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In response to numerous requests the Municipal Bond purposes'..■';■• repeating the sacred concert given; last- this time in the rotunda on Sunday evening, at'B p.m. A collection will fee taken, up in aid of Miss Gertie dohVpioh. A meeting of those Interested in the formation of a brassband in connection with the Young- Men's Christian' Association wSll be held in the V.M.C.A. Hall this evening. . • „ ■ !' . '' r •, ..' ■ ' <•■-. ■ ■ '■ t, ;\ ■ '■■ A rise in the rat© ol interest en deposits, in the Post Office Savings Bairn Tftrill 'fioiiie.iito operation* on 'Thursday; nextt From let December interest is to "be allowed to depositors at the rat« of three aid -one-half per; cent, per' annum up to and, for batancies uv«jr £200, three f»r cent. ..per'. annum. From the same in cases where oalancW.'-'ex-deed. £2Q0,. interest.■■-.wi11,, be n: .lo\ffed at the rate of three and tinerfaalfi^r'i cent, on the firs^ JS2OO, and three ptfr cent, on tho balance up to £500. '• ', ' Mr S. E. 'McCarthy, BM.', who h.^s been ■ engaged for < several weeks on a commission 'of enquiry into -the nianageroi^nt. of the Auckland Hospital, returned to Invercargill last nighil He will, howgo north agafin in a day or two to relieve Blstrlct Judge "Kettle, Of Auetoland, and it is probable.'that, ho will be absent for sia: months. Our l'unedin; correspondent .informs us that Mr Widdowson, of the firm of CaygiH and 1 Wid•dowson, solicitors,. Christchurch, has (been appointed a stipendiary magistrate and will for a time officiate on tto bench at-Dunedin. AJ K •• •■' •"t i'• ■■'... .' ''■ . The Invercargill Borough Council diS.': covered, last night tttat no title 5s held by ttiem for the East Road \ couielery. THe Mayor said that the cemeteryr was handed over to the town by the Provincial Government, but the title Jiad not been lodged with them. A. motion that application be made to theiCdmnusßlorier of Crown Ijamds for ti.'.title^'waß' carried. Councillor Roche expressed himself aa aßtoi)J9h«l ijy the revilation and predicted that there would , be ■" a row about'it.""': '• ■■> ;, 1 ..■ ' :■:■'.'."■:. .The. Cycling Club have Dlaced an order, With Alcock and 00. for a siandard' billiard table ; . the member ship is increasing so rapidly^ that this has been necessary. :■. The Jable will be .here within a fortnight. / , Mr Duncan has. been elected, chairman of the %aitaW County Council for the XOibh; consecutive time." „ The final round" of the Invercargill SaJlj ifcg C]iu^b'B raca for jthe cup, sailed on Wednesday afternoon, resuited In ;the threo scrajtch boats being placed as follows :—Unknown Ist, garibaldi :2nd, iand Gauntlet 3rd. r^TJie X.nknown, therefore, wins the cup, > wtth-. c poin'tSvtUe Garibaldi tilfing Mr ■ A:' FergusonV; medal, for. second place, with, 5 points. '■" i.■-.■•;;.■-..:;' .■'/"■■^"■:'-.-. ' : ' '.-• Rain andVsunj combinwd tp,'forfti a; remarkably" beautiful rainbow yeMerday evening; shortly after »ix. The is-m avob; low enough in tho sky ( to admit o.f a bow - forming a large arq of a. circle ; 'th.e> colours, were very vivid, an'd L a secondary, outer bow could be faintly faced. Unfortunately, as usual,.the beautiful spectacle was of. brief duratibn, the, sun be. coming olbscured by rainclouds. However, the subsequent fine, evenmg tihd night fieein to show that the old English adage* " a rainbow; at night is tl»e ehepierd'B delight "■ holds good for the Anti-« ppdes. . ... : ..:!,• ■

At the meeting of the Town Council last evening a letter was read from Mi Waterfleld, private secretary u> bis Excellency tho Governor, dated £Oth inst., stating that his Excellency nuuld have much pleasure in laying tlic fjundation Btone of the Town Hall on Wednesday, Ist February. The Governor may . possibly leave Invercargilt bjr the 4.30 p.m. train north the aaxae day;— The letter was referred to the Town Hiall Oomtmttee. One o»vfacillor'v>emar)aed that the Governor seemed in a -great hurry to get away, but the Mayor explained that his Excellency had met the wishes of the Council in consenting to lay the stone on a Wednesday, and might be -down a day or two previous to that. Mr J. L. Whittinghum, the much prosecuted brewer, of Gore, has received authority fro.m the Customs Department to erect a depot at Mandeville for the