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T!ie Government Meteorologist 'ilr Bates) lias been advised. states the Evening Post, that the whole of the instruments in the New Plymouth Observatory fsix standard thermometers and a* rain gauge) have been stolen. Two were removed last week, and the other* were abstracted a night or two ago. The observatory is a small building on the beach, near the Fire Brigade st*. tion, and is locked up at night _tim*,_

The attention of those interested in Daffodil Day is directed to an advertisement appearing in another column. The secretary particularly desires that names of ladies willing to assist, shopkeepers offering the use of their windows, and promises of flowers, should reach him before tho meeting on Friday evening.

Mr J. B, Thompson, drainage export, will visit Invercargill this week-end to finish iiis inspection of the Waikiwi and Makarewa rivers, after which his report will he presented to the Government.

A London paper, under date August 6, two days after the outbreak of war taid: —Many Navy and Army officers are applying for special marriage licences, and in order to facilitate the issue of such licences arrangements have been made for the Faculty Office. Knigtitriderst. to remain open continuously both day and night for a few days.

Notice was made in these columns .onto time ago tsays the Otautau Standard! that Mr W. J. A. McGregor, ol Mount Linton, had donated a horse to th? Expeditionary F'>ree. towards equipping one of his men who had ' tiinco then, a second man from Mr McGregor's station has offered, and Mr McGregor has again conic forward, and equipped with horse and all else I lie second man. Titus the Mount Linton contingent may be said with tiuth to have been generously provided tor by its squire.

.V warm tribute to the Kussians as fignters was made a few days ago by Alt If. W. Laidley. a Sydney consulting engineer. Mr "Laidley spent a year in Russia as a young man, and has a groat admiration for the Russians. "They are men of magnificent physique, but veo slow in movement," he said. I have always taken a very keen interest in Russian affairs, and have followed events there as closely as one eatt do from here. 1 know that the Russian Army of today is a were - tough proposition. They have been splendidly drilled, and have remedied the defects exposed in the war against the Japanese. As for personal courage, the Russian is not one whit behind the British officer, and that is paying him the highest tribute 1 know.

For some years Messrs A. and PMacpherson. the well-known limber merchants, have been sending: consignments ot' beech from Southland to Air—tralia. where it is chiefly used in the manufacture of agricultural implements. .A new use for it has, however. been discovered since the war bec'am Mcssis ilacphcrson having been advised tiiai the timber is now utilised iu the making of military waggons, anil these a ill so<>n. in the words of the Arm's Melbourne agent, "be among the tlermaiis. This will bo a pleasant variation on the familiar legend—"Made in Germany.

The Minister of Mines i.the lion. AN. Eraser) was asked in the House on Tuesday afternoon by Sir Joseph N\ ard ■whether he would have any objection it) circulating a Bill prepared as a result of Tin- Goal Mines Commission, which sat in PHI. but which was not proceeded with. Mr I'rascr said that in- had )'■> objection. It was his intention to introduce this year a Bill which was prepared last year, but which, owing to certain circumstances, was not gone on with. This Bill would probably have Pcea already considered by the Mines Committee, but for the fact that tt had been agreed that contentious matter should be avoided. A part, if not the whole, of the Bill would be proceeded with. lu reply to Mr Colvin Mr Kraser slated that the Bill to be introduced was based on the report of the coal Mines Commission.

•\ special cable despatch to an American newspaper says: The,health of the I’rincc of Wales is becoming more and more a matter of anxiety to the King and Queen. Before going to (.amp with the Oxford Cadet Corps hist month the Prince was medically examined with the Test of the corps, and he was among the six declared unfit for training. The I’rir.ce lias been specially warned against the danger of chill, as it is feared that si. bad chill would develop chest complaint and make him an invalid for it considerable time, if not for life. The King’s medical advisers have constantly recommended a long sea voyage for the Prince, and the intention lias been to send him on a cruise to Australia. Uarly in the year details of Hie tour to Australia and Canada, were planned for the autumn. Political reasons also rendered :i visit by the Prince to the colonies desirable, but his detestation of the sea seems likely to prevent the materialisation of these plans.

