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McKay Bros « SALE OF PROPERTY AT POWELLTOWN. r' TITEfISRS MoffAY BS^TithUAtf under Initruotiosi IVX from Mrs fierndston, senr., will sell in the Ex . change Sale Rooms, Eek street, on TUESDAY, Auguff 26th, at 12 o'olook-r- ; t ; . ' ?.:.'. '. :. ■ . . s Allotment 86, Powelltown, containing 2 roods 1 & poles (more or less) ■ . ' AISO," '-" "., V "' ;.-■'"" ' 29,000 Bricks at present lying on the abov< 2 section ■ ■.. y - — , ....'■•..' >> The above are for absolute sale. - 8 Wright, Stephenson &Co Q Sale of Choic© Dairy Farm '" SATURDAY, 20io"aUOUST, 1903 At2p.m WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AND CO. have received instructions from John Campbell, Esq, sawr mill manager, A&her's SldlDg, to sell by auction at 1 their Crescent rooms, Inveroargill as above— His choice Dairy Farm, containing 214 aores, which is subdivided into eight paddocks.' and on whioh is ereoted a 5-roomed House, Cowshed ' with 14 b i rea, an 1 other outbuildings. UPSET TRICE, £6 PER ACRE. " TERMS-20 percent, cash (say 10 per cent on fall j of hammer, 10 percent, in li days), 6 per cent, in j one year, 5 per cent, in two years,' 5 per cent, in i three years, balance in five years; interest 6 per cent Nora-The above Farm is very conveniently situ. • ated a* it adjoins the Seaward Downs Dairy Factory, ; is li miles from Seaward Dotvus school, and is within 1 seven miles of Edendale Railway Station. For further particulars and financial assistance "FP'y ** *h« A<avti<mwns I - QTEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN DUNEDIN O & INVEKCARGILL NOTICE TO IMPORTERS S.S. INVEROARGILL sails from Donedin for Invercargill every lueeday Freight 13s per ton. Delivered at Stores or Railway Goods Sheds . A. B. CAMPBELL, ■ - . , -..-.•.,.-:-... • .Agent BRIDAL BOUQUETS, WREATHS, &c. '1/TRS CLEAVE is prepared to make up at shortest JJ/A. notice Hand, Shower and Buttonhole Bouquets, Wreaths and Floral Devices of any Description. P.O. Box 68, or Avenal Nursery. Orders can also be left at G T. Smyth md Co's Deestreefc CHALLENGE MANURES, FOR W HEAT"AND OAI-S USE Challenge Grain Manure. \ FOR POTATOES USE Challenge Potato Manure. Use CHALLENGES Agricultural Seeds Use CHALLENGE Vegetable Seeds Use CHALLENGE Tlower Seeds NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS NOTICE is hereby given that trespassers on my property known as Rozelte Estate or the leasehold in Mona Bush will be prosecuted. JOHNMcINTYRE Woodlands, 21st August, 1003. PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING CHA9.. BECG & CO, Ltd, having secured the ser vices of a First olass Tuner (Mr DON) for .a permanency, are now In the position to book either single or contract toning; moreover will undertake to repair all kinds of musical instruments at reason. able charges. . EBK STREET, INVEROARGILL I LONDON TEMPERANCE HOTEL, TEA AND SUPPER ROOMS. It/TR O. 8. BRASS begs to intimate that he has I_tJL opened the above Rooms, and is prepared to cater in the best interests of the public Oyster Suppers a Specialty Nora Address— C. S. BRASS, XAY STREET, - . INVEROARGILL TORIVERTON. THE S.S. ROSE CASEY will leave Inveroargill Jetty for above on or abont MONDAY, 24th August - Further particulars on application to • SOUTHLAND STEAM SHIPPING CO. LTD. H. L. TAPLEY&CO, Telephone 252. Agents, Esk street. GIVEN away daring this mostb ft pair of strong tweed jpants to every purchaser of £2 worth of^oods at ; Maoters' Bargain Sale. Oustomers not satisfied with goods purchased, Masters wiU exchantfe or return the caah ; if you have worn any article let us . know .and we will make liberal allowance. QAPILL& HAIR TONIC CURES DANDRUFF. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. s» ■ ■ a^^fTymrmtTcm. ifeSt^VRITINO NACH(N^COHT»rti NEW MODEL, No. 10. mHEMost satisfactory Typewriter ever produced. WE SBLt. A YOST EVERY DAY OK AN AVERAGE—Sundays included. Write for Catalogue. THE YEREX & JONES COY. WELLINQTON. GIVEN away"" during tlila, -month a pair of strong tweed pants to every purchaser of £2 worth of goods At Blasters' Bargain Sale. Oustomerß not satisfied with goods'purchased. Masters will exchange or return the cash , if you have worn any article let us know ana w* will make liberal allowance.