storage of beer, and also-permission to vend licfuor frbm those premises. The fire brigade are the victims of a calumnious rumour. Councillor Hoche asked the Muyor last evening if it was correct, as had been stated to him, that when an alarm was given the foell was not rung till the horse was harnessed. The Mayor gave ah absolute denial to. the rumour. The concession to ladies oy the rink management was fully availed 01, and Ihe hall was last night packed with in-, terested onlookers, mainly of " the other" sex.' As it was found very difficult to clear the floor of rinkers anxious to display their capabilities to full • galleries, the only variation made from tho usual programme of* rinking and toboganning was a scratch jpolo match which provoked much mirth and excitement. , An old ago pensioner, appeared at the Gore Court-yesterday to apply ftr a renewal. Sergt. Mackenzie, though not seriously opposing tho renewal, intimated that the police had:, a strong suspicion that the man "ran the cutter " in- the prohibited area. •This the. applicant denied, though ho admitted' that be had obliged a friend by-taking. - s cave of a demijohn on tire railway' between Gore and ' Mttmieville; : Mr Cruickshonk, i» granting the renewal, urged on tho pentfioner the tfdViffaijleneaa of being, like Caesar's wife, " above suspicion.'' | About, a month' ago *the InvefrcargiU Borough Council' received a letter from Inspector Mitchello in reference to a re^ q'uesi that the police should assist the Council to detect floWer-stealers. Ihe Inspector wrote forwarding a list of names (which included sons of two councillors), and drew attention to the fact tliat no prosecutions had been undertaken. Ho added thai "the police would not be a party to any arrangement savouring of partiaKty. One and all must be treated alike." The Works Committee, presented a recommendation last evening that in the opinion of, the Council the Inspector's remark wa»i. uncalled' lot. - The Mayor wished that' the ' commit^© had made the clause a\little milder. Thia drew CouncilloV Rdche, who cxtjlaimed: " MJlder, Mr TMfayor J You will find that in tho latter part of iris repon w$ got a most terrible vrjpe," The Inspector's letter was read, and.m reply to Councillor , Roche's-enquiry : '.' .Wfaoi do you think of that ?''! the -Mayor said that there was not much in iti It the cap itted an inferenco.could be drawn, but it did not •fit , the' oouncil.*iCo»in!cilior Lillicrap said that: the Inspector could prosecute WithouV r^errii^ to the Council at all. •In', the particular cose referred to: the Council conrfdered that tEe oflence reported ; was a very trivial one, committed! by cWldrian.:*lf -the police detected any flow-er-stealing; /no tipttbt they would prosecute without approaching* the Council. The Inspector's remarks /were quite { uncalled for. The, clause was adopted. It wtm anticipated..; that an action, Sputhland .County* Council v." N.Z. Express Co., a claim for license fen) for a vehicle, under ths recently passed bylaws; wouKl' bay© btien heard at Gore yeflteriSay, but bwinj^ to the indisposition Of 'iodnsel ftr^the >* plaintiffv (Mr.. T;': M. Macdonajtf) the hearing was for 'a fortnigfot. Ther roatilt: of the action iaanxltiuery" awMiea rt; by carters and' car« riers all over the county, as the/validity of the bylaw imposing: the ucense fee. Ie questioned, '• ' ' Messrs Mackenzie and Wilson; .architectsi for the Tovm Hall, forwarded tq the Borough C6unbll last evening a sketch deaign «or the memorial tablet for the' building: The position Indicated -on the drawing: is' inimediately opposite the public' office .door, and alongside the Mayor's office dodr. The architects*., ad vised making the main tablet of polished mottled red granite, with the lettering incised and left plain, arid a frame in white marble with giWed incised letters. The cost would be about £25.— IV was proposed that the matter should be referred to the Town 801 l Committee ".wijth' power to act,, btrt Councillor LllUcrop. who was prominent in ■ opposition at «. j previous meetiiig to v a prpposai to enscribe the names of councillors t>n the stone, objected. ■Up now said-ttojt he objectoci to the^ committeo deciding' •whether the Council would spend £25 Just for the sake of having councillors names put on the stono. He j believed they wi>uld iiavo to cut things pretty fine to make both' ends irfeet, without epemling X'2s on a inemoridl etphe. He moved that tho Town .Hall Pohttnittee report.