CAPTURE OF PSASNYSZ CLAIMED BT QEBUAS7. (By Telegraph.—Press Assn.—Copyright) BERLIN’, July 15. A German communique says; Battles in the neighbourhood of Prasnysz (North Poland) continue. We captured Prasnysz, which the Russians had strongly fortified. HEAVY ENGAGEMENTS ENEXY CAPTURES TRENCHES BUT AT HEAVY COST CKOS SING A BITES UNDER RUSSIA IT PIKE PETROGRAD, July 16. Received July 17, 12.25 a.m. Official: The enemy captured several trenches in the Plssa-Shklva region, but owing to his heavy losses on Wednesday he did not repeat his attacks. We impulsed several attacks north of Prasnysz. Tlie enemy has been reinforced in the region of Riga-Shawll, and has begun to advance, from Hasenpott on Goldnigen and the sector SchuirdenPopeliany. Our cavalry advanceguards are holding up the enemy at the passages of the rivers Windawa and Jenla and other favourable positions. The Austrians on the 13th took the offensive in the ilasviska-Okna sector, and attacked our bridge-head on the right bank in the district of Kunichovce and Kalianki, and crossed the in the region of Rlga-Shavli. and has and Sinkow on the 14th. Our artillery bombarded him during his passage of the river and obliged the enemy in some places to abandon crossing. The engagement continues.
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Southland Times, Issue 17476, 17 July 1915, Page 6
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Southland Times, Issue 17476, 17 July 1915, Page 6
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