Invercargill Borough Council
The ■fortnightly meeting was attended by the Mayor (Mr G. Froggatt), Councillora D. Roche. J. P. Smith, J. Stead, W.; A. Ott, J. F. Lillicrap, W. B. Scandrett, W. Stead, S, M. Mcßonold, W, N. 'Stifling and X, Cleave.
A petition by 25 licensed carters drew attention to the bylaw ., passed some'fif-; teen years ago, removing the stand Jor carters from the west to 'the east side of Dee street. A request, was then matfefcr permission) to stjiy on tjiej west side, ■ an« the Council, though! not cancelling the ibylaw, instructed the then inspector not to molest carters as long"* as they stood in proper order. : Since that time they had 'not been interfered .with, until recently, when the . inspector notified that the •bylaw must be strictly adhered to: The petitioners pointed, out that the .east slide was exposed to the prevailing weather, and asked the Council not to interfere with the concession previously given.— Councillor Scandrett thought the Council should accede to tho reqjuest. It was kn most cruel to put carters on the enst
side, unless there was some strong reason for refusing . it.— Councillor ltocho said that the eld stand .was from Spey street. The west side of Doe street meant oppo--site the Club hotel, ( and councillors knew that when the Governor : \vas hero' tliere was seme difficulty in getting carters to make room for his carriage. '5He cculd .understand why Councillor Scandrett was so obliging a,t the present time. Councillor Roche moved, and : '; Councillor .Scandrett/ seconded, that the petition be referred to the Works Gommittee.—Carried. ; '/■ ' ' ■;./. . '" '/
Mr T. M. Macdonald wrote that the appeal case Young v. Thompson had been postponed from tho last sittings of the Supreme Court, and that' an application would be made to Mr Justice Williams to hear it in Sunedin on his return from the Appeal Court sittings.
Brood, Small and Co. asked the Coun- , cil's formal, fbhsent to. their . siding in Tyne street, ..which had been in position since ItSSO, tb satisfy tho Railway Depart■nieiit.—Granted, subject to "the jusual conditions protecting: the. Council. .-* , , . The North^^liiyercargiU Council^ in reply to a conimunicatioh,. : wrptei that the new track through the . Park) was unsuitable, and requested that the old track bo opened and the.bridgB 1 replacefl.— •Referred to (the Reserves l Committee for report;^ Councillor Roche asked what the Park Board had donewithjla preyiouaJ, request ; of oj similar nature;— The iTaybr said tliat the Park Board ' had' not met since. • He ; thought i.-'-that-L the secretary had been directed to make suitaJble arrangelments.— Councillor Ott thought the Park Board should be requested to^ re-open the olfl .track.— Councillor thought the Council should close the track for one day each year, to conserve their rights, and prevent the use of the track becoming q. vested right. . -.-■•■ : ;■
The North Invercargill Borough Council tiotifled that the Council's letter re proportion of costs of licensing; fihvriivjs.' etc:, was received.— The Town Clerk said that Avenal had paid, and he did not anticipate any difficulty with Gladstone;^Inview, of a .legal opinion recently published, the Council thought that another application would be successful, and the clerfc was instructed. to apply again. ■■■
The same Council applied for proportion AOf. vehicle- .'.jicenses:. due -for --the. '.year ended ;3lßt March; 1903. y • v
The East Invercargill Council. asked that the south side of ' Gala street, be- 1 iween Doon sjtreet and EllesJ, road-,, bo asphalted; n6 asi to connecti •:' the town asphalt with tihat ,in their borough—Referred to the AVorks. Committee.
The Town Clerk reported that 'the 'case of 110' acres oh the ' foreshore to Mrs Cleave expires on 24th July.— Referred to the Harbour Committee. ■
■'. R. Smith; applied for permission to complete a" leah-to V, Vatructuroi in Spey "street., He ::had started work, but had jbeen stopped by the inspector.— Referred to the Works Committee to. act.
