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Summary of News.

The Admiralty has come to the conclusion that torpedo destroyers must be more strongly built. N.S.W. is trying to legislate itself out of tho famous Tall Vale trtades union decision in Kngland. 'The fiscal crusade Mas hegun. To other horrors tnat of famine is apparently to be added in Macedonia. It says something for the Turks that they ha\« not beeu accused of destroying the crops of the Insurgent* The Far ldist to-day chums more attention. Russia has promised to " give up the house to tho landlord " next week, but will be us difficult to got rid lof as a N 7.. tenant. .Japan is making 11 little demonstration a la Russ I The ureat Shetlield Conference ho-, begun Mr Chamberlain does not appear to be unpopular Bulgaria calls; up ncr year's complement ol' recruits and • Turkey raises im army in Roumeliu rsenvia pretends to take an interest, in affairs. The Czar, who, as a man is a decent fellow, is being zealously guarded against assassins In Austria. A German otlicial with a pay rivalling an I£ngUfth curate's, has been heavily punished for accepting brihes from millionaires, who were let oil lightly. The Hon. A. .1 fialfour sooms to have carried his Sheflield audience well with him. In the boxing championship contests in Sydney (.iriflcn ( Invercargill) won the middle weights, boating Hnrrott (New South Wales); and Taylor (Wellinnion) the heavy weight, beating McKellar <J\ew South Wales).

The supplement with this issue contain* a s-heaf of letters from, the country. giving some account of agricultural conditions and social events in our rural districts Also relating to the country is a column of notes by our regular Saturday contributor, several articles instructive to farmers, and the text of the import - unt. decision of Mr Justice Cooper in the compensation ease, Attwood v. Smith Bros. Ladies will find interesting readin two columns of fashion notes illustrated by cuts and a column of jottings for home and ' household, while there ia a mass of matter on question. 1 ; of the limes for the general reader.

The singing class taught b;" Mr A. Wyllie, of Winton, and carried on weekly in the Middle School, under the auspices of the Education Board's technical clauses, was brought to a close for the session last evening. The pupils attending the ■-•lass presented Mr Wyllie. with a pair of handsome greenstone-and-gold sleevelinks Mr Selby was spokesman, and made a complimentary speech, and the presentation w a » made on behalf of the class by Mr Harry Mac bay.

The King has given permission for 45 men of the Coldstrecwu (fuards' bnnd to go to Canada and play at the Dominion f.vliibition in Toronto Twenty-one bandsmen will remain at horn« for "regimental duty.

The September issue of the Rpvlo«v o f Reviews is to hand, and is an exceptionally interesting numjjci' On the whole. thiH publication has improved considerably compared with what it was a short time agx>. More varied interests are now embraced within its pages, and brightness and go characterise it to a greater degree. Besides the usual history of the mouth and the caricature", there aro articles on ' The Secret of tho tit-y---sers,"" A Drab-coloured Australia, " "A Character Sketch " of South Africa, while the book of the month selected this time is Charles Booth's " Life and Labour im London." Illustrations 1 are abundant and excellent.

Mr and Mrs Andrew Wallaco worn entertained at the Drill Hall, Uiversdalo on Wednesday evening by the members "n (1 adherents of the Fresbyteritm Unirch. The. event was in recognition of the many services rendered to tho church by the recipients, to whose caro ai.d forethought the members owed much of their comfort. The Key. Mr Kirklnad who was chairman, presented Mr Wallace with a we!l-iilled purse of sovereigns

The train ferry inaugurated by the King of Denmark, tine week Is not quite a new thing, such tt method of convey, ng woods trains having been i v use on the iMrth of Forth from about 1850 until the Forth bridge was finished Tho distance is seven miles, and passengers T ? . , tr «"iS|>orted In --pedal steamers, probably because tho rise and fall o. in Z7 HV>U X i 6 /eet -mado it unadvisable to lun the carriages down tho stce \r&tw i ft ilway stcaracra at low

Wa acknowledge receipt of The Nelsonlan, a magazine published by tho boys of Nelson College. It is a bulky publication oi 60 pages, well got Up, ftttd Includes some good photographs The printed matter dealing . with items of college interest is excellent of its kind, one of tho photos is of Lord Hosemead, who is stated to he a likely successor to Lord Ranfurly, and who over 2*) years ago was n pupil of Nelson College during the governorship of his father, Sir Hercules Robinson. The production as a whole is creditable to tho boys of the college.