"The stupid artificial division line in the nu]iv:iy service lias nut lons' to Jive" (says the Railway Review!. The ■wonder is that it has survived so lons 3n a st>-ahea<l I'ouatry, where a man's qualities of brain and hand constitute bis only passport to success in commercial ami industrial life. We are

much more hopeful of a transformation in tiic railway service after reading the General Manager’s special report !o Parliament upon the whole system. Mr Hi ley concedes what we have been asking for incessantly the definite provision of actual opportt) nit ies for Division 11. men who have ambition to rise )o posts of executive responsibility. We hope Mr Hiley will quickly get to work cn the lines he has laid down. Me may have to wait with extreme patience fur the th ree-and-a-quarte r millions necessary to bring equipment and stations up to tile mark, but it will cost very Jittlu. rave some clear-headed sy mpathi thorganisation to start his (Second Division promotion scheme." Mur Mataura correspondent write--; 'The unemployed problem has not been so acute here during the last month as' was feared. Kven the war has its com-j.-nsations in one form, inasmuch at it has created a strong demand for printing paper and chilled beef and mutton, fm that cur paper mills and freezing works, instead of being idle arc running fuii time, and our dairy factory lias opened sooner than usual this season. Ti:.- Borough Goiincil intend currying out another section of their drainage scheme, so that although there will thus he a number of unemployed, especially yrmng men, thing? are n*u ye( bad a.-; was feared they might be. Air owen Kelly, contractor for our nou post office, i ia .s now a full staff of men fti the wre k. Tine output for the next t h r . e months for -Mataura and Tiiturau dairy factories have been sold to Messrs Wright, Bte-phensou and Co., at a satisfactory figure. A ■.[-or. is 1 enquiry into the circumstances siirrounilinr the death of Henry Brown. whU'u took place on Sunday, was 'odd tie fore tin: District Coroner, Ml- T. Hutchison, on Tuesday. The evidence was to the effect that deceased v.:i; -.ears of age. ami a ftinner at ; Memiah'. where he had resided for j-a-v - n rs. ll*'’ cam*- into town on Salordav. and lut**- was driven out in the \V:i Ib'O'*; row' n .lunriion lintel by a cal' dri'.cr named Sandri. Deceased had ; ..1,1.. i;. | - 1 .. r in the hold, hut w;ks not under lV- inlluence of ii when he left, taking two bottles of whisky with him. He returned, to town at 11.PJ p.m. in ih*- cab. ami. lying unable to get lodgings in the hoarding-house.-: owing tn ih.. laic hour. Sandri took him to his t : , is. -, wh.-re he slept that night. In l m morning he declined breakfast, but drank f.v.. cups of tea with whisky in in and re'il-ned to bed about k D‘-(■a-.'d was seen asleep at noon, hut *« pm., v.l'.ep Sandri entered Iho fie found him Ict\ with his face l.rf ~-e,*j jn the pillow. Dr< Barclay and Carrie!,] I'ra-.vferd held a post-mortem, ami found that the cause of death was suffocation while deceased was in a sin* of intoxication. A verdict in ; cc-0.-d with the medical evidence was i i-con! c I. A member of the Xew Zealand forces in Soil" a. in a letter, date.] September :■ Mates that there was a mild scare there the precious evening. "II was reported abonl Ip.m..' lie say;*, that Three ships were approa eh i rtg the coast. Thor Moppet some distance off. and began to signal in an unknown code. Three lamps' on different parts of the Island answered them a few words, and then disappeared before the troops could arrive a t 15 1 o spots. All troops were < ailed to stations, and Colonel Logan and iiis staff never slept all night. They stood in our lines practically all night, anxiously reading every message from "the pilot station. At 1 a.m. we had to drop all our tents, and remove our baggage uul of sight of the harbour. The pocket Vioats scanned the harbour all night. The ships, whatever they were. Hearned away a good two hours before daybreak. Colonel Logan himself saw both the lights at sea and the lights flashing ashore. The troops have been scouring the country al! day in a quiet manner, but have found no trace of anything suspicious, except the place where one lamp was situated. Five of ns are going out to-night to Observatory J'oi lit. where one of the lamps were found, jur instructions are to challenge if anyuie approaches, and if our challenge is _iot obeyed at once, to shoot.’’