W- H. C. Johnston, Blurf, asked the Council, to reduce the abattoir dues on his •meat; he could 'get. his . slaughtering done at Jialf the cost at ; ithe Wallacetow'h. or Ocean Beach works.— Referred to the 'Abattoir Committee.- : :
. The Workfl Committee recewnmended— : t.i>- ttat ' the town, engineer prepare siJeci.ficatioas fov a. "main ; oiitfall Kewer dowiV Pimi Creek from the lowest level possibl e, •up to Nith street .; (2) ithat the salary of the sanitiry inspector ' be increased to ■ £>H75 per ainum ; (8) that the gardener's report in reference to "the cutting of flax on Sandy Point domain bo referred to the Council for consideration : (4) that tenders for supplies be accepted as follows .'—Timber, Broad, Small and Co; drain pipes, Todd and Son ; blacksmithing, \W: Mcßobie ;; that 'the lenders for ironmongery be left ■•'. ' 'in '■■'- >the -hands of Councillors Hoche and McDonald to consider and accept the lowest, and- that the only tender for horse feedbe nbt acce])ted ; (5) that the, inspector :be ..'requested, to notifyl all boardhig-houso keepers, tli at their premises must be lie'eused without delay ; (6) that, the inspector be authorised to. enforce the bylaws with respect to selling fish in the public streets. The committee reported (7) with reference to the borough inspector's and medical officer's -report oh the Prince of Walesitoard-: ing-house, also the reply on tehalf.of the
owners, and recdinmehded "that the town engineer be asked to confer with the for-, ough inspector and report fully to the committee \vhat is required to put the building in i a thoroughly, sanitary/condition, - and safe in case of :fire ; (8) that the engineer's ■ report ..'rie paying I'uni creek is' held over pending the. Council's decision: re an outfall sewer, ; (9) that consideration of th'e\: engineer's report with reference, to a; Merryw.eather hose «arfc is
held :over ; (10) !witli reference to the: gar-; ,'dener's report re - planting trees on. the harbour endowment thei committee; propose visiting the reserve and will report thereafter ; (11). after careful considerar tion recommend thai) no alteration toe j made . ins" thq arrangements for 'street maintenance. ' t .-..;._ i
On clause 1, . Councillor Smith asked why a stop was made at Nith street, the nuisance was all below there— Councillor Scandrett said that the Council should not take on the whole contract at once. —Councillor Lillicrap pointed .out that Mr Noble' Anderson and the. town engineer were in favour of the main sewer being constructed down Tyne street, in preference to the creek.? The cost would . be aibout the saxne in either case, and. he thought the Council should consider very carefully before going: against the advice of '■'. Competent engineers.— Councillor W. Stead thought that ' ; a V special •■nleeting should be held to con^der :*he ;jquestion, and referred at length to the ';': alternativa schenies>v Xsouncill6r ; Ott- did : : .' not V tiiuk the clause would. ; be harmful- •: The; rnoin trouble was caused by sewage .' from th^^ north part ;ofVthp\-townV'' : ;r.^'ev: ; ob"jectipi»" to draining down the creek T was" that, . in flood time its carrying capacity woiiW ■be reduced, and |by draining, bolow i^s level the fall was not obtained. A suggestion had been submitted for considora T tion that the sewer be constructed on the side of the creefc, and he was .inclined to think that it was the more feasible n.etfcotf. The Fortlx streot drain could lend into the main drain. He advocated that /the whole question should be revived, and ' that the suburban boroughH be given ■ notice to cease pcllutilig the creek.— The Mayor ■■.■thought that as far as the levels pf-/.tli"e.:creet...''aiid''.Ty)ie street wort* concerned there "was practically no difference. jHjSI impression was that [the cost would Tpt very much less -if the creek, scheme w a s Hecided i on, al9; ; Considerable* excava'Jion was already -done,, and 'flushing could bo done at any time aJfter'i high water. Dr Ogston had exaraine'd;the-placo. last week, and was going to give'the . suburban .iioroughs notice, which^ppt'ii.' thp. whole question.— iCouncilloi'! Z -:3\ V pointed out that Mr Anderson filid l ;«9t ptftto hio objections' to the ■■'creek'/: He Waf !
not prepared to .vote until there waa more light on the subject.— Councillor, Stirling suggested that Mr Sharp's re« port, which dealt very fully with, tha creek scheme, should be .circulated among councillors.— Councillor Cleave thought, there was no engineering tlUQculty aix-ui the matter dt all, as the levels were there, and could not be aitored.—Councillor Smith said that a new. system of drainage h.dd teen lately introduced into the colony, which he promised to lay before ; the Works Committee. The Coumil would have . to decide on somo system, I and, if there were objections to tho creek they should receive careful consideration. — Councilldr McDonald tliought it desirable that tho question should be discussed at a full meotfing.— Councillor Roebe referred to a difficulty which might anso with the Marine Department, if the department chose to object to the drainage going finto the estuary. The discussion might lead to an understanding bet.v^en the suburbs and the town. They should get a full scheme before the Council went lo any expense, and he thought a report Hy a competent engineer, for tho whole drainage area, should be accepted .- Clause adopted. On clause G, it was resolved 1 that the matter bo referred to a special committee consisting of Councillors Roche, Stirling J. Stead and the Mayor, to Misit the domain.— The report was adopted.
