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A supplement is published with to-day's issue in order to get abreast of accumulating matter. It contains volunteer and rifle notes, cricket notes, the results of recent A. and Y. show guessing competitions, a veterinary experts' comments upon an interesting case of hairball in a calf, correspondence, a host of miscellaneous paragraphs, iashion notes, and general reading matter. Nominations for the Wyndham races close at a o'clock to^nfgntThe Clifton, Woodend, ami Hlutl Athletic Society have decided to give Bir J <1 Ward's cup, valued at, five guineas, to the winner of the Clifton Handicap, brinoing the value of the event up to £16 15s. Mr E. Bastings' trophy, which appears on the postere as f<>*- **■«> ton Handicap, will be given to « youths race of 120 yards. . The grounds are now in first-class order for training on. An interesting point as to what constitutes reasonable care in tying up a horse is involved in the case Massey.. v. Laniont reported on the first page of to-day's supplement. The evidence for the defence was not completed when the court rose yesterday, and the hearing will be continued at 11 o'clock this morning.

The CroWn Solicitor of Melbourne and " an office of HiM, Customg, arrived at BlufT on Monday to be present ftt> a commission of enquiry which will take" evidence iti the Bluff courthouse on the 13th in regard to the evasion of duty tin fish Imported at Melbourne. Other Government officers are etfpficttfd by the steamer oh Monday n*xt. Some fifteen witnesses have already been summoned, including- the fish merchants at Bluff, the Customs olflocr IftV<ro&rglll, and the secretary of ihe 3outhJartd Freezing Works. It is stated that tfae , merchants will raise the question how far they can be compelled to give evidence. Sir Joseph Ward is expected to arrive at Bluff Sarly fieSt tfeeki when he will open the new railway station. Musmess men snould make a note of some remarks which fell from Mr W. G. Riddell. S.JUf.. yesterday. At a previous sitting he announced that in cases of ordinary trade accounts judgment would not be given by default when the iu fendarit has absent. He had found, however, that the practice of tile court had been to give judgment by default. Since then he had made enquiries from other xAlagistrates and found that while some followed the course mentioned others adopted the plan he intended to proceed upon. He would give judgment by default in ordinary demands in the absence of the defendant when there was no doubt as to the amount, but in cases where part oi the debt was H Wated «nd another portion was unliquidated it would be necessary for plaintiffs io b« present to prove their claims. Tne Municipal Band was favoured with the best of weather for its promenade concert last evening, and promenuders turned out in force to enjoy the excellent programme of v Q rie<l and popular music that was sulwnitted. 'me invercargiil Musical Union, assisted by the combined choirs, h as i^en practising assiduously for the Festival next »eek. and the rehearsals have been so satisfactory that tho oratorios c a a be expected to go with that smoothness and harmony which are so necessary to a successful rendering. An unusual departure has been made this year vith a view to popularising this class of music and tho public should welcome the news that the price of admission to th<> Messiah will be Is for all parts of the Zealandia Hull. This is an opportunity of hearing Handel's gre&t work 1 that is well within the reach of everyone, and no doubt it will i re grasped with avidity. Recent callers at the local Tourist office have included Messrs C. A. Lindsay and E. Ev a ns (Oamaru), C. W. Foster and C. b. Spehr (.Mt. Gambier, South Australia). Fowke (Ceylon), Gibson and C. B. Cairfm (England), V. Sass (Geelong), T. King (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs Robinson (Singapore), Mr and Miss Sultnun (Sydney). Mr and Mrs A. H. Dare. Mr and Mrs Wallace Smith, Mi§s Cleery (Melbourne). Mr and Mrs C. Clarke (Western Australia), Mr ai'd Mrs (,'. R. Drysdale (Scotland) and' othersTin; representative of the Ifisfc. Jubilee binders in Melbourne advises as that a re-constructed company will comnunce a tour of the colony at Dunedin on Boxing Night -I Miss Belle F, Gibbons and Miss Beatrice Mcrcor, together with Mr R. HCollins and Professor C. A. W r hitt», all old favourites, are still in the company, and the following 1 are new artists, Miss K. C. McLaih (Ist soprano), Miss Alice