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THE Southland Times PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. FRIDAY, 27th APRIL, 1906.

Tlu* commit Uv ol Victoria Mvm'U'ial Home transacted some Important business at iyesterday’s meeting 'Hie matron's report was most satisfactory. there are at present five jrirls in the institution, and tlu* cast* of a sixth is beiiin* considered. Donations are ackno-.vh v-bb thanks fro»m Mos James Brown, Amlers<m (Otutiiru), Uiustl.i, Miss Mason (Winton), Mr Uryant. and “ a on' - . For some time tin* ladies of Knox Church have been busily paration for a sale of work to be Uekl on Wednesday next, Tlu* object s?i view is to increase tin; buildup Lock i-ud to ensure its success tlio Ladies’ Lnibl havo derided that tile articles a ill ho 'both seasonable arid reasonable, and if report of the bargains is true the attendants uill havelittle spare tim * on their hands. Particulars are advertis'd. The Wallace County Coimril had it.s first experience of the new Wo-lei'n Pis* trie', 11. and C..V. ‘hoard when it was inlorimtl at its last meet in »r Uuil its payment for Phnj would h* UM7 1-s Last year the levy made on th* Wallace Comity Council hy tin* Southland 11. and C.A. Hoard was £8 HU 1 Is. so that Cm* selling up of a separate body has hern contemporaneous with an increased deJinand vpon the taxpayers c£ Wallace County. Willi regard to the lad V'red Weight who was 'before the Juvenile Ollenders Court on Wednesday, his aye was incorrectly given in yesterday’s issue as 10 j years. The boy is only years old [Detective Mcllven"y was also reported as I saying that it was not the hrst time the | lad had bom before the court. What the I‘detective did say was that the lad had received a warning onco before, but it was Ids first appearance in courtThe choir of St. Paul’s PrcshytorUm Church, assisted by some of the boslkni)Wu of local amateurs, will give a concert in the church this uvmdng. for which an exceedingly attractive programme has , beer, prepared. Since the choir won the ‘first prLe in the choir contest at the lnJ vercargiU competitions last year, it has i worked steadily under its conductor, Mr ! \V. J. Verguson. L.AJL. with tin* result ; that it is now aide to submit to tlie • public a very attractive entertainment. The first part of to-night’s programme) ;nill be the sacred cantata " The Polling Seasons.” 'The cantata affords opportunities tor all classes of singing—solos. ; quartettes, ducts, trios and choruses, li e I nnvvic of tin* cantata Is very lin«•, and the | work is in competent hands. 'The second part of the programme takes the form of a miscellaneous concert, in which Miss ;V. Mclntosh. Mrs HUip, and Mr A. U. .Thompson will sing, and .Messrs Lc Petit, i Lillicrap. McKay, Ferguson, and Purr j will take part in instrumental items, Tim I programme will begin and end wiUi orj gun solos hy Mr Carr. Xo charge will Ik* made vor ndmission. but n Collertioiv will ),o taken in aid of the organ fund, mid with so excellent a programme the concert should be very largely attended. U has li ng been the desire of the local branch of the Navy Leag'ue to show some hospitality to the officers and crews of the Australasian .Squadron, but the vessels visit the Bluir so rarely that the op.oortunities afforded to the League are few. Some time ago the T.eaguo wrote to his Excellency the Admiral requesting him to advise th ■ League some time in advance of ilia vidt of any vessel of idsquadron to the Bluff. This the Admiral undertook to do. hut so far the League has not been advised directly of the programme of the warships’ movements. When, however, it wn_s announced that H.M'.S. I’egnsus would lie in Bluff harbour from 2-tth April to 23th Ap'dl action was at once taken with a view to fntortaining Hie men at port this evening. Yesterday morning it, was :..ported in the shipping column of this Journal that the Pegasus had not arrive 1 in port, while a telegram from Wellington stated that the men of the Pegasus had taken part in the San Francisco relief procession) there. With all this uncertainty about the'vessel’s movements, tile idea of proceeding with arrangements Was at once dropped. The see re fury lias now written to the Admiral expressing -tlio disappointment of the League, and requesting advice of tlio vessel’s movements. If it can he arranged, the local ‘branch of the League would like to provide for tiio entertainment of both ollicess and crow, and would also like to give tlio school children on opportunity of visiting one of ids Majesty's ships of war. At—the practice of the Don street church choir yesterday evening, the Utv. K. Uaine, on behalf of the choir, presented the organist. Mr G. E. .tones, with a valuable chain and gold locket in tokeji of their esteem. j At a sitting of the Warden’s Court , at Orepuki Mr S. E. McCarthy granted j the following applications L. f Cross, | ordinary claim ; W. V.. XL Hall, protection for water race ; H. Fraser, protcc-!, tiou for beach claim. Applications by ; Chinamen ior special 'alluvial claims j wore adjourned till nest court day- j