The Gas tind Water Committee recommended (1) That the following tenders few' supplies be accepted :-Lime, J. G. Ward and Co. ; Kaitangata coal, w. b. Waterstoii ; ; piping; Broad, Small and Co. ; castings, J. Johnston and Sons. t<J) That the Waterworks Engineer be inspector of works on the new reservoir. The committee reported (3) having no recommendation to make with respect to the communication from Mr K. B- Williams vc, oxide of iron ,1 (4) the Committee have no recommendation to makt> with reference to the remission of water rates on the Technical School.— Adopted. Tho Finance Ccuumtteu recommended (1) that the following tenders be accepted :— Leaso of No. 1. powder magiozinc, Uriscwe und Co. ,« lease of No. 2 powder magazine, N.Z. Hardware Co. ; stationery, Wesney Bros. ; printing, Phoenix Printing Co. ; that tenders be invited up to 14th April for the Town Ball and Theatre loan on j the terms already agreed upon : tenders accepted through brokers to fee subject to a coinimassioh of Is 2d per cent. The committee reported (3) with, reference to W. M. Clare's application for permission to remove gravel off Sandy Point Domain, they will report ' to next meeting ; (4) having examined accounts amounting to £955 15s 6d, atad recommend ' that they 'be i passed.'-' for /payment £-92 13s lid, resewes £26' 0a ?Sd; sanitary £4& 2s 9d, gasworks ,•■ £379; 10s 3d, waterworKs £144 7s 9d, cemetery £9 4s, harbour ;£3O 12s, abattoir £13 14s . 3d, fire brigade £3 12a 3d, municipal £171 15s ad, gas .work's V loan £|42 2s 6d ;— £953 15s 6d. 4 i On clause 2, Councillor Smith saifl that tho Finance <3orumittee were of opinion thut the money should be .borrowed at once, as they thought that money would, before long, be much dearer than it is now. Money was waiting in the town to bo deposited fon this loan.and unless taken advantage of might be put to some other purpose. It could bo obtained at 4 per cent., but if deferred much longer 4§ per cent, might bo asked, placing the Coimcil in the invidious position of having to go before the ratepayers' again for permission to borrow at that rate. He thought also that thelCouncil should be able tomorrow at -par, and that a delay might lead to a concession. Ho could not vote for the acceptance of any tender till the money wras available. —^Councillor Scandi'ett saicf that the Finance Committee were divided on the question. If the. Council could get the money at 4 per cent -certainly ho would be in favour of the clause ; it was the fear that they would not get it that made him hesitate..* As far as the building was concerned, the money was not . required at tho present time, as- they already had £8700, which would lost till this time nest year. Be felt almost confident that the present time was not a good one, and that it would .injure the corporation to attempt to lloat this loan and riot succeed. At the end of tho year, if necessary, they could get the money frcm the bank, and give security in the shape of debentures. The-re was a difference of opinion as to whether money wus going to lie dear or not next, year, and he quoted the opinion of Sir Joseph Ward that it was not.— Councillor Stead said that if he felt that there rwas any risk of notgetting th« money, , and that there vt&s a certainty of getting it next year at .4 per cent. , he would vote against tho clause^. '. He thought.' however, ti»e Council should try to raise tho loan.— Councillor Lillicrap did not think that any. panic would ■ b.e caused by this loan. JTo was satisfied that the money could be raised, and that the movement was looked upon by the public as a safe. ono.-r-Clause ' carried, and report adopted. OFFICERS' REPORTS.
' The gardener drew attention to the fact that there were three tracks through the; Parfc, and asked the Council to decide o« one.' The old track '-was still being- used,- the -boarded fence was down, ' and the tlitch formerly' crossed by' '"• .bridge, .had* been filled up by passers-by to make a crossing. Ho : recouotmended that the west portion of garden block I be fenced with * posts and barbed wire, t in order : to, prevent . horses entering, and to stop a shcyt cut from Clyde street bridge into Forth street.— Kef erred to Reserves Committee. :
The gasworks manager reported that h© had had to remove tho name of one tradesman from the list . of authorised gasfitters, on account .of inferior after repeated warnings.— Ref erred to the (2as Committee. . • The Engineer : submitted a report on the. proposal to pave the cab-stand -with Neuchatel ! Asphalt, and it was' referred to the Works Committee.
.r.HL-'S.'-S. Kyle reported that during t(he last fortnight .100 pattle, 7,60 8 pigs, and 2 calves were slaughtered at the abattoirs, 2 carcases of beef,. 3 sheep, and- two quarters ,qi mutton being ' condemned.—Received. :
■ The plans iqi the proposed Elles road bridgo were referred to the. Coin-, mittee for revision before sutnnissk>n to the idourity Council. 1 '' : . v
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Southland Times, Issue 19305, 18 March 1904, Page 4
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2,394Invercargill Borough Council Southland Times, Issue 19305, 18 March 1904, Page 4
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