At tho Dunedin Police-Court yesterday morning, wires our correspondent, before IMr H. y. Widdowson, S. M Frederick Cooke was charged that on December 6, 1013, at Invercargill, ho did receive the sum of 16s from Mrs Adams on terms requiring him to account for the same to W. H. C. Johnston, and did fail to do so. Chief Detectivq. Herbert said that accused had been a lieutenant quartermaster in the Expeditionary Force and was arrested by DetectiveSergeant Ward yesterday. Ho was not, however, going with the force. There were alleged tg be a number of similar charges against Him extending over a period of about a year. Accused, wtio declared himself not guilty, was remanded to appear at Invercargill on Friday, hail being fixed, self in £. r >o and two sureties of £25 each. Tho Postmaster - General announces that cable telegrams for places in Groat Britain. written In plain language, will 1,0 charged for at ten letters to a word, irrespective of the actual number of letters contained in any one word. Croups of figures will continue to be counted as at present, five figures to tho word. Any surplus groups of letters occurring immediately before a group of figures wIU be counted as one word. Telegrams are to bo written as at present and the words will be telegraphed in their usual form and not broken up into groups of ten letters, tho alteration being one of charging only and should prove a substantial concession and saving in the cost of cable messages to England.

Shortly after midnight a disturbance arose through some reason or other in Kelvin street at no tar distance from the Times office. To tin outsider, who had a leniency towards tite safety of his own skin and kept at a distance, the tiff ray seemed to end in a donnybrook. and punches were exchanged to some purpose. The result was that blood flowed freely, and one man whose head came into hard contact with the pavement took a considerable time to recover. A doctor was summoned. as was also tlie police, and tuither results may probably ensue.

As the steamer Star of \ ietoria. of Ihe Commonwealth and Dominion bine, has been taken in AustraJla Cor use its a troopship her earpro for Auckland. Ciisborne. Napier. and V/o.llinfrton bcms transhipped from Sydney. The Star of Victoria is. from London, ami arrived at Sydney on September S. She liad on biKinl * I.'OO tons of general merchandise for Auckland. and M.tO ions of this cat pto was brought from Sydney by the Mahono \>'st erria . The for Auckland. ■Wellington. I-yttelton and Dunedin, I I v the Kan.umtira from Liverpool is licdiur broiisT. t to New Ze-uland h> the Union Company’s steamer Waitemata. The Waitemata was expected to leave the New South Wales port fast Saturday for Auckland, and she should, therefore, arrive there about to-day. As the Ibanppitira's earso consisted of several thousand tons, the ’Waitemata. will prohnhlv be a ftd! snip. The fhmpratira has also* been taken over by the Commonweal tit Covern men t for use as a troopship.

Mrs Brennan, the cultured teacher of pastel painting, will visit Invercargill about the beginning of October, ami will form classes in tuis iashionablo art. also pen painting, pastenotlo work, and china painting. Particulars maybe seen at Airs Donaldson’s Art Depot. The visit will be a short one.

Tiie secretary of tite Southland Educalion ’Board (Mr A. Bell) yesterday receiv'd a telegram from the Department (Wellington) stating that the Government desired Dominion Day (Monday) observed in a fitting manner. No suggestions were marie in the communication and probably it will bo left to the various committees or hcad-tcachor.s to decide (lie nature of the programme most suitable for the occasion. There will be a parade of cadets on Monday evening next. Headed by the Kegimentnl 1-ta.nd they will march through ti: e principal streets. It is expected that there will be a big muster. ■Exclusive showings In now lies, caps, hats and shirts.—UndrilTs, opposite Post Office, x l.o'ers of good tea should try tipnew shipmeul of Baxter's Choice Ftava Tea. Kara tea is a lea of undoubted merit and excellence; 'db for S/-, 1011» Imp I ts. Bonuses given with tea as well as with other goods at Baxter's.