Haptiste (2nd soprano), Mr Clarence Tysdale ,(lst tenor), and Mr H. C. Newton (Ist bass). These additions are said to have made the company a very strong one, and Mr Tysdale, the tenor, has especially captured the fancy of audiences in Melbourne, Launceston and Hobart. If time permits the company may give a concert in Invercargill before proceeding to Dunedin. Their repertory has been added to, and they are able to submit a programme capable of drawing an audience anywhere. A partnership under the stylo of "l'ark and Busley " has been fanned between Mr A. J. l'ark, of Dunedin, and Mr G. W. Busley. of Auckland, as barristers and solicitors and patent agents. The firm's business extends throughout the colony, and branch offices have been opened in practically all the provimces. Mr H. P. Richmond will have ihe managemint of the Wellington office, which has been opened at Kelburne Chambers, &5 Lambton Quay. * Tne Southland Hospital Trust forwarded a letter to the Borough Council last evening stating that, after taking legal advico. he had to inform tho Council that they were not entitled to a representative on the Trust, but merely to elect u delegate to take part in the election—Councillor Ott stated that the folfowing figures showed the amounts hended over to tho hospital, and Invercargill's proportion thereof :— 1902 : £4481 —£513 ; 1903 : £6870— £794 ; 1904 : £6524— £806. To be entitled to a rel resentative they required, to contribute oneseventh of the total amount. We nave received from the recently, established firm of patent agents, Messrs Park and Basley, a copy of the first edition .of the firm's " Handbook, for Inventors " founded on Mr A. J. Park's pamphlet of the same name. The new handbook, which is distributed free by tho firm, is considerably larger than its predecessor, and contains a )arge amount of information in plain language. A brief summary of the law of letters patent is followed by many hints useful in the perfecting o f inventions and their suliseijucnt protection. In tire latter part of the book considerable attention is devoted to a subject which to inventors is the most important of all — how to make monqy by inventions when protected. Mr Chas. H'. Roberts, architect, Esk street, is the Southland representative for the firm, Mr E. R. Boddy, of Gore, being branch ag«nt. Either of tho abovo will be glad to give information and handbooks about patenting* fr^e of charge. At the Police Court yesterday Mary Catherine Durie sought an order for maintenance against Jane Harvey, Clifden, administratrix in the estate of W. Durie, deceased, « and son of the complainant. For the ■defence Mr E. Russell raised two points (1) that the defendant was not liable as she was holding the property as trustee to tho beneficiaries under the will. (2) That an order under the Destitute Persons Act must be a personal one and therefore would not be against the defendant in the capacity of administratrix. Mr J. L.. Watson ecu 1 -* tended fo r tho complainant that she was entitled to be maintained by defendant so far as tho estate w e nt. His Worship adjourned the case till 22nd, and will ffi v e his decision on the legal points on the 15th. Yesterday evening the entertainment provided by the AUoimah Company in the Zealandia Hall was well patronised, and met with due appreciation. The company appear again to-nijgiht, and to-morrow afternoon a matinee will bo given, the programme being the same as that presented hi the evening. A special concession to children is advertisedThe District Traffic Manager informed the Borough Council last evening that^, in reply to a petition on the subject, it had been decided to run a train to the BlulT each Wednesday evening during Decomber, leaving Invercargill at 9 30 p.m. and returning frou* the port at 10.30 p.m. Should the business done be insufficient the train would not be continued.—The Council suggested that a month's trial was very . short, and the Mayor saM that representations would be made in the direction indicated. Messrs Nichol Bros, are taking every opportunity by low tides ol breaking- up and removing the remains Of the old whaler " Chance '' which was i put on the Bluff beach three years ago. The removal of the hulk is necessary to make room for dredging operations, and the building of the reclamation training walls, and the " Chance " will soon exist only in •' history and memory. Somo fine specimens of coppip bolts, 2i inches thick and aeveral feet long, are to been seen in the keel of, the eld yesseU ; . .