The date of the sale of Gore property, by Messrs W. Todd and Co., has been altered to Saturday, 10th inst.

Letters from places beyond the colony, and addressed to the following persons, were received at tho post-offlce. Invercargill, during the month of .luly, and remained unclaimed on Ist October : — Donald Cameron, Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, C. Donnelly (4). r. McDonnell, T. Major, 11. J. Morris, W. Richards, O. W. Rogers, Alex Stowell, Miss Klsa Van Cobren.

Enthusiastic Dunertin anglers lined the banka of the Leith on Wednesday, and by midnight there must nave been 50 roda between Clyde street bridge and Woodhaugh The secretary oi the Acclimatisation Society made a flying visit just before midnight, and (says tlie O.D. Times) it is safe to assume that no angler was so unsportsmanlike us to take an advantage by getting an early start. Some fair baskets were made, the fish ranging from Jib to 4IT>. There is still, of course, a paucity of lish yarns, but when anglers fully awake from their hibernation that is a condition which will remedy itself.

Reports from the country districts vie with each other In lauding the lenity of the .season and Its conduct veness to mi cress in farm work. Sowing is well forward in the Winton district, and if the fine weather continues, a ncoUjple of weeks more should see it finished. The farmer who is late this season will meet little sympathy.

At a sale on tho farm of Mr William Blo^kstock, Jucobs Uiver, this week, lv milch cows averaged £8 10s each

The notice of motion by Mr Raymond, which was printed in yesterday's issue, did not come before the Education Board. Out whether by misadventure or design iB not known In uny case, it was not tabled, and the Hoard m its ollicinl capacity as yet kjiows nothing of it.

We have been shown by Mis« Cheym-. Superintendent of the Methodist Church Junior 3-;iideavour Foreign Missions Class two letters from the students in New Hritain and .New Guinea They are from Misa Karam and Wiliami Namola. 1 hey aro written in the native language, and are accoiupaniw! by translations by Win H Cox and M. K. Gilmour respectively. The students express their heartfelt gratitude for thf* assistance received from them. a»d tho letters breathe nn earnest missionary spirit The penmanship of MiBSV ivaraim is remarkably good, the letters being gracefully formed and regular and would oe creditable to a pupil in the highest standards of our schools The letters altogether are exceedingly interesting.

Mr A. Telfer, Mataura. has been appointed manager of the I'yrtwnid Siding cheese factory.

GenHral regret is felt, in the Kaiwora district at the death of MrH 1) Kobertson who was well kj>own Jn Gore, being the daughter of Mr D 'P. McKenzie. Mrs Uobertson, who will be buried to-duy, leaves a family of fivo

Mr Joseph Shaw is leaving Wyndham for Jnvercargill. He has beon the leading spirit in the Young Men's Union, as well as an acme .member of the Choral Union and tho l'rosbyterian choir.

Tho Wyndham brass Hand have obtained ft first instalment of first-class instruments, including a B Hat cornet, tenor horn and bass urutn. They are by ttoosey and Co.. and will be used at tho parade -to-morrow.

The hut of an old man named James Henderson, on tho banks of tho Mim:h;\u. was burned down on Tuesday afternoon. The owner w.'as absent, and cannot account for the tire, which (testroyed 1 all his eflocts. and some £3, In money.

