11. an !>(,'■ A. I >o Aim. — At the monthly meeting on Thursday ii number of relief eases were dealt with. It was mentioned that dun tig the past two years only three visits had been paid to Lome Farm by ministers of religion, and it was thought desirable that the spiritual wants of t hn inmates should be looked after v little better, and it was resolved to cordially invite tho miniatur* to visit the farm. — ■). C. Howie's tender at CSdTT, for the erection of h two-store} ed brick wing to the building for the arconimodation of children was accepted, as was the tender of A. Stonio at £l'.>f> for the supply of an engine and pumping plant. The Kakmers' Cn-Oi-Kurrn k M"\ kmkat. —Some fifty farmers attended tin- meeting in Otautau yesterday afternoon. We had arranged for and got a report of the proceedings by telephone but, unfortunately, for the reason stated elsewhere, it could not l>© got ready before wo hud to go to press. Aft^r hearing Mr Murdoch (Hiversdale) on the subject and his explanations of the lines on which the .Southland Farmers' Cooperative Association had boon started, it was resolved thai the meeting join hands with the before-mentioned Association and that a committee he appointed to carry out the proposal. This also was done, the committee being large and well distributed. Coi.omai. Mitbai. Like Soui.tv— The early retirement of Messrs Cook and (! ray renders it necessary for this soeiely to make fresh arrangements in connection with their representation here. Henderson and liatger ; have now accepted the appointment na chief i agents for Southland. This should be dißtinctly advantageous for the society, and under the control of the new agon Is the business of the society will doubtless be materially increased. Mr T. K. Walton, the district manager, has recently been on a visit to Invereargill in connection with this appointment, which should meet with « ido approval. SOITJILANI) HoM'.ITAJ.. — At a DlCOtlllg oi the trustees yesterday evening the matter of insuring the employes of the Trust against accidents was left to the chