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Municipal Elections

A GOOD POLL Mr McFarlane Re-elected Mayor Sewerage Loan Sanctioned Five issues -were submitted to the electors yesterday, the first and most Important being the election of mayor, to which Mr D. McFarlane was returned by a majority of over TOO. The second election was for the selection of twelve candidates for the town council, from a field of twenty-one offering, and the list of those elected will be found below. The third and fourth were tb« selection of representatives of the combined boroughs of Invercargill and South Invercargill on both the Bluff Harbour Board and the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. The final issue was the sewerage loan of £28,000 for the carrying out of a scheme in the district immediately adjoining the inner area of the town, the boundaries of which are too well known to require to be restated. The voting generally was fair.and was proportionately better by a few hundreds than was disclosed by the mayoralty figures last tear. Out of a total of 9458 voters entitled to participate in Hit? election only about 4800 did so. but the poll was nevertheless better than that of last year, when out of 8947 voters on the roll only 4302 recorded their votes. The number of voters on the combined districts roll for the election of representatives to the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board and the Bluff Harbour Board was 10.233. but owing to the fact that there was a good deal of individual voting and that this lias to b« reckoned the proportion cannot be ascertained. in respect of the poll on the sewerage loan, however, the total of 729 of the 1500 eligible voters went to the poll, which was carried by a majority of 241. The voting was uniformly steady in the majority of ttie booths throughout the day. and there was an absence of the congestion which has been observed in previous elections, particularly the general election when conditions at the town hall and such central booths as the Marist Bros, school were very congested. An innovation of the town hall took the form of three boths in the Victoria Hall, and the conditions there were immeasurably superior to those which have prevailed at previous elections. Three booths were provided in th’e hall and one downstairs in the council chamber. The last-named was reserved for the use of those who were unable to use the upstairs booths and the voting there indicates either that the aged and infirm are very numerous or that the vole was not observed to the letter. Discussing the voting with a Southland Times reporter. Mr T. AV. Walker said that he had heard no serious complaints, and that the work was carried on without any hitch. The following is a detailed statement showing the polling at the different booths: —

THK MAYORALTY. The pep-alt of the Mayoralty election was declared by the Returning i ifficcr at T.r.r. p.m. to a crowd of about 1500 people. The figures were as follow: I >. McFarlane . 2635 A. Ft. i laggitt 1002 R. R. McKay 211 Majority for McFarlane 732 Mr McFarlane in returning thanks said tit a t when he stood in that position last year he thought it -me of the proudest moments .>f his life, but on looking around he fell that his position at that moment excelled anything he had previously experienced. He was grateful to the electors for having placed him where he was. tie had fought fairly and his committee had done well. 3-]ven his chairman. Mr Harrington, had done nobly. They all knew what he (the speaker» had been during all the years he ha-1 been in Invercargill, and they knew that he would do all he could In their interest. He had grown up with the place and it had grown with him. and while looking after his own interest he was In,,king after their own. lie would do his best in their interest. Mr A. It. llaggitt said that lie stood before them a defeated candidate, but lie thought they would admit that lie was not disgraced. As they knew, he came out at The last moment. He had done his best, and lie thought that iie had fought a good honest tight. lbcongratulated Air McFarlane heartily on Ids success, and thanked the ladies and gentlemen who had supported him in Ids candidature, particularly the ladies' committee, who had worked very well. Mr McKay said that although he was a long way down he was not disheartened. ' He had on his own and until last Wednesday he had thought that he had a good chance, but since Wednesday he had b—n w.uulering whether he had enough friends to keep him from losing that flu. n- thanked all who had supported him. and moved a t-uirtv vote of thanks to the Returning officer. Mr Walker, which was seconded by Mr McFarlane. Th- r-turns came in promptly after th- close of the poll, those from Town Hal! N.,. : being the first at 7.10. and R. , .rg-town last at 7.1t will be ol>rr: vr,| T a' the t,da! votes polled Stuiouut-u To |s::i. Not having polled the require,l . .ue-.-igi; t !; of Hie VOte.S polls-! V t, .. successful candidate, Mr R. Ft M, Ka . forfeits his deposit. The details r, f ire t„,i!ing w-re as follow:

A. K. Archer and Mr I. L. Petrie make their initial appearance so far as Inver. cargill is concerned. Following the announcement of the result Mr J. Stead addressed a large crowd which had been kept together by impromptu speakers. He said that he was sure it would ho an infliction for him to make any attempt to express what he wished to say at that late hour.—but he wished to thank the citizens for the splendid support they had given him again and again. Jn spite of the repeated evidences of their confidence he had not expected to attain the proud position of being at the top of the poll. The Council had a strenuous lime before it. and they had a new team, the members of whicli he counselled to remember that what had been done in the past had been done for the benefit of the town and done wisely. Mr T. I>. Lonnie thanked the citizens for having placed him in the honourable position he occupied. That position was the result of support from all sections of the community, and when it was recognised that all sorts of influences had been at work they might take it that tile men who had been elected would work well and for the good of the town. Among the new men they had elected two good men of past experience, and their knowledge of affairs would be very valuable. He felt quite sure that he had had a good deal of support from the.- Labour Party, and he was grateful to all sections for their support. Referring to the policy of the new Council, Mr Lennie said that his own opinion was that they should go cannily and be careful in anything they did do very carefully. Mr . A. Ott thanked the electors very sincerely for having again expressed their confidence in him. He wished to take that opportunity of congratulating both Messrs Stead and Lennie on the positions they occupied. He (the speaker) had lived in the town for 12 years, and lie knew what had been done. Mr Lennie had told them that they would have to go carefully, but ills own opinion was that the war was going to be over in a short time. He hoped that the loan poll would be carried because it would provide the means of giving employment to those who needed it during the trying time ahead of them. He hoped also to se- the work of establishing a swimming hath commenced because the money was available. They had been offered £SOOO. in which would bo included fi’ono for the swimming bath, and the Finance Committee had recommended the new Council to accept the offer. He hoped they would do so and go on with the work.

Mr A. Hain s'aid hr wished to thank his supportPrs. Fie could slate without fear o£ contradiction that lie had taken no part in the campaign beyond allowing himself to be nominated, and he appreciated the honour done him all the more on that account. He assured them that anything the Council decided upon was in the interests of the town as a whole. His past actions should be sufficient guarantee of that, and he assured them that he would do his best to advance the town of Invercargill, Mr J. T. Carswell said that he would do his best to justify the confidence that had been placed in him. He would try to do his best for the town as a whole, and to give fair play to everyone. The Uev. A. K, Archer said that he wanted to join in the thanks to all of their supporters. He felt a little bit disappointed that more Labour men had not been elected, as he was satisfied that ihev could have got more men on if they had all voted as he had suggested. He was particularly glad to have been elected, because he was a comparative stranger, and because he stood for Labour all the time. He would not have accepted a seat at the Council or any other body except as a Labour representative. Among the things he hoped to see were a free reading-room, and he trusted that in this and other connections he would be able to render some, assistance to Labour. Mr O’Byrne returned thanks and referred to the improved position of Labour. He assured the citizens that Mr Archer would be an acquisition to the Council, and lie congratulated the people on having selected him. Mr I. L. Petrie returned thanks for the confidence reposed in him. and expressed the hope that lie would ho able to retain that confidence. Messrs Muckley. Bali, Alsweiler, Winders, and Roberts also returned thanks, and Mr Petrie moved a hearty vote of thanks to the Returning Officer, which was carried by acclamation.

THE COUNCIL. The -.rill of the Council el-eti..n was announced at 11.50 p.m,. hut it must he understood that no official declaration -was made. The official announcement will probably be available to-day, as it is necessary that the scrutiny of the rolls required by the Act should be completed before the Council meets this evening. The twelve councillors elected

HOSPITAL AND CHARITABLE AID BOARD. The result of the election of the Invercargill representatives was declared at five minutes past midnight, when Mr Walker announced that Mrs Cruickshank and Messrs A. F. Hawke and C. S. Longuet were leading, Mr I. L. Petrie being last. The details are as follow:

BLUFF HARBOUR BOARD. The result in this election was also declared at 12.5 a.m.. and the following were the order of the candidates: —A. I'. Hawke, c. S. Longuet, A. Bain, and I. 1., Petrie. Only three were required.