The trout-fishing season opened on Thursday Anglers report all the streams low and clear, consequently, efforts to lure the coveted .prizes from their element were not too successful The Duusdiile was fished by a small Invercargill party wiih this result, und reports from the New Hivcr are to the same effect N<-i---ther big baskets nor big lish rewarded the anglers 'Lhe fish caught, however, were in capital condition, and the prospects of an excellent season are exceedingly bright. Nine anglers weighed in at tho Wyndham .Society's competition. Mr .1 Tough was iirst •with IB fish, weighing 281 b lloz. Mr J. E Mitchell second with 21 tish. weighing 221 b looz, and Mr J Greenshifelds tWrd with seven, weighing liilh 4oz The heaviest one cuught weighed 51b ,'loz. aud fell to the prowess of Mr A. Gnieve.

Tho following paragraph from The Hospital seeaus to hu\ c a bearing on the position of the residents of tlala street, mentioned iv yesterday's report of the meeting <>f the lnvercorjrill Borough Council : — " There are country towns, and even villages, where the dust and other refuse is" cleared away daily, but in some of the London suburbs, which arrogate to themselves tbo title, of boroughs, and have all the paraphernalia af municipal management — including sanitary oilivers — the household refuse is allowed to ncciunulate for a week at a time. Once v, week only does the dustcurt come round, Suui it is not to bo wondered at that in the circumstanced its advent is marked by a malodoroustiess which taints all the surrounding air

. . . To nway rubbish every duy might involve more expense in the mat« tor of carte and dustmen . but if. as we believe, the matter really affects the health of the people, it would be v justifiable expense, and might in the end, be counterbalanced by such a decrease? in preventable disease as would permit of economy iv other ways."

The canoe Tilikium, which is .sailing round tho world, has arrived at Thursday Lslund from N.Z.

Telephonic communication Ims been established between Orepuki and Walau Ferry. The name given to the new sit. tlon is Tuutapere.

Tho Western Star reports that tine cod are very plentiful in the Struits. largo quantities bdng caught by the local fishermen.

The death Is rppone;! of Mr Rubc-t Anderson, for Many yeuis n»si<io,i at Wild Bush, in iho Western district. Mr Anderson, who di- j of jOeuriyv, uus 51 years of age.

The latest phase >f the labour movement has mudo its appears -ice <»t '.: oknrahi, North Otago, where the cowboys have formed a union. The main rules are:' — Cowboys over 1G are to he [aid X.I per week ; all cowboys to get one Sunday oft per month ; no cowboy to milk more than 12 cows; nine hours to constitute v day's work ; cowboys to get a half-holiday per week.

We aro reminded uf the approaching se«*on o'-A. nnd P. Summer shows by the receipt of the Otago A and P. Society's catalogue oi outrie-s lor theiF 27th annual fixture, which will be held this year on 2(',th and 27th November. The catalogue has beeu admirably compiled, contains fuJl information as to tho numerous classes of exhibits, tho prizes, tho judging, rules and regulations, etc etc. together with entry forms for rattle, horses and sheep. Intending exhibitors will, in fact find all the directions they require in order to compete

Playgoers win be pleased to know Unit the popular WilloUfc-hby and Geach combination will start them N Z tour in Invereandll on .Monday, lyth inst. when v wnrm welcome is assured tor the brilliant players, especially since, thoy are to piny their lutesi success, entitled "Todmturvy."

The wenlth and benuty of the Horn of New Zealand aro a setUetl hook to mnnv to whom a primrose by the river's brim is a yellow primrose ami nothing more Those who are of thai class, and attended the lecture by Mr J. Crosbie Smith last night before the First Church Literary Society, must have had their eyes as well as their minds, considerably opened, when they saw on, the screen a procession of pictures represent ing plants which .possess not only beauty but "habits " that are at once peculiar to this colony and interesting to the naturalist. It would be news to many, for example, to learn that the supplejack, occupies the same poaition in the vegetable world that tho platypus does to the animal, inasmuch as it presents features which belong to several genera. The jiuttypus lays eggs and suckles its young It hat) the bill and webbed feet of the duck, and tho intornal organisation of a llzand. In. like manner the. supplejack. ha« features which belong to tho monoeotyiedotiH and others which are seen in dicotyledons. Vbia iS only v specimen 01 the items in the running fire of interesting facts) with which Mr Smith bombarded his audience and held them interested ngbt to the close The lantern w a e effectively manipulated by Mr MehafTev

The oystermen of the Port celebrated the close of the season by a ball in the Drill Hall on Thursday evening, about hO couples beiiy present, and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Mr R JJixon made v capable M.C , un d excellent music wus supplied by Mrs Blue's ?«» , St . r^ „- M . essrs 'Kingsland und Son catered in their usual tasteful style and as secretary Mr 11. z. Chapuiau'was the right man in tho right place.