Tho diverted inward Frisco, mall will be conveyed from Fiji to N.Z. by the Tutanoki and if the .Monna arrives nt Suva' on time the maid should reach Auckland on 19th May, The recent dd,.d caused enormous destruction among rooLits. In the Eastern District hauls of two .or three hundred were by no means uncommon, and in the Western District 350 and" 300 were got in two cases on small patches of fround. The Borough Council received intimation last night that the biennial cottfflito once of the Municipal Asßociatldn Would he held in Wellington in Jdly. A proposal whs ninja that Mr Ilnnan, M.H.U., should bo appointed the Council’s delegate, and this was generally favoured. Another suggestion was that tho Mayor, who is a member of the Association’s Executive, should also attend, and It Waft decided to hold the final decision over until the Council’s rights regarding representation were usr-rtainod. There was a good meator of the I’iratep Club on .the. Western Reserve on Wednesday afternoon for the filial pfactits. Sides Were chosen by U. Burgess and W. I’utligflew, uivl wlini the players lined Out inch side lied its full team- The game was a very fair one, some good pissing ami forward work Ini ig shown. Pettigrew's sale won by 11 to 0 after a close tussle, which was very fust from the start. For the winners Hill (2) and W. Smith scored tries. while D. Hamilton kicked a goal from Smith’s . try. For the losers Burgess and Rodgers scored, Capital form was Shewn by some of tho players. Members of the Club are requested to roll up to practice on Friday and Monday u'ghts. At tin, Wiutmi mayoral election on Wednesday 107 recorded their votes out of a possible 211. The present holder of the office (Mr C. D. Moore) secured a maturity of 15 votes, the numbers being Moore 91, .1. M. Kennedy 75, informal 1. Both candidates were present at the official declaration, and 'briefly thanked their s.ippc rut's —Own correspondent.' At the Kennington householders’ meeting on Monday the following school committee was elected Messrs H. L. Fowler (chairman), J. B, Cosgrove (secretary), U. Wood, J. Irving, A. Haini J. McLennan, ulid H. King, Ur. Wlliouglilby, lecturing at the London Institute of Hygiene, made the interesting sla'teuieiit that, ” for every person wl„> drinks too much alcohol, there are lei who drink too little water, and suffer in consequence from headache, languor ilaid many other ills.” An application was received lost evening by' the Borough Council from H. and ,1. Smith, drapers, for permissiot l.‘ open eases on 'the edge of the footpath and unpack same, as they had no backyard. Councillors sympathised with the applicants, link could not see their way to make any definite concession. The feeling appeared to be that the bylaw should bo reasonably administered, but that to allow an actual concession might cause unpleasant in ss. it was pointed out that tim Police ()Deuces Act dealt with the Miatt.r. ami the Council doci led to so I inform the applicants. j (ileal, iude.d, is tlu) maim of UlChurd, King of the Forunate Islands. Even the vanh itsilf Ims taken to imitating him. j Accmdiug to Professor Mihie, tho reason ■ for the awful disinter at San Francisco iis t hat ilu- earth woVibled. ’1 he results !-were fatal, due, no doubt, to the earths j waul of practice. When Richard wolAfios, ■ Ihe 'i 1 i'osiI •* is the ellcCt. That is because | Rich ml lias more Ho Can ■ v, oliMe with sue a ss. When the earth has ', 1 ( ,i.,. as much wobbling as he has, it | v.:il matuose to avoid crumpling up cities. | l a!,,. Richard's wobble on the land quesli.n.foi- example, and recall its beautiful 'symmetry and grave. That was an object 1,.-s u in wobbling upon a subject the earth might be expected to nave a im.nojolv of. No one was hurl Ly that osi• iIi: 1 1 inor moveuu n 1 '• the freeholder didn’t lor anything, neither did the ieaccholdI, r. But alas ! lie is unrivalled. Even ( Mother Nai ure herself can't compete with him !—'Truth (Christchurch). A man named Kelly lived '.n a little Id ; ,t Utile River, Canterbury, which Was burnt with all his hei mgini'-s. He is an oil age pensioner, and Hie resid.iiis, coimuiseral lug with him in his misfortune. raised £35, built a cosy mutch-lined crib tor him. and furnished iit. In'i'vd t" take possession, ho turned ion lbs l in fact ors, rejected the bouse, and demanded the money. This being reins. d. he sml the committee, but Mr is.M,, when Hie facts camo out, made short work of the claim. He gave a \enlirl for defendants, and expressed S :|- ri S " at liie lack of gratitude displayed by Hie flaiutifik Several I Ingrams from the Premier were read at Hie Borough Council meetj inlast evening r> furring to the Son i Francisco disaster ami the suggestion | that relief should ho sent. Tho Mayor 1 said ihat Hie President of the United stales had intimated that the citizens of Hie States could moot all the requil'e- | meats of affected by the disaster, j and laid discouraged the idea of receiving outside suhscriptuma- Under theso j circumstances tho Council could hardly take any action. A peculiar position has, arisen in conInection with tho Mntaura sludge channel. Our correspondent explains os follows Tlie recent decision of tho Supreme Court that tho Mataura Borough Council had no power to collect cost of maintenance of sludge channel, not he-' ing entitled to hoid a, license fo’r tho channel, has placed tho land owners adjoining the channel in a very awkward position. Tho Mutnura Be rough Council repudiute any responsibility over tho channel, amt no other body has any jurisdiction over i(. Tho lato flood, as might lave been expected, has done considerable damage at Hie upper end, and .unless soimj protective work ja done at | once there is a danger of the enbank'laenl erected ut great expense tiling cari ried away and the laud heUnv and part 'of tho town being flooded as aforetime. jTo get out of the dilemma it has been I suggested to form a River Board with rating [lowers to provide means of maintaining the channel. At hist, night’s meeting) of the Borough Council councillors received Copies of a very full report of tho evidence given on the Ifilh inst. at tho enquiry held by tho Abattoir Committee into the past management of tha institution. A verbatim note of the evidence was taken by Mr A. H. Lane, of tiro Southland Times reporting staff, under instructions from ■ his Woivhip the Mayor, for the convenience of viiuncillors in dealing with an important public matter. The full report, as presented-to the councillors last, will bo'published ns a special supplement in to-morrow’s issue of this paper. On Monday evening, April 23rd, a | Party, organised t,y Mr 1,. F. Service, j Mrs IV. Ashley and -Mrs Allen. Matron of ! the Bowmont street Homo, visited that j institution and gave the inmates a .pleasant surprise in the form of an evenj ing’s entertainment. After Rev, R. Raine and Air A. McLean, City Missionary, had | opened the proceedings with a few remarks, a programme of songs, etc., was I rendered by Hie visitors, Mr Allen, Masiter of the Home, acting as chairman, j Tlie following took part in a series ol [Vocal solos, duets, trios, und .(quartets jMrs Ayling (encored), Mrs Service, Mrs Ashley, Mrs Wilson. Mrs Nicholson, j Mrs Leete, Cttshen, Donaldson and Woodj north, and Messrs Raine, A. S. ProgI gntt., Gooch, Williams (encored), and Bnin, while n pianoforte selection Was given by Mr H. Glittery, a recitation by Nurse McNaiighton, and a cornet sold by Air A. McLean, Jr. Tho accompaniments were played by Mrs Allen, Mr IT. Guttery. Miss McLaren and Mr F. Mitchell. During- the evening, refreshments were handed round, and a series of games was , indulged in, both visitors and inmates j mingling together in a most friendly and sociable manner. Altogether a very ! on- . joyn'.ilo evening was spent, the old peoj pie showing their appreciation of the ef- | forts of tho visitors to give them a real good time by their beamingjaces and i the hearty manner in which they received ; the various items. The evening was ! brought to a close by tho singing of 1 Auld Lang Syne and God Save the King.

