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In the cablegram re t»c singular metal radium, published yesterday, it was stated that the temperature of the metal was always 27- 10 above its surroundings. A correction received yesterday stat/es tho figures as -•". The Ji.M.U. tired a handicap match at 300 yards for Ist anc', 2nd -class shots a$ Urasmcre on Wednesday. Trooper Vickery won tho former trophy and Trooper Field the latter.

At a meeting of the "Athletic Football Club held last night it was unanimously decided to play seniors this year. Mr L. Morton was elected captain ; Mr V. J. Deluny, deputy captain ; I). Corcoran, M. O'Brieu and L. Morton delegates to M.R.F.U. ; captain, deputy, P. Hurley, T. Cavanagh and T. Grace, match mittee Tho opening day was fixed for the last Wednesday in April.,

Tht; Wnimatuku cii^p Waianiwa cum Wrights Hush congregations . ho-vp unanimously agreed to present a call to tho Rev. R. H. Catherwood to become their pastor. The moderation services are to be conducted by the Rev. J. M. Simpeon, D.A., oti Sabbath when largo con* gregatious aro expected.

Tho annual meeting of tho I'iratca Football Club on Wednesday night was attended by over 40 members, the President (Mr W. Mitchell^ in the chair. Tho annual report showed . the iirst lifteen to have again been runners up for tho premiership and tho balance-sheet showed v surplus. Tho election of officebearers resulted as follows :— President, Mr A. R. I'orter ; vice-presidents, Messrs IT. Curtis, C. 0. Wilson, W. Cook, M. McAulifTe, CJ. S. lkass, J. T. Harris and A. Wpsnpy ; captain, W, Slack ; deputy, J~ Willet'^; sec, W. Gawne ; troasuror, .J, Bra»s i i' i: ->ittatch comjnittee, W. -Black, Jj" Manson, and T, JJ, Ijounie ; general .committee,^ 1 ' Traili. , Whitaker, S;trang^*Robinßbn, Furnio, Galbratth and v CoqJe/ delegates to. 5,R.F.U,., Mossrs A. Straug, W. Black unil% C. C^. Wil'soh ; auditor, Mr W. Black. It was stated that the Alhanibra second fifteen would v^isit Invercargill and "play the club's Junior team on^Good Friday.

At ihe opening of a bridge at; Bulls On Wednesday, the Premier, " referring to t^O^ijj.vy, said JlO had agreed, subject to .ratification, that .New Zealand should her subsidy" from 000 fto £40,000 \a year, which would giv.eT a. Kobd,^up-to-datc fleet for colonial waters. His colleagues .had agreed^ to it,. ;,and Jao hopcTi-A Psriiaiaetit wot^r:;.mti?y; the agreement. Jf he 'fountl Jtjiiiit "'' tlils country was prepare^ to; .'•agnpl^^Jiijit which would inaintnin a free highway, nud so weaken the Kinpire, and wpujd not poedgniso dKEcultiea that had to jjc faced, and the necessity for keeping >-afe uh mistress of the sea, :t must gol auothor. Premier, for ho was dono with it.

Our Dunedin correspondent apprised U9 that " the recent pronouncement of the Premier regarding the Government's intention to make preference to unionist's compulsory is causing grave concern among employers here: I understand a special meeting of the executive of tho local Employers' Association will be held next week to consider tho matter."

in the Zealandia Hall on Tuesday evening Mr E. t H. Stevenson - gives a farewell entertainment. The- programxhte is an entirely new one, and. "-includes a' reproduction of Mrs? Henry Wpo'iis' 'drama, East Lynne. This beautiful scenic display lias been much appreciated wherever it has been produced, 'being very highly spoken of by tho press throughout New Zealand. Mr Stevenson's entertainments iti-e unique and amusing, and an interesting entertainment is in stpro for playgoers.

The Standard's Tientsin, correspondent says wholesale roßtiery of Government funds at Port Arthur, Talienwan and inManchuria is general and absolutely appttllin^- I-oiifr lists of fictitious officials dm«- J«.r-g© salaries «nti onirials pocket the firice of • imupinary coal Consignments. .Where tho Chinese officials rob to the extent of one. dollar, tho Itussians

steal thousands

Speaking at -\e\vtown recently Mr A. 1 H. Atkinson dividedTiifrormul yo.tes into two classes — the " idiot " 'frtvd the ." criminal.'' At the local licensing elec> tions there appear to have been some samples of tho former. A ballot paper in which all the Christian nnines;.of candidates were <&ruck 6ut and all tno »urr names left, in is reported. •".-...