For Sale and To Let, FUR SALK— 4 acre freehold, -with 4-room hou» and BCUllery. A bargain W. B. Bo«ndrect Land Agent, corner JUee md Eek etnsete, layer oargill. TO LET— Residence, with stable, at Gladstone half acre; residence contains 7 rooms, beside; kitchen, bathroom, etc. Apply Charles Rout, Lane and Estate Agent. FOR SALE— 4J acres and 6-roomed house, also ! seciionu of 6 aoreßat South invercargill. Applj R. J. dimming, Land Agent, Athensum Chambers E->k street. "I7ARU near Winton for sale, containing 66 acres JF good land. Terms very easy. Apply to Oharlei Rout, Land and Estite Agent. FOB PA US— lmproved farms, ranging from s!o< acres upwards to 600 acres, within easy dis tance of Gore. Full particulars on Application to it J. Oumming, Land Agent, Esk street. rp WO Storey leasehold brick buildings, Dee street X for sale; 12 ypars lease unexpired. Suitable foi almost any business. W. B. Scandrett. Land Agent] corner Uee and Eek streets, fevercargill FOR SALE at Woodend, 4 aore9, divided 2 pad' docks ; 5-roomed house, garden and orchard, dairy and bar a: good poultry farm, £250. Applj Alex Trotter, Bouse anc^Lanci agent, «sk street. <5K ACRES fenced, with 4-roomed house, 21 Ot/ acres maidt-n busb entrance of Otatara, t miles frO'n town, for sale; also 23 acres near by, both cheap. Terms arranged. W. B S.«ndrett, Land Agent, corner Dee and Esk streets, InvercargiU. FOR SALE— 3 sections and 4-roomed dwelling at Grasmere: a bargain,. W. B. .Scandrett, Land Agent, corner Dee ana Esk street, Invercargill. TTiOBSALE - Sections in^Forth, Tweed, Clyde and X Bo*rmont streeos— Apply R. J. Gumming, Land Agent, Esk street, FOR SALE-Sections in North, E--st and South Invercargill, Powelltown, Hawthorn, Appleby and Kilbrony. Apply Alex Trotter, House and Land Agent, Esk street. FOR sale a house of 6 rooms, bay window and verandah, bathroom, waahhouoe, } acre iv Me Master btreeo, cast laveroargill— £346. Apply R J Lummiug, Land Agent, Athenaeum Chambers, Eak street. FOR SALK at Appleby, corner Ness and Grace streets, J acre, 4 roomed building, washhouse, stable and ehtd— £lß6. Apply Alex Trotter, House and land ageut, Ksk s'reetFOH SALE— Good building site. Clyde street eastern aspect : J acre ; to be sold a bargain J. Wilson, Land and Estate A 6 ent, Esk strdeL SOUTHLAND RA KG OLUB NOTICE TO OWjNERS ANDTRAINEBS a LLTrainintr Licenses having expired, owners and xi. trainer., are informed that new one are now availab.e. RICHARD CLARK, Secretary. riIHE key to success in life is a sound digestion. X Secure this by using TIGKK BLEND TEAS They arc composed only of the Finest Growths, and are guaranteed free from adulteration.