The near approach of tho A. and P. Show was heralded the other day by the arrival of a barrel organ, playing " The J>eath of Nelson," and Knottier tune. The stock m trade is limited and the machine is audibly out of gear in such minor things as time and tune, but in the generosity of the season these defeats will probably not interfere with tho harvest of Coppers and small silver. A number of judgment debtors appeared before Mr W." G. Biddell at the S.3J. Court yesterday but in only one case was proof of means forthcoming, in the case of Angus McDoflald (Mr Lillicrap) v. Jas. McKay (Hedgehope), tho debtor was ordered to pay the amount due, £4 lGs ift monthly instalments of £1, in default oeven days' imprisonment. In three other caSes Charlotte Maslin (Mr W. Y. H. Hali) v. D. Jerome, £2 13s ; Kingsland and Co. (Mr F. W. \Va"de) v. Mrs Brown (Ettrick street) Mr Cilfedder appearing, £4 6s 9d ;- Joseph Stock v. John Pomeroy, £12 there was not sufficient evidence of meorls to pay and the applications were dismissed. In the undefended claim J. A. Mitchell and Co. (Mr Harvey) v. S. J. Brown, judgment was given for plaintiff for £39 lls (5d afld costs £4 18s 3d. The committee of Victoria Memorial Home beg to acknowledge various favours, including a donation from Mr John Neill and £1 Bs, from tho Water Tower contribution box. With the festive season of Christmas so near at hand, all gifts to the inst/itution are much appreciated. xVt the' monthly meeting of the Gladstone Borough Council yesterday evening Councillor A. F. Hawke v as appointed delegate to the half-holiday conference, and ufter some discussion on the matter a motion was carried by five votes to four that he be instructed to supuort tho Wednesday half-holiday. Councillor Lillicrap has distinguished himseif latejy as an uncompromising opponent of the " name-carving mania," which he alleges prevails amon,g public bodies. At a meeting of the Council some time ago he stood almost alone in opposing the proposed inscription of tha naiues of councillors on a memorial tablet in tho town hall. Since then In has been reinforced, particularly by Councillors J. Allan and Stirling, and last might he routed the enemy. Ho opened byunoving that the whole question be referred back to the Town Hall Committee with a view of their bringing up a recommendation that only the names cf the Governor and Mayor be put on the stone. Me said that the architect ami contractor might get a good free ndvertisement by having their names inscribed, but all the councillors could get was a little notoriety. He again referred to tho " bridge names," which ho said had made the Council the laughing stock ol the town, and, what was worse, tho butt of the Sydney Bulletin. Councillor Allan said that he would object lo his name go;ng on the stone. Councillors Smith, Longuet, Stirling, McDonald, i>:m] McKay were more or less in opposition, an.i a vigorous speech by Councillor ■». Sleatl failed to turn the tide, Councillor Lillicrap's motion being carried bv seven to six. Councillor Roche asked 1 f«>r a division, but the Mayor declined. We see s o much of tho discomfort, delay and anxiety that Arrivals by tha midnight express tndure in attempts to j get lodging that it occurs to suggest that passengers who must put up at hotels should spend sixpence on a viro to ! n landlord when possible. If that were j done nil doubt arrangements v. ouh! be made for their reception. It : a too much to expect a boniface whom the Licensing Committee compels fo close his doors at 10 p.m. to sit up till 1 a- in. on the offchance that some stray traveller will seek refuge with himTho matches of the Sailing Club 'on Wednesday were something in the nature of a "drift, there being so little wind that some of the bouts could not stem the tide. Tho first-class race was won by Ira, with ' Unknown second; and the socondt-class event by Dove, Stranger second. At tho police Court yesterday H. F. Hansen was charged with striking W. J. Clough on the 2nd inst. The defendant did not appear and the complainant, for whom Mr W. Macalister appeared, gave evidence that he and defendant were employed in a foundry. Hanson called him a thief and a liar and whon witness asked for an explanation ho was knocked down. He repeated his request far on explanation and Hansen hit him over the shoulder with a two inch bar of iron. Witness had to go to the doctor and had not been at work since. The Magistrate inflicted a fine of £2 10s on Hansen with £1 13s costs, half the One to go to Clougb, the informant. A special meeting of the Blu/Y Harbour Board, held yesterday morning, was attended by Messrs A. Bain (chairman), J. W. Mitchell, T. Green, R. Dunlop, and G. R. Waddel. The business was to confirm the amendment of the bylaws