The cricket nutlch between '..he local representatives ■of " STcDoilgall's " • v,

•' Highland "'"■ ilips, - pp'stpoliotl from St. Patrick's Day, was pJuyed' OYI Wednesday on the" Appleby. Aground,; when it was .demonstrated thai, 'vKeOougnrr's " could jiut through more " tick " than the

"■ Highlanders." albeit a ronsidmible number of unhntched <'g'KS were to be foUnd on both sides. r £he following were tho scores :— " IMcDougiill's " (N.Z. Loan Co.) put .up 111, of which Wilson marie 54, Hluck 21, aixl S( ret tell "Highland " (W.S. and Co.) tried twice and made 5i an«l 57— Christophers 29, Honywood 14, Moodie 11. 17 batsmen failed to i>lnre their, Jiunu-s di\ the scroll of fame

Flic metainjr held liist eveningv, t lor the purpose of giving Association football (socket'}' a start in this -part of the colony was iitt ended by- an enthusiastic body of intending jilaycrtSt The elWctioh of offlcers was loft until next meeting with the exception of tho secretary, for which position lile.ssrs Ad^tna "and Davidson were chosen to act jointly. It was decided hold tho -opening match next Wednesday,** .an d the ground will bs advertiswl in a future jssuo.

At tho inqiiest in,^ Auckland on Jilizu- ' both Stokes^ who drank .arbolffe'^acii! froni an tu6 IJottle in mistake for.'stout, the coroner said, thnt . leaving' poison about itf a nice, .^leah tempting bottle, unlabellcd, was a death-trap for soinebodyi .^Clietnists wora' compelled by law to cjdarjy label bottles containing poi-sonA,'-^nd nny person who ]mt poison into, another, bottle should immediately place. n: poisons-label on it...

At v 'tbe ••■ Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Mr S. E. McCarthy, S.M.,' judgments 'were given for the plaintiffs jn the following undefended cases :— Win. Tudd and -Co. v. David Roberts (Invercargill) for 9s, costs 7s ; same v. IK. Campbell (butcher), £3' 2s, costs Cs ; Jqhn Grant v. H. T. Bain (Hiulclutha), £7 Is 6(1, .'costs £1 3s Gd ; Southland County .Council v. Glonita Gold JDrellging - C 0... (t)unedin), £-23 4.p 7tl, costs £.1 3s; same. v. Alex. McDonald (.Waikaka), 7s, costs £1 Is ; same V: Otama Dredging C!#* v (Dunedln), 10a lOd, costs sa;: and same v. ■ J. Shirley, 13s Id, ,cqsts £2. ' **

"Mr Seddon. was not a success here among ' t he pewcrs that 1-e. 1 He wan outspoken when he ought ; *o ha\o re-

inained" silent

Tho-. Australian

Club, which ho opened with a. Nourish in this citjv collapsed v fejv weeks after-' w%rds. N"o doubt he is a fine feJlo\v\ but he forgets that -therein re others equally line iu.tho world. 1 wish him well, nevertheless, I'—1 '— Extract flioW' a fa'-ielown letter. " '■-"

' A' New .Zealand Association I'as been formed in Johannesburg by tho many New Zealanderß resident ih-wj, and an ex-Southland journalist ii Mr Willie Hutchison, who was for some ; vurs editor of the Western Star, and mo-o recently Hotspur in 1110 Otiristchuith Press, has been appoyiiod secretary.

During the pro-Boer rage a German firm of cemfint-makers ', sent to a West Coast harbour board a good, big I>ulk sample of their mqjae for <,rial, "free, gratis, and fbr nothing." Tho said board rose in its wrath at its - 'inext, meeting and figuratively hurled the Teutonic gift out. <*£No ! Whoever might use the* cement made by tho ravilers of. British pluck and British methods in South Africa, this board" will never incorporate it in a British public work!" But is is darkly hinted that the nespised and rejectod cement is now part of a big patriotic monument in tho market place of the town- In concrete for British sh!£& to bump against that cement might have been tolerated, rut ns a vantago ground/ for perfervid ratriotic, orators-/ /