• Amusements 7.ESALA2TDIA HALL To Night! __ To-Night! SPECIAL FAREWELL CONCERT Owing to the delay in the departure of the Melbourne ooat music lovers will have the^opportunity Of again hearing the world-Famous pianoforte genius, MARK HAMBOURG, And hia company of world-renowned artistist. This will be the last appearance in New Zealand. THE GREAT PIANIST will play to-night :— Beethoven's wonderful "Sonata" in C No. 8 ; The famous " Kiss Walts " (Strauss-Schutt) ; " Nocturne " Fsharp major; "Polonaise" A flat, and will repeat hi* marvellous performance of Uendelssohn'a '■ MEDDING MARCH," which hao created a furore all over the world* BORIS HAMBOURG will play 'Cello So^os :- " Romance " (Becker), " The Swan " (Saint-Saons), "Tarantelle" (Popper), "Berceuse Slave " (Neruda) "Rondo " (Bocehonni/. MISS MAKEL BATCHELOR will sing:— "The bird that came in Spring "—flute obligate (Benedict). JOHN LEMMoNE flute solo :— •" Fantaeie fle Con" cert " (Wetzger/. GkOUGIi F. BOYLE. Accompanist. For ibis special concert the prices of admission will be RESERVED SEATS 8s; STALLS 2a; BACK SEATS Is Plan and tickets for all parts of the hail at the Dresden. Notb. — The Blufl train will be delayed for the con' venience oi port visitoro. pRAND FOOTBALL MATCH UN:ON GROUNDS. Hawkes Bay v. Southland WED N KSDAY, '26th AUGUtf KICK OFF AT 3P.M. admission, Is ; Grandstand la ; Inner Ring 6d. Tickrtsfor the series of matches can he obtained from an> member < f committee, Wesney Bros, N. J Keane, or box office. Price 4s Od. R. GALBRAITH, Secretary. PARK AN ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE GIVEN By the Puv ils LN THE ZEALANDIA HALL, ON Wednesday and Thursday, SOrn asd 2"th AUOUST. ADMISSION Is; CHILDREN HALF PKJCE.

SCOTS WHISKY DIR T,r HIGHLANDS Just Landed the First Shipment to New Zealand of " GUENORAN " OLD HIGHLAND MALT WHISKY from the Ord Distillery Co., Ross-shire, Scotland, one of the oldest of Highland Distilleries, MOFFETT & CO., Invercargill

Special Advertisement Column WANTED par good working bullocks. Apply Southland Timber Co.'s office, Esk street. LOST, last night, between the Zealandia Hal) and the High School Gymnasium, a gold orescent brooch, with a dove set in ptarls on one point and a largo pearl on the other, tinder will be rewarded on returning same to Mißa Crofw, Music Rooms, Esk street •£<3 /»T) GOLD BELL PINS O« fT\ & *>- U T.ROoHE,Wa™ker.<> S O-D HIBERNIAN .HOTEu BUILDINGS, Dee street |7tOR SALIC a mod era 7 roomed House and outJ? buu&ca, i acre, Lett sUeet, price £650— cheap. J. "> ilson, Land and estate agent, Jiak. street. BEST Grooeries at lowest prices at Smyth's, Tay and Dae streets SUFFERERS from ASTHMA should immediate/ give MONNTAIN KING AdTHMA POWDKKS y trial. I? U Hall, chemint Price, 2s 6d SOUTHLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION A PPLIOATIONS, with tPßtimonials, from Teaohers Xjl competent to fill the following vacancies will be received at this office up toiuesday, the Ist Sept* nr ber 1 Elderalie Head Master, talary, £U9 per annum, with residence 2. Wftirekiki and Waikoua (half time schools) Head Teacher, salary £163 per annum with small residence 3. East Gore— Pupil Teacher In the case of iValrekißi-Waifeoua, the ►alary stated is for six days work per week Application forms may be obtained at Mm oflice. J >HN NEIbL, Secretary. Education Office. 