SKWERAGE LOAN, The Foil of ratepayers in the special district affected by the proposal to raise £ for sewerage works resulted as follows; — For the proopsal 485 Against the proposal . • 244 Informal 5S Carried by 241 SOUTH INVERCARGILL. JdE MITCHELL WINS MAYORALTY. The elections of Mayor, councillors, and representatives on other local bodies aroused considerable interest yesterdav. and the polling was fairly heavy in each ward. The result of the Hospital and Charitable Aid poll was not ascertainable last evening, but the results of the other elections were announced at the South Invercargill Town Hall a few minutes before 10 o'clock to about 140 electors, tho majority of whom had waited from about 7.30 p.m. That the success of Mr Mitchell was a popular one was demonstrated by tho ovation accorded him at the conclusion of his speech. Mr Mitchell has served a term at the head of the Council table before, so that he will not ho a stranger to his work. With regard to the body of tho Council a great change has occurred, no fewer than five new members being elected. Mr A. F. Hawke beaded the poll for the Harbour Board, Messrs Longuet and Bain coming next in succession. The detailed results of the various polls are as follow; MAYORALTY.

The new members of the Council are Messrs Ronan. Withington, I North Ward i. and Messrs McFadzien, Hope and McOhesney (Middle Ward); the South Ward members sat 'at. the Council table last year, the electors of that district ’ apparently being satisfied with their representatives. After the result of the poll was announced by the Returning Officer (Mr Hyson). Mr Mitchell thanked the electors for returning him as Mayor, and said that he thoroughly appreciated the honour. He had been out on his own, being associated with no party, and the fight had been a fair one. He eulogised the work done by Mr McMillan during his term of office, and thought that be had done a considerable amount of good work in the borough. Mr Mitchell touched on drainage matters and thought that some of the drains he had seen that day were in a disgr’aceful state, and he hoped that in the near future they would be laid in pipes and covered in. He also referred to one or two other matters of local interest. and again thanked those who had placed him at the top of the poll. Mr McMillan also addressed the electors, thanking those who had supported him and those who had worked so hard to secure his return. It was on account of those workers that he regretted his non-success. The election, ho said, had been fought fairly, and ho congratulated Mr Mitchell on his victory. He (the speaker) had done his best for the borough during ids term of office, and expressed appreciation of tho courtesy he had always received from tho people. Cheers were given for both candidates and the gathering was then addressed by the successful candidates for the Council. all of whom thanked the electors for the honour bestowed upon them. I BLUFF. Very keen interest was taken in ttie Bluff municipal elections and over 200 people waited in front of the Courthouse to hear the announcement of the results last night. There were twelve candldatps for the nine seats, and the voting was as follows; E. A. Nicholl 238, A. Mackenzie 237, W. Hinchey 231. J. Walker 2 11. H. Z. Chapman 196, K. Parker 183. G. W. Reilly ISO. F. J. Tipping ISO. Rev. E. W. Walker I6S. The defeated candidates were: M. E. W iig l.h, J. -Valentine 126. K. V. Edge 126. After the returning officer had announced the results, all the candidates addressed the crowd, and a good deal of enthusiasm prevailed. Rev. E. W. Walker and Mr G. W. Reilly occupy scats for the first time JXt OTHEB TOWIFB FOXTON, April 2S. Mayoral election. —A. Fraser extown clerk. 297; Senior - councillor Chrystall, 238. PALMERSTON N.. April 2S. The mayoral election resulted. J. A. Nash (present mayor) 1965, F. J. Nathan 1405. WALMATE, April 28. The result of the mayoral election is; X. Francis 027. J. Black 351. MASTERTON, April 28. The mayoralty resulted as follows: J M. Coradine (retiring mayor), SB3; John Hunter, 396.