Councillor Rocfhe, in eulogising tbs 1 work of the • Municipal Association, said that Its representations hod Been largely instrumental ht defeating the .{anions Fire Brigades Bill, one Of the, didst ‘ ‘ damaging ’’ over presented in the colony. The worthy Councillor’s pronunciation .01-.tho condemnatory' word orous;d a few aomnofents, who hurriedly'rose to order with questions ns to parliamentary language. In a pained voice. Councillor UoChe enquired whftt was the Cause of the hUbbubjtlml was informed by the Mayor that one of his words, had unfortunately sounduef u. spielously l like " another) word.” Tho mooting of North Invercargill householders to elect a school committee was attended by 18 persons, several being ladles ; the retiring, chairman (Mr A. Blomfield) presiding. Tho report stated that a good deal of work had been done about the school—a shelter-shed had been, b'iiilt for the.girls, the playground and approaches had been gravelled, fences had been triuinied, ai\d tho surroundings generally had beeh put In good order,. The average roll had been 149. and the attendance 131. The balance-sheet Showed receipts of £B3 79 3d ; expenditure, £77 4s ifid, leaving d, credit balance of £0 2s sd. Votes 'of thanks were.passed to the teaching staff and to the retiring committee. Tho following gentlemen were elected the comjmitteeMessrs A. G. Uarmson (chairman), L. Fraser, James Harper, A. Mitchell, F. Pearce, James Robertson, and Arthur Williams (secretory). The technical classes which commence in tho new buildings to-night are English and French. Tho mail via San Francisco will bo despatched from Invercargill as usual on Monday next.

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Southland Times, Issue 19806, 27 April 1906, Page 2

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THE Southland Times PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. FRIDAY, 27th APRIL, 1906. Southland Times, Issue 19806, 27 April 1906, Page 2

THE Southland Times PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Luceo Non Uro. FRIDAY, 27th APRIL, 1906. Southland Times, Issue 19806, 27 April 1906, Page 2


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