21st August, 1863. PRIMK Hania aid Bacon, feet hocks and pig headrt at Smyth's, ay and Dee streets. SUF-ERERS from ASTHMA should imraediawly giveM-»U.NT-»IN KInG ASTUMA i-OWDEtt a trial. b\ H Hall, chemist P»ice 2a 6d. SMYTH & CO, Tay and Dee streets, are oasn buyers of prime dairy feti pigs. TSA DRINKERS woo find their health affected by other brands should try TI BLENDS ABSOLUTELY PURIS. BT. GEORGM P<.ttedand Preßervad Meats and Table i)«li aoies are dulicious. Ouch used always used. Meetings - MLSIO RuOMS, EdK STREET MALE VOICE CLASS. No lesson this (Monday) evening. Resume 31st i^vt CHAS. GRAY. INTER JARGiLL ORPHANS' CLUB NOTJCE IN ORDER to avoid o'a.«hing with the Hambourg Company' Concert, the orphans Club's invitation Concert, which was to have been held this (Munday) evening, is Postponed till Monday, 31st August A. B. CoOKSON, Hon. Sec. INV&RUARCU. I BTAttR.BOWKt.TT BUILDING society:, I'HE Seventh Annual General Meeting will be held in the V.M.C.A. Hail, Kelvin street, on Wednesday, 26th August. I9US, at 8 o'clock p.m. Business : Consideration of annual balance sheet und ie>.-ort, appropriations and general. E. B. PILCHER, Btoretary. Railway Notices EW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. CLEAttING SALE AT HAMILTON BURN. WEDNESDAY, 26th AUGUST, 10:3. Train, stopping where required, will leave Lumsdm 10.45 &.in, Jlos 'burn arrive 11,20 am; returning, leaving Mostburn 5.5 p.m, Lumsden arrive 3.30 p.m. BY ORDER. , KW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. (iNVEftCARQILL DISTRICT ) MARK HAMBOURG CONCEBT COMPANY ON MONDAY, 24th AUGUST, 1903, train stopping where required will leave Invercargill for Bluff at 10.30 p.m. BY«RDER. j 1 OHAW, BAVIL AND ALBION COMPANY'S B. a. Pclphic Will load at Blufl for London Ja THURSDAY, 27f H ... „ i AUGUST. For space and particulars apply j NATIONAL MORTGAGE! 00, Agents. KEVOLUriON. Rudge-Whitworth Cycles BRITAIN'S BEST BIOyOLE. LADIES' or Genta' fitted with Free Wheel, 2 Brakes. Nickel-plated Rims, Best Tyres and Tubes, Long Nickel-plated Pump and Clips, < amp, Bell, Toe Clips, Complete Set of Tools ant Outfit in bag, and toe Most Liberal Guarantee throughout fo . 16 GUINEAS GASH From the SOLE AGSM for Otago and. Southland ' R Murie, PBINOE OF WALES BUILDINGS, DKH BTRKCT, INVBBOAEOILU ' COME AND INSPECT. H- »h 'N'P'-km \TI« 'N RELATING :PhT;.';NT|'; : ; AND TRADE MARKB ; »ieNRY HUGHES i ' * ~— . »i\ - 1 •Li L'UVb tfNuINEEBh. ■>• •■ J-'i^: 188S « *»>x, ->«>* 4-n i-'iMghout the Worlo 1. IfUh AND «,Stt»t«SaEP PATJSNT AOtHt 888 WR?SBT WVBRC3AROILL CHEAP MONEY. CHEAP MONEY. IN SUMS OF £100 TO £10,000 COUNTRY, TITY AND SUBURBAN wu ' FREEHOLDS, AT i| PER GENT. Terms of repayment oi the most liberal charaotcr «hich can be ascertained on enquiry. For forme of application apply to the Beeldeff' Aemt* Govonunent L «« Insurance, Invercargm. J. H. RICHAH SON, Coverotuent Inurance Oommisiiioaort