BLENHEIM, April 28. J. J. Corry (sitting mayor) had a majority of 92 over Councillor Carr. HAWERA, April 28. E. Dixon 436, E. Morrisey 431. DUNEDIN, April 28. The City mayoral election resulted as follows:—Clarke 6862, MyerS/ 5251, Marlow 3940. Mornington. Sincock 587, Harraway 391. NELSON, April 28. Th© mayoral election resulted. O. J. Harley 1200. AV. Lock (retiring mayor) 1082. ASHBURTON. April 28. The mayoral election resulted: —Robt Galbraith 533. Henry Davis 373. Mr Davis had held office for 12 consecutive years, and had been elected unopposed on each occasion. The poll was the largest known here. AUCKLAND, April 28. The Auckland mayoralty resulted; — .1. H. Gunson 8805, R. Tudchope 5752 Gunson's majority is 3053. Newmarket mayoralty. Jas. McCoII 450, W. J. Jaffrey 437. WELLINGTON,. April 28. The City mayoralty final.hiresulted: —J. P. Luke (retiring mayor) 9896, R. Fletcher 7483, C. H. Chapman (Labour) 1132. Of 33.500 voters on the roll little over 18.500 went to the poll. The count of the City Council and the Hospital Board votes is not expected to be finished till a late hour. All suburban mayors were elected unopposed as follows:—Petone, J. AV. 11cEwan (re-elected): Unit, H. Baldwin (re-elected); Onslow, O. C. Crump (reelected): Eastbourne, J'. P. Keddy: Miramar, F. Townsend (rc-elcctcd); Karori, B. G. H. Burn. In th© Harbor Board elections for the payers of dues other than on ships. R. E. Sinclair defeated A. D. Kennedy by 168 votes to 27: C. AV. .tones and H. L. Nathan were returned unopposed for the payers of dues on ships OAMARU. April 28. The mayoral election resulted in W. H. Frith (retiring mayor) defeating James Mitchell by 145 votes. CHRISTCHURCH, April 28. Tile municipal elections resulted:— City mayoralty—H. Holland (retiring mayor) 4591, R. M. Spe.irs (Social Democrat) 3947. Cr H. B. Sorenson 3631. The City Council was elected as follows: Citizens’ Association 9, Social Democrats 6, Independent 1. A poll was taken on the half-holiday question and Saturay was retained by a large majority. (

a j) ?§ 3 £ Oi 3 7. 7 7. P a 7. 5 a D -1 01 1> S' a 'D “i r* b p « M -a ? a a a ■c pj‘ Jj pa, Cv g 3 & 3) S 2. 1 - - 4*t; 7. 7i y 4» yj 4* Town Hall No. 1. Z o a o yi r 1 J ' ' 3 — '*' h*"h1 u*. a*. •z> r Z> yi to >u O *£> Town J lull No. ° D - IJ v? J * C5 V v y -‘ H* r- '' y» VC y» V. yj 'C> 0 ' — • J o 1 0 C' y. Town Hall No. 1!, •J *• L I - 1 •o y. ro - 1 lown Hull No. 4 7. -»- ■j •t 4*. * 1 T( y. - •/> M - !7, M P -t Po 01 71 o P P OO •St. I'a ill's- School /5 %3 /- •J> /. r /3 y Ck-* Avonai '.3 V> c> 05 -1 w »— ~4 dllKlHt o f, * u l"T li y- £ fi 3f? vo ?i 'oi - Si ?t O • me •y rV3 -1 y North In-glll No. 1 z> r 3 '/: ■' y “-■’ '■ IJ 4 y. f? - fj -5 ?! y< 1 / V c - * f? North In gill No. 2. .. ■y> •/, y» oo c; ■1 '1 VI Syl vni Hank y) “ -‘ l - - p ■ y - -■■■' y7. il 7. 7t :| y. y. y. .**. o 13 CO a*, c: O -J '£> CO o O Teviut Si reel >-» r-* >-• ,-A ri~. M S. 7 •: V3 7. C3 o Oi fi ■ ~ jl - ? y. o i o o O i o y* Mnrlst High.’ —• 1— » •-* r- * ?, •J ll y> s u w «r« 03 a yi o to i? ;,1 £ o y. Knox School - _£ y, •y ~ M ■y A. o a. i: 1 j? r, li W O VI CO Kllfi.s td. School £ 5* y. •z -1 « o 4*. *v> il JJ VI r s. 03 03 03 y « !/,: j Georgetown _ ■-• — Mt M >-• H-l M H* - " v: £ «• V? o y> 05 V« o y. 03 oo !i o w 4*. M o o Mrs F.ngland’s Store Ji cy !?! o w :j 4*. i 10 <** O V. CO CO o c H o o y y co o Kni'iislaw Street — _4 _ M to U to to *— to c: l 0 to Hto to f* y c a- t: c V CO Totals O O £ £ £ w to rd to (-* oo -i t- 1 1-000 p y 4C3 U p