I Some very st-iking designs in Oriental Table Gent res and Occasional . Table ('••’•ers are u> be seen at ThomI sou and Beattie's. arc very efj fective and moderate in price, ii/ll and i 12, t:. Also curtain borders to match at 2 II per yard. x The bewitching window displays now being made by Price and Bulleid are making the well - known corner the chief place of resort. Xot only are the ladies to b" seen thronging the pavement, but mere man is arrested by the brilliancy cf the show, and it is indeed a goodly sight, everything of the newest, and the tmeiouaness of the well-appointed windows add to the chcarm. Gorgeous ribbons, dainty neckwear, exquisite millinery. and ready to wear hats, sports coats, and costume, crepe and muslin blouses are to be seen in endless variety, and the beautiful dress fabrics in crepe, voiles, Balmoral suitings. Quaker cloths, sponge , : -d- rtc.. etc., in every conconcci vah!-' shade. There is only one tiling to- r vini must go and see for yourself in.- D-autir? Of fashion at Price and Bulteid's magnificent palace of commerce, x Bathing costumes for ladies, men and boys. The Economic Outfitters have just i-peiied out a splendid assortment at prices from 6d to 7s sd. x Hay fever or nasal catarrh occasionail;.' with asthmatic symptoms. occurs a.t about tiic same time every year, these tim-'s usually being spring and summer, and is caused bv the inhalation of the pollen of certain plants, etc. It is also attributed to the influence of microbes that float in the air, Bor this particular enmnlainr Mr R. Fommerville. G'nem;?t and Kvesight Specialist. Pee street. Invercargill, has a well-tried specific. \Ve understand Mr Summerville freeuentlv has occasion to send this to all pan,- of the dominion, as well as to Austral).) and America. This preparation wiM hr posted to any address on receipt of 7 5 —Aclvt. Quite a siir has been created in motor cveiiog circles during the past few days by the arrival of the new valveless Triumph. This motor cycle is a complete masterpiece in simplicity. It contains only three working parts, consequently there is practically nothing to go wrong. The design and finish are right up to the usual Triumph standard of excellence. The weight is only 125 lbs, and the machine is equipped with a remarkably neat two speed gear box. This motor cycle must be seen and ridden tn be fully appreciated. We invite all interested to come, inspect, and have a trial run on this machine which is the acme of perfection in motor cycle construction. —Wilson. Eraser. Ltd, sole agents, Dee street. Invercargill. x

SYXOPSIS XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Or. page 1— Want. dork. Wan), gardener, I ,osl, bay marc. Borough Invrcargill. office alterat ion?. Smith and Gains have large selection of crockery to choose from. On Pare 2. "The best procurable,-'' at Armour ■ Johnston's. Ltd. Visit Kirk and Webb's sale at the King’s Hall. On page 3 V\ ;i 1 luce I'minty inserts notice, tn bankruptcy, estate R. M. Eil’gcrithl. of Waihoaka. trt bankruptcy, Charles Bait. Lecture by Rev. J. W. Shaw on Sept. Mrs Brennan inserts card. Meeting re Daffodil Day on Sept. 23. Notice re rate for Wairnatuka River District. W.iimatLiku River District roll open for inspection. On page 6 Fullers Pictures, at S p.m. Lyceum Pictures at R p.m. Methodist Social Rally at 7 .Id tonight. Sirring meeting S.C.J.C. °ti October la ajxci 17. On page 8— ‘ Wright. Stephenson and Go. have trochoid farm for sale.

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Southland Times, Issue 17764, 24 September 1914, Page 4

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 17764, 24 September 1914, Page 4

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 17764, 24 September 1914, Page 4


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