&pectat A«sveirtis;©m«mt Column WANTED— Young lady wants situation in office Has a knowledge of shorthand and typing, Previous experience. Address " Nemo," Tikes office \T7 ANTED at onoe two flaxcuttere, two paddoekers VV and two null hands. Highest wages. Apply McEae bros, Wyndhain. SPRING, Beautiful Spring I has come, and so has Masters' first shipment of Panama Straw Hats, made specially to suit the Southland climate ; soft and easy fitting to tho head ; stylish shapes. Masters' Sale Price. 4s Gd. FOR SALE- 4 room house and scullery at Rich mond Grove, cheap. W. B Scandrett, Land Agent, corner Dee and Esk Streets, Invercargill. WANTED— An experienced .general ; high wagea ; housemaid kept. Apply personally, or by letter, to MrsMassey, AveuaJ. AUCKLAND— Poor man's Oraneres for marmalade, and plant? of Seville Oranfjes for martnalaoe. Re ipe given to buyer how to make. Mrs Webßtar. 3S /»D WILL purchase a Gent's Coloured Dress O Shirt, short front, stout body— usually sold at6a(sd Mas erg' sale Pri e2s (W. We have only ihr-e dozen ltf£, be in tun*— Masters' Bargain siorea, Uee street ROYER_CYCLES. ROVER CYCLE-Head t c evele world. If it's a Rover it's a>l right. The nam<- of England's first and best Cycle. Ladies 1 Rovers \ Awarded tha Gold Medal, London, 1903. RALEIGH ~ CYCLES. Kaleigh Free Wheels are Free Wh ela indeed. i Raleighs never wt-ar out. MOJSOFOLE CYCLES Monopoles for easy running a> d durability. P.H.V. SPECIAL VULCANIZED TYRES. P. H. VfCKERY, DEE STREET. fMFLUENZA BRONCHITIS and all diseases of the L throat and lungs can be cured by TUSsIOURa. »6d Hall, chemist GEUUGB Potted and Preserved Meats and Table O Delicacies are delicious. Once used always ÜBcd TIGLR TEas Standard of excellence. Takes precedence of all others. WiKA CYCLE WOhKS, AY STREET. WIRA C\CLES A RE built of D.H A. parts, Reynold's Double-butted J\. tubes, nothing but the very beat material used Wiras are fully guaranteed and fitted with special vulcanized tyrea Ladles' W,ra Cycles pecially built for Southland. Prices and terms to suit all customers. _ . We repair all oycles. We make I JttepSrirS — any parts for cyciej, re-enamol Ojcles and thoroughly overhaul cycles. TyTOS All makes stooKed. ACCESSORIES. GORDON GLENNIE, TAY STRfc-KT. | _—^—— — .— — — — — — — — — — — — i FU& Sale — A houxe of 6 rooms, bath, scullery and i waun-house, { acre, in Ellea Road, 20 minutes walk from Post Office. R. J. Cumming, agent, Atben<eum Chambers, Esk street. IT'OR Sale at Tramway Road, Soutb Invercargill, a ■*■ first-class freehold section, consisting of IB acres of high and dry land with ?0 chains frontage, house. : orchard, etc Would make splendid sites for buildlag. Land also suitable for brickmaki..g. Situated 3 inilea from P. O. Apply Alex. Trotter, House and Land Agent. Eak street LAST WEEK SIMON'S LET-GO SALE Boys' and Girls Gymnasium Shoes 10, 13, 2 a6d Men's Sewn Balmorals usually 14s 6d, now 10s Od Ladies' Tan Evening Shoes, usually 0s 9d, now 2a lid Children's Patent Ankle Straps 4—o Is lid, 7—9 as Hd, 10-13 3s lid Men's GUcie Kid Boots, sizes 6, 9, 10, price 8s Od SIIVION'S LET-GO SALE, Dee Street IT will stop tbat cough. TDSSICUBA, a wonderful Chest, Thr >nt and Lung