Looa’iM--* *> ■= tr — *r C. Town Hall No. ! .. ! \ : 1 9 I 1 7 r, do No. j . . i i 6 i»»:; \ ] i do No. 7 . . u7 s 79 l 1 7 i* do No. 4 . . i n u i 7* 4 #> St. Paul’? School .. i i I 1:: t 3 I 7 Av.*nal Town Hall 1 1 7 177 s r» Gladstone T-H. 1 ”4 Us 4 7 North In'glU. No. 1 7 1 U7 1 S 0 do N’o. 7 7.6 4 4'd 17 Sylvan Bunk School i 7 7 iru 1 7 St. School . 1 7 9 i r. 7 7 4 0 diarist Bros. School 04 797 1 7 4 Knox ('hurch School 9»; ] 7S 1 7 — Ki !es koa<! School l->7 i _ ►; I s Ceiir"<‘tuwn in:. J ::i i:: 2 2d ! "• Kuslands. Jed sire---i 1 1 N 9'i ] 4 Ciiraoliiw si. School "N :;n i '• 7 I 907 7673 7 i 6 7

us follow: — .r STKAD 313 3 T. U. MCNME .. 3050 v.' A. OTT 3S17 A RAIN 3743 .T T CAKSWELI, .. 2609 j> dl'NLOP 3314 --\ K. Aii^IIKIi 3413 -i' o i;yhnio .. .. 3 3 {*3 j K L1I.1.1CKA!' .. 3 3 4 S \V. MARTIN . . . . 3181 J L. RETIRE .. .. 31 3 3 \V. RAIKU 107 I BuUi -Messrs anil Martin have frari previous experience. but the Eev.

X c c3 X *3 X <D X 0) a o . w 5 s Ph c Town Hall. 1 . . lot 277 231 148 2 Town Hall. 2 . . 1 52 252 231 148 I Town Hall 1! . . 240 121 no i 257 2 Town Hall. 1 . . 1 10 1 77 132 97 14 St. Paul’s School 126 206 191 121 1 A venal T.H. . . 1 19 200 1 85 106 6 Gladstone T.H. 162 151) 176 76 2 X. In'gill. J .. 10!) 222 178 109 6 X. In’gill. 2 . . S2 1 66 ini 100 s Sylvan Bank . . 171 268 24 6 152 6 Teviot Street . . 116 262 216 170 4 Marist Bros.’ . . 126 2s:* 243 193 8 Knox Church . . 91 1SS 142 109 10 Elies rcl. School 126 200 178 119 13 Georgetown 126 210 174 99 4 Mrs England's 100 172 167 87 5 Earnslaw st. Sehl IS 77 72 37 0 Clifton 62 SO 75 58 3 Elies rd. T.H. 143 236 213 161 ii 21! 72 4067 2615 2347 106

The detailed figures were as follow:—C3 <D = a> £ ?: O o ,_3 cu Town Hall, 1 - . 195 229 226 144 Town Hall. 2 . . 1SS 262 212 1 21 Town Hall. 2 - • 22s 4 0 2 24 6 2 5 0 Town Hall, 1 • • i;i: 102. i:u: no St. Paul’s u;i 130 176 1 07 - Avenai T.H. . . 1 29 176 121 112 Gladstone T.H. 127 176 150 60 Sage's Store . ■ 140 137 171 122 O'Conner's Store 104 126 128 102 Svlvan Bank . . 207 27 0 214 162 Teviot Street . . IS a 219 21 S 152 6 Marist Bros.’ . . i r.T 26S 2 i 1 200 Knox Church . . 120 1 i» 2 1 ts 107 Elies ltd. Schl IS 2 ISO 100 no 1 6 Georgetown . ■ 185 i 7:: 1 51 108 - Kamslaw St. . . 6 2 ■' - - 60 74 7S ;> i •» Miles Ud. T.H. 166 216 202 164 14 Mrs ling land’s 136 173 1 10 8S 2386 3755 3265 2322 158

Votes. John Milchell . 95 2 Samuel McMillan . 281 Majority 71 BI.fFF HARBOUR BOARD. V otes. A. F. Hawke . 216 C. S. Longuet A. Bain . 166 Mr I 1,. Petrie secured 16 4 voles, and was unsuccessful in his cand idature. COUNCIL DORS. Kac’n ward returned three represent-a-lives, as under; — MXDDI.K WARD. VnLos. W. MeChesney , JS1 J McFadzien 1 62 A. Hope 150 SOUTH AVAR!'. Votes. o. Smith . 89 J. Murphy 86 C. Holloway 79 NORTH WARD. Votes. M. Thomas . 192 M. Ronan . 131

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Southland Times, Issue 17498, 29 April 1915, Page 7

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Municipal Elections Southland Times, Issue 17498, 29 April 1915, Page 7

Municipal Elections Southland Times, Issue 17498, 29 April 1915, Page 7