers. by men who have ■feA lived i.i the business, studied It in detail, watched for and worked out every i-iciovement. LOOS! You can have this Separator v ‘j cri 3 lnon^'s re# r ' 3 *’ not satisfied send it back, and we will refund every penny you have paid cn it What is fairer? Trv this Separator at our risk! WRITE TO-CAV to; ASJXOITK, JOETTSTON, LTD., General Agents for IT.Z. DEE & LEVKN STS.. INVERCARGILL. & NORTH BRITISH RUBBER i/jMI’ANV" li’.ar-ufacture.H j “CLINCHER TYRES’’ for hard wear or. rc-j;h Gear inlrel nine and fi£-
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Southland Times, Issue 17501, 16 August 1915, Page 2
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