Touic. is Od. Hall, caemist, lawroargiM INFLUENZA, BRONCHITIS, and all difleoses of tho throat aud iungs can be cured byTUSSICURA. Is6d. IMI, ohemist TEOHNIOAL Studento wlil find a splendid assortment of carpenters' and carvers' tools at Smith and Laing'B, Esk street. HOW stylish Mr Jackson looks in that navy blue suit he bought at Masters'. It fits so well and has padded shoulders, just like tailor-made. I hear that Masters', at that cheap shop in Dee street, are selling them for 455, and giving a pair tweed sorting pants in as discount. . TWO GOOD THUGS II NEIL'S BALM OFGILEAD COLD CURER Will CUBE any cold. | It is the best medicine for Heart, Lungs and Ohest. j It CUBES ft Cold and STRENGTHENS the LUNGS, j II you take Cold easily TEY IT. It Is absolutely the Chest Medicine on the market, NEIL'S REXIEV, The P ositive Cure FOE CHAPPED HANDS & UPS. IT 18 A REFINED PREPARATION AND AIRWAYS CXJREiB. undreds of testimonials Save bfien received for both ofthoße. Obtainable at Neil's Botanic Dispensary DEE STBEET, ' s ■ ■■: , INYERpARGILIi, WANTED-OSverybody to try the SHAMTIOaK BRAND of ■ Oeylon Tea. Superior quality rice only Is fld per lb.: Sole agent, - fe'. MEREDITH, Tftyfllteei,

ARE YOU BALD ? ASTOUNDING CIIALLENG-E. THE PROPRIETOR OF CAPILLA HAIR TONIC. Being desirous of having a uublic tost made to prove tho infallibility of his now lamous Hair Restorer, known as CAPILLA Hair Tonic, is prepared to treat any gentleman troubled wLth. absolute baldness (it is immaterial of how long standing) Free of Charge for a period of 12 or lfl weeks, and guafantees in that time to produce hair liin long (by the aid of Caplila .alone, used according to the direction supplied with every bottle) on th© scalp auected by baldness. Failing which, he is prepared to forfeit to the Wellington Hospital the sum of £25 sterling. The conditions to be :• First, that a committee of six Wellington medlca-1 men or well-known Wellington gentlemen be appointed to substantiate tho fact of iTapiHa having done what we claim for It. Second, that' the gentleman upon whom the test is to be made has upon the scalp a down or slight fluff. It is immaterial whether it is discernible with the naked eye or not so long a<s a microscopical examination proves it to exist. If the above Challenge is accepted, we particularly request the attendance of newspaper reporters, medical men, and others who are interested to watch the progress made from aay to day. Capilla will increase the length of ladies* hair 1 to 2 inches per month. The above challenge, now appearing In the leading Australiaai newspapers. has been accepted by members of Parliament and other leading citizens. Their testimonials may be seen by all enquirers' ALL CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. Head Office for New Zealand : C FEATHERSTON STREET. WELLINGTON. P. HAYMAN & CO., Wholesale Agents. N.Z. Office : 0 Featherston street. lareyou^I TROUBLED 1 WITH A COUGH? 