necessary to provide for the coming 1 into operation of the minimum charge at the Bluff which is intended to encourage vessels to come to the port (or small cargoes by reducing tho port charges to them. The matter having" been thoroughly threshed out, and the members being unanimous as to the advisableness of making it possible for ocean-going vessels to call at tha Bluff even with or for small consignments, the necessary resolutions w«re passod 'in a. few minutes j and tho meeting adjourned. i The case N.Z. Express Co. v. Borough ! Council, claim for- loss/ of borso and trap/ has been adjourned till Thursday next. . Show Week Bargains In the Show RoUm at LEWIS'S, in Dee street. Ready to wear Black VOILE DRESS SKIRTS, Strapped Ribbons, 25s 9d, Black Armure Skirts, Strapped Glace Ribbon, 29s fld. Handsome JAP SILK BLOUSES in white aivd cream only, trimmed, fino insertion, 12s lid and 16s lid, usual prices 21s and 25s 6d. Crash .Coat and Skirt in Blue and Natural, perfect cut and fit, 21s, well worth 39s Gd. Crash Coats from 12s 6d. W. LEWIS AND COMPANY, luvercargill. LA Vl DA. —Price and Bulleld Have made arrangements with Madame Kenny, to give a demonstration of the famous W.n. and La Vida Corsets. Madame will bo in nttendaTice at their establishment on Wed., 7th; Thurs., Bth ; Friday, 9th when ladies interested can interview her The Erect Form W.B. and La Vida Corsets combine every attribute of stylo with all tho possible points of luxurious comfort. It is. the highest type of Corset Excellence, and logically produces a graceful figure by the manner in which tho Corset is made. It follows the outlines of the natural figure as exactly as a glove could', does not strain the diaphragm, and holds the fgure erect and stately. Ladies will kindly note tho dates. At Price and Bulleid's. Wo have just received our Christmas shipment of boys' tweod * k»ic*er. trousers, lined with stout calico, sizes 0 to 13, to fit boys from 3 to 15 years of age at the wonderfully low prices of 2s 3d to 4s Gd per pair. Also boys' navy s«rge knicker trousers lined with stout jjrey calico, to fit boys from) 3to 15 years of age from 2s lid to 4s lid per pair. We have' pleasure in recommending this Jin© to mothers who will find it more profitable, to purchase these titan to buy the material by the yard and pay to havo them made-up. Boys' white drill bats, indestructible, !» each. Boys' boaters in white and speckled straws at <ui each. Indeed it may be aaid WrpAtfJy that for every dress reqjuifement or men I aud boys for the holiday Benson our m«r---i eery department offers astonishingly good value.— McGruer, Taylor and Co. You cannot enjoy life if you are. troubled with . indigestion or constipation. But there is no ocqaaion to suffer from such. Dr Crosßland'B prescription Noxpl Is constantly curing these troubles- 2s bottles at all /patent medicine 'voiwlora.

Do not be stuck for Under Twine like last season a order early. Donaghy's Gold Medal Flax delivered at nearest 'station 5d per 1b cash.— Morrow, Bassett and Co. That the people of Southland are noted for their hospitality and general sociability! is the 'experience of many visitors to our beautiful j art of this fair colnny. The time dt the year is approaching when seasonable greetings and good wishes are exchanged. We Soutttlanders must ever, If possible, improve our good name. This is possible with tho assistance -of the N.Z. Booh Society, who, with thoir usual up-to-dateness and long experience, have imported direct from the leading British houses a truly excellent and record-break-ing supply of Christmas and New Year Cards and Calendars, Books for Prizes, Purses, and other leather goods for presents. These are good and substantial and the variety and reasonable prices challenge competitions To < numerate the productions of artist, printers and binders is impossible. We strongly advise our readers to look in and see for themselves, the display nt '.he. Alhenaeum corner. Dee street. Those s-ending orders by post accorded npecial attention. If sulTerers from Constipation, Indigestion and Liver troubles will only take Dr Crossland's Prescription B9BVB, known as Noxol, as directed it will soon produce the desired results. 2a at chemists and stores. I hereby certify that if sufferers from Constipation and Indigestion, Liver and Stomach complaints will take my prescription 89578, known as Noxol, according to tho directions, it will cure thctn. (Signed) J. Crossland, M.D. Sokl everywhere by all patent jnadicine vendors at 2s per bottle.

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Southland Times, Issue 19482, 9 December 1904, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 19482, 9 December 1904, Page 2


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