At Orange (V.S.W.) <|iiortcr sessions a returned soldier, Hubert Nolan, had pleaded guilty to stealing cattle. and Judpe Docker, when passing a sentence of three years, suid ho did not intend to sentence him to penal servitude, as he was a young man. and would 'havo- tiin* to reform mid "become » good citizen, as well as a good soldier. lt'miffht have been us well for him if ho had fallen in one of tho engagements, covered with fflory. Uh was told that the Australians, when in South Africa, were most inveterate thieves. In one town, after tho Australians bad left for ;South Africa, he hud found there were no cases set down for trial, and on enquiring of the police ns to tho cause, he was told that

"all the criminals had gone to tho wan However, there was no doubt somo of them had turned out good citizens and


Mr John Buthie, M.H.It, for Welling^ ton, has drawn a somewhat amusing comparison between M. Do Witte, tne groat Ru.ssian linancial statesman, "and Mr Seddon: M. D. Witto had doubled the Russian revenue in a few >ears^and gradually assumed all iuu.uiier of departments, including hotels and groceries—porhaps hardware, too ; but M. Do Witto was still bohind Mr .Seddou, for in New Zealand the Ministry attempted everything, from tho trussing of fowls for tho London market to tho control of the British navy. Tho Premier had criticised him (Mr Duthle) at llannier— had said ho was an ambitious man. who had retired from Parliament because ho could not be Premier^ and had como back to Parliament because he b'elioved tho Premier was going to South Africa. Mr Duthie went on to say that the thought that tho Premier was going to South Africa had never crossed, his mind. Mr Seddon was doing too well here, and ho (Afr Duthie) knew enough of political life to know that Mr Seddon had killed his chances in, Sout-h Africa when ho was


No cycles ever built have become so popular aa Humbers.' Xiight, strong, speedy, durable, and elegant, these splendid mounts represent , the acme of per. fection in cycle construction.— MoiTenzia and Roach, agenta, Dee street, In^ercarKiU

The M'Cormick Harvester is tho-iu»ly machine that is good enough isr everyody. •■'-*

The first of the season shipments gave beon opened at Thomson and ,Beattio's, and aro now on view. To walk round the Exhibition and inspect the new goods is a pleasant afternoon's outing. Don't fail to pay a visit during this week, if your engagements permit. Though at all times there -j[s much to; be eeen it is only on specia&gccasidns that such an array of delicate, Mg'h-tilass goods' ; aro exposed: to view at one time '

A Pain-" in the Chest is riaturo'.Ej,. irfarning of a.threatoned attack of pneiimonia. Dampen a piece of flannel < v'^th^Ohamberiaialfl Pain Balm-' and bind "over the seat ojypaiuV^and -another on iho.Uack betweon -tho shoulders. One application gives relief Try Jt. "Ttacalister and 00, chemists, ccli it.

iPrice and Bulleld make a special show to-day of French and Englisn millinery, jackets and dress goods. The jpublic are respectfully invited. . To-day ono million Ay« Jiundred thousand McCormick reaping and harvesting machines are in use in all parts <3f the world. They harvest grain on- the steppes of Asia, on the pampas <5f South i America, the tablelands'' of South Afriba, the plains of Europe, and the prairies of I

North 'America. From Manitobo to Argentina ; in New Zealand, Australia 7 , and South Af ricar ,: one man seated at ease, does the jvorifc'^>f 20 toilers. \ The. AfcCo'rmick harvests over one-third the grain

and grass of tho world. You can buy a McQ.orniick Harvester for £35. Morrow,, liasnett i2p,;, sole importers.

rain Balm heals- bruises, burns and scalds in less time than any other treatment. It is " antiseptic," ihat is, it prevents putrefaction, and b#~feo doing -generally, prevents an unsightly, scar rem^inihg^ after the injury .is healed.; For lame back, lumbago . and neuralgia; -Pay* Balm has no* equal. It has the quality •mSI " getting to the, right spot." No suHerer from these distressing affections should defer a trial ol this remedy. One application gives relief. Try it. Maclister and Co., chemists, -sell it.

The il'Gormick Harvester is the only machine thai is 6<>dd enough for everybody. , ..

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Southland Times, Issue 19006, 27 March 1903, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 19006, 27 March 1903, Page 2

Untitled Southland Times, Issue 19006, 27 March 1903, Page 2


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