1 ALL KINDS OF COUGHS I YIELD TO II SYKES I I Aids Expectoration 1 Eases the Breathing I Soothes the Chest. I f PRICE 1/6 I Ail Chemists and Stores. MAi * 11 J Ah & HaZuiTT 4QEHT3FOB SOUTHLAND. POTATOES, onions, chaff, oate, fowis' wheat, &c, at Smyth's, Tar and Dee etreeta. rpGOHKIOAL Students will flad a splendid assortJL menfc of carpenters' and carvers' tools at Smith and lifting's, Esk ei.reet. FRBMBNDOUS Rush at Masters'. Q-* dozen Men's Heavy "Wool Pants, slightly damaged, worth 3s 9d, Mastera 1 price, Is lid per pair. J4EECY -• LINED Undershirts ap-l 'ants ; the latest tking In sanitart underwear ; Masters' Bargain sale 8s fid, worth Ss. Only at Masters', Dee street. TIGER BiJEND TEAS. • The real luxury of the day. Obtiiiabh ev^ry ihs SMYTH & 00, Tay and Dee BUreete. are chbd buyer of prune dairy fed pics WANTED waitress; and kitchen maid (hotel, Alexandra), good wages ; lad for station, ploughman, cook, waitress (hotel), generals ; girls to sleep at home, town and country. Apply sharp, , Mra Holmes, Dee street. SI tQEOKQE JAM3.— Made fromchricajt frui uperior to all others. On cc used always <v Tl&Eft Mj EN© TEAS Years of trial have proved*Tigerßle: da to be after all the beat. TNPLUENZA— Cuwdlby TUSSIOUEA. A wonder JL tame and sttoulantc t( TNFLTjfcNZA-Oured byTOSSI ,'UBA. t A wonder 1 ful tonic and stimulant, . Is6d. Hall, ohemlsb \tr ANTED KNOWN -That P. H Hall, chemist, YV stocks Tusaloura. Witch's Oil, MountamKlng Asthma Powder. Is 6d and 2s Cd T ARQEI Tins Pie Fruits, 2s per tfa at Smyth'B, T»y JJL and Dee streets. Fruit and Forest Trees GNB ot - the lawesii. stocks of AtVJJSA TEAES, PLUMS, BOSfe,RHODOpKNpBONb k to., to ■ : : i Kew Zealand , Fruit Trees ♦ronn 2 year* to 10 j yea* a old The undersigned is t>»e only nurseryman that has upwards of 10- varieties of Apple Trees in fuD bearng, which" shoul<l be sufficient guarantee that the trees put out are true to name and what they are represented to be. . catalogues & prides on application ROBERT CLEAVE, 25URiBRYM AN £NVBROARGI ,L ftai bie ack"nowJßdged loading xem<^y («« '•" *eniair cum. -pWiu^ J^omi^ndsd by \he Me^oaUFacultjf^ The jranuine bear ths • gMture of »>«,. Marti«.( ™B u . t « r ? <l ?tthou« tIenTW« of elfwicmiil* nnoaßHo»t«»i'WoiW. Propriotor,MAßTlM,th'ir«nCberol«t,SOUTHAl*PT fl ''iWO» Wta: SHARtAND a Co.,ltd., Aicklaod aWellbgtOl^ pad NBW ZEALAND DRDG Co.. CbrUtchorcb. Patents and Trade marks BALDWIN AND RAYWARD REGISTERED PATENT ACCENTS. ESK STREET. INVEROARGILI* -"■ (Near RaUway Station.) PATENTS OBTAINED THROUGHOITr •was world. INFOBMATION AND ADVIOB CIVEtf ; ' TO INVENTORS FREE^ : 4 OAM. QR SEND FOR PAMPHUBT OF PATBJNTSc SENT TREE BY POSTi

REMOVAL SALE ! "JCIT.JES JBLA.T BOX. Bought of E. G. UNDRILL, HATTER AND MERGER, Esk Street, Invercargill. SOLD B> 2. EXAMINED BY I. 1 Craven«tte Cuat 55s 6d £2 15 6 Now 40s 0d £2 0 0 1 Frame Hat ... 7s 6d 7 6 „ 4a 6d 4 6 1 000 l Spring Hafc . ... 10* 6d 10 6 „ 8b 6d 8 6 2 White Bhirts ... 6s 6d 13 0 „ 5s 3d 10 6 2 AlhWool Shirts 7a 9d 15 6 „ 6a Od 12 0 I Navy Cheßttsrtield 32s 61 1 12 6 „ 24a Od 14 0 1 Aatrachan Gloves 3a 6<3 3 6 „ 2* Od 2 0 1 Lined Kid Gloves 4s Cd 4 6 „ 3s 3d 3 3 6 Trilby C-.lkra Is Od 6 0 „ 9d 4 6 6 Military Collars 9d 4 6 „ 7d 3 6 2 Ribbed L. W. Pants 4s 6d 9 0 „ 3s 3d "6 6 2 Mosgiel L.W. Singlets ... 