Democracy likes to bo led, even if the leading takes it on a path which it is unwilling to follow— Spectator.

bouthland dairy factories have, buou approached by buyers for their season's output As high as s*d per pound lias it ia sold, been ottered and accepted.

This month will be an eventful one for Southland freemasons. On (Uh inst Bro David dark is to be installed Master of Lodge W.nton ; on tho Mth the new o, lvt t I J uff '? to be consecrated ; and * U i?j 6 Bro. Joseph Swap is to be innffiL la !^ r .? f Lo^ c Wallace at Otautau All the ceremonies wii] be S I & Ct -W*t?fct the Gl ' aaa s "P eriat endsnt

On Wednesday afternoon the now unusual excitement of a whale hunt was .witnessed oS Bluff. The whale wa9 seen ofl Tewai9 Point during the forenoon, and shortly after noon « whaleboat went in pursuit, with the veteran Harry West as harpooner and Buller as steersman. The boat got close enough to throw one harpoon, but it failed to hold, and after a long and tiring afternoon's pulling, the chase had to be abandoned.

The Annual meeting of the Southland centre of the League of 'N.Z. Wheelmen was held on Thursday evening, there being a good attendance of delegates. The report and balance-sheet showed that the centre had had a sUrCcessful yqar, and that al) the clubs atliliated are in: a. good linaitcial position Eight permits find 37 licenses were issued during the season. Seven clubs are now affiliated and there is a probability that club.s being started at Winton and Drummond will join. The balance-sheet showed £4 to credit on the season's working. The chairman, Mr D. A. Mitchell, in moving the adoption of tho balance-sheet, stated tne success of the centre was due to the indefatigable effort a of their secretary, Mn L. A. Hone, and it was with feelings of the deepest negret that they were obliged to accept his resignation. He moved that c hearty vote of thanks to Mr Hone be recorded in the minutes, and that he be voted an honorarium of 3 guineas as a mark of their appreciation of the valuable services he had rendered These remarks were endorsed by Messis G W Woods and J. Kin-g-sland, and the motion was carried Mr D. A. Mitchell was appointed secretary , and Mr T. Double bandicapper.

It Is not too much to say, notwithstanding the misleading statements that aro Hying about, that Britain is in the most wholesome and prosperous position of any country in the world — Mariner.

It is probable that the inexpert purchaser does not know why tho " book fiend " is so busy just now wi'.n " alarming nacritices " in the way of standard works, etc. The introduction of the typo-custir.K machine is at i'kj bottom of it, for thero will now I.c :>o nt'fd to store, on in the past, me r-urcotyped pages. These stereos are therefore getting their last use prior to going into melting pot. for, when v new ». luon of a book is wanted now it will he cluaper to cast it de novo. with the teitainty also that the type will bo new Some of the editions de luxe recently rushed oil are printed from plates in uiy y<.«rs old and probably bought for the of ol<i metal , the only new things .ibuut tho books being the paper .mil tirr'iiig The stereo plntes have hitherto bee'i as carefully guarded by tho i v.blishing houses ns if they were money , i.ow they may go to the scrap heaps.

Mr W. H Huselden, S.M. at Christchurch, sayn that if he wore the commissioner he would make it penal for any mum be r of the police force to bot with a bookmaker.