—Councillor Stirling sj^wfte^; -he was . dflcldedly averse; to spending £25 on a stone.— Councillor. Ott 1 allaj'etl the financial panic by assuring councillors that th^re would be no extra cost even if 100 names were put on; there, must be a stone, and the number of names on it was immaterial — pounciUor Lillfcrap's proposal for a report was carried..... • The Valuer-General* circular lettoi re consultutlon.of assessment courts came before: the Bproug!i Council last ■ evening for consideration: • bounclllor Ott' moved that that official be informed that. the Councir fully approved of the suggestion! that local bpdies should have an opportunitjr'l of;, appointing a representative' on assessment courts. ;As it stood now it seemed, almost a case of. taxation without 'reprracfntation.; The imw. proposal, if giVen efftct to, Would be a guarantee to th'Oj taxpayer* 1 that their objections would be .treated inipartiaily\—Councillor . Longulai 1 secomled \)is wotloo. in past soine'tMng had been sold about the <],uoliiicatlons ql certain, assessors, as men had, been appointed who hud not always a knowledge qf local ; values.—Councillor Hoche said .that the greatest fault was that the Councils did • not - have the appointment of the valuer, from whom the assessors took the cue.—Councillor Smith agreed with this, and 1 ■ suggested an amendment in that Birwtiph>-The Mayor pointed out that it would mean an alteration of-the law if the , appointment of valuer was yo be placed in the hands of councils. The Goverraa ient had power- to appoint assessors, and he was inclined to thlink that the views of tho Council would be met when the next: aCppolntments were made.—An amendment by Councillors "Stirling; arid McDonald, referring : the letter to the Finance Committee for consideration, was,, carripd, and the motion withdrawn.

I The approach of tho holiday season reminds us that your boys will be requir- ;, ing new suits, and we hav6 in ado every ' provision for their requirements, and hold large stocks of boys' colonial t weed suits in 'KnicVjer, and Conway lit pri« ces that will suit all purses , boys' odd tweed and cord troußers, the most wearresisting 1 ;in the market— the very thing for roniping: ■ boys ; bloys' washing G alatea tunica with "deep sailor collars, nirely trimmed,- 8s 6d to 3s lid; boys' and men's Panama straws, full range of sizes, from Is lid upwards ; motor caps, with leather peaks and bands, 3s 6d each. We have also a splendid assortment of Gladstone bags, Brief bags, Portmanteaux, Cabin trunks, ami Iron ininks at the very lowest possible prices.— MeGruer, Taylor awl Co. For that tired feeling or a fit of the blues nothing equals a few doses of Dr Crosslond's Noxol. Ita wonderful power over the digestive organs, the Liver and Stomach, amaze all who use it. 2b at chemists and atore3. Get a battle today, j Orders , are now being received by Messrs Lewis and Co-, the i)ee street drapers', to post by the 'Frisco mail, leaving on Monday next, their wonderful 1 collection of New Zealand pictures, after L. W. Wilson, Esq. These works of art, which form a unique and moat desirable Christmas present or New Year gift to send to friends In the Old Country, are acknowledged to be beyond criticism, conveying as they do a true idea of New Zealand's remarkable atmospheric effects and colourings, whilst every subject la of unfailing interest. On receipt of 7*» 6d Messrs Lewis will post free to any address in the United Kingdom the com" plete series of 8 pictures, carefuily packed in portfolio to arrive in London on Xmas Eve. , " Why, Jack, how well you look »" " Yes, old chappie, I take a few ( deses of Dr Crossland's Noxol, the great Liver and Stomach remedy, now and again arid' it's made a new man of me. It'a rattling good physic, and only 2e* a bottle at all chemists or stores."

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Southland Times, Issue 19470, 25 November 1904, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 19470, 25 November 1904, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 19470, 25 November 1904, Page 2


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