4b 9J 9 6 „ 3s 9d 7 6 £8 11 6 Now £6 6 9 We take this somewhat unusual method of ehowiug the public wbat the Reductions we» c making amount to on a parcel of Hats aad. Mercery, every article of which is GOOD VALUE AT FULL PRICES. We wish all to understand that these goods have NUT BJSEN BOUGHT JOB FOR THE SALE, but are first quality goods that have secured as a rame second to none in Southland for the LATEST and BEST in HATS and MERCERY. 20 per cent, discount will be given off every article sold daring oar Removal Sale TAILORING. TAILORING. NEW TWEEDS. We have much pleasure in drawing attention to our larg • stock of CHOICE NEW TWEEDS, Just landed Ex S.S. Rakaia, c >mprisujg- - NEW SUITINGS, NEW TROUSERINGS. &c. This season we have a New Cutter in charge of this Department,' whose i fit can be relied on. „...;'.... Oar principle of a first-class article at a moderate price is sound. f3r r A TRIAL SOLICITED. -^| I HERBERT, HAYNEB& GO TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS. TA V ST B B E T, INV E B C Aft GILL. I

You need nerve force and Btstaration^pf physical energy. LANES EMULSION Buflde up force and energy. Here is a Napier instance of what LANS'sJEicrjisioN has done. ": " Aftpr a severe attack of typhoid fever, which, tutw rar months, ft left tne in a, very weak condmoo. Instwd ofmy nsuaWeight ofia stone I wa» tt&Qtbd to 8 stone. Commendog work " before I wlis thoronghly strong, I was continually oatehinj cold, and until I tried your emulsion no meaidnas seemed to do me any good. The rapidity with which your emulsion helped ■ me to regain health and strength astonished both ray friends and myself. Changes of weather : do not trouble me now. My weight is now li ttone, and thanks to your emulsion, I am as well and strong as averl was. .-• A. J. PETHERICK, Tailor. Hastings Street, Napier." Medicine and food combined is what bufldfl quickly after severe illneas. Lane's Emulsion is both. With such testimony as Mr Petharick's, who can deny the fact that Lane's Emulsion restores to strength^ vigour, and new life P If you., dear reaaor, feel that yonr health is not so robust and vigorous as it should be, let us urge the use of this great lunghealer and body builder. % Boy it and try it to-day. All Chemists and Stores. 2/6 and 4/6. Take none but Lahb'B „ :-- gs Chamberlain's Fain Balm 13 one of tne best and .most effective liniments on the market for the cure of sprains, bruises, and rheumatic pains. This Is the universal verdict of- all whp have tried it. For sale by Macadister and Co., ehemistu. This is not a Bad Way BUT 1 I WOLFE'S I SCHNAPPS I Hot with Lemon dt I BEDTIME \ Is an flbsolute Preventive m I "'. and Cure for M \COIOS & WSSBOkM NEW ZEALAND ISTSUK ANCE COMPANY FIRE AND MARINE. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL .. -• £1,000,000 PAID UP-CAPITAL & KESEBVES nMn including andtvidedprofits .. »506 HEX ANNUAL BfiVBKCB .. .. £408.923 Noted fof Promptneßß afii Hbapaity in SettlemeDfc of Claims. ' . SOUTHLAND" BRANCH. E. B. PILOHER, Manager. Ksk Btreet.,lnvexi»rgini ' ■*



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Southland Times, Issue 19132, 24 August 1903, Page 3

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