At Orepuki on Wednesday night about 25 persons entertained Mr R A. Kose, who has been station porter there for the last three years, and presented him with a case of pipes previous to his departure for the Hlufi, to which station he has beon transferred. Sir J. RKhields was chairman, and made the presentation Thereafter Mr Rose's good qualities as ft companion and as a railway servant were extolled by severar speakers, and good wishes fur his advancement in the service -\tire general, mo deprecated the things said about him He was greatly pleased with the present thay r-.ud given him, and would never forget the boys at Orepuki. Songs were given by Messrs Lily. HiJey. Pearson. Holton, Wood, Martin. Shields. McQuillan. Riddoll and Wakelin ; unri Messrs Shields, Robinson. Lily and McQuillan provided instrumental music

The local racecourse presents quite a husy appearance in the early morning, there being nearly 20 horses in training there for the forthcoming meetings.

The vital statistics of the Invercargill registration district for September wer« as follows : — Births, 42 ; deaths. 2"i ; marriage certificates issued U For the corresponding month of last year, births numbered 51 ; deaths. 20 ; marriage certificates. 14. For the quarter ended 30th •September, 137 certificates of successf\ii vaccination and two exemption ccrtlGcates were recorded. l"or the corresponding quarter of lust venr the numbers wero 70 unit XI.

A lady witness caused some aurJSCment in the Court on Thursday by her naive expressions of disgust pgnnist tho defendant. Honesty and candour Were written on every Hue of her laio, and when she said that though she had had fow transactions with him and always thought him honest and added with much solf-commiserution " But ji-ople's uye learnin'," the court had ttcuble in maintaining its composure But when, like Meg Dods. of the Cleikum Inn, she said that the defendant was alwuj'9 saying how hard-working- and how "skilful she was. and burst out with:

"He was only flattering me all the time ; he's only an Irishman, after all," a genera! smile pervaded the 'able. The evident probity of the witness guinod for her the cause-

The irreverent joker wil! not have an opportunity for some time to work ofT the ancient gibe nt the Jnvercargill court tlible The septic volume which has done duty iroru tho time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, has been relegated to limbo, or the flames, and has boen replaced by a new one warranted to be clean, and to tie the instrument in oaths of the most binding character What is now wanted is the invention of a medium for the taking of oaths whl'-h will detect and expose parjury. declared by high judicial authorities to be fiequcnt in our courts of law

A great boar was shot (lot far from To Mii, Wellington district Tho pig weighed 3 cwt . and his tusks were ouch 12 inches long. and fornn-d complete circles Ho was about nine years old, and hud feet as big as a yearling steer's

The Buyers' Realm — Where is it ' you ask. McDonald's City Boot Palace, where their monster Boot Fair and 'Spring Clearing Sale is now on Every article of their splendid stock is now olTered at Reduced Cash Sale Prices. If you aro bent 01, studying your pockot . you can't afford to pass the City Boot Palace.

The prizes presented to the llamiors Club are on view in Messrs Broad, Small and Co 's window. Dee street, also, the photo, by Mr H. ICdwards, presented to Mr T M Macdouuld (president) by the committee.

Buy a. pound of Baxters choice Hnvu Tan , you will enjoy it. and when it is flnis'hod you will come back for another pound ; or. very probably, a 10-pound tin of this favourite beverage, at 13s Yd Ptr tin.

Early Spring Cleaning. —To parties furnishing. — Just opened ut Price and Hulleid's. 100 D pairs new Lace Curtains from Is Od pair to 35s : 10 pieces iU.on and Coin Spot Muslins, by tho yard 15 pieces Art Serge for draping ; also New Bordered Serge Curtuin.s for Dining Kooms ; grand stock Cretonnes, 4^o, ft id. T>id to Is Hid, bosiden beautiful selection handsomo bordered Tapestry and Serge. Table Covers nnd about 25 Indian and Persian Hearth Hugs Is lid, 2s Od, .-Is 6d. 4s Gd to 2'is Od. As usual, cheapest and l>e*t valuo in floorcloths and linoleums. Inspection Invited. Price and Bulleid.

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Bibliographic details

Southland Times, Issue 19167, 3 October 1903, Page 2

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Summary of News. Southland Times, Issue 19167, 3 October 1903, Page 2

Summary of News. Southland Times, Issue 19167, 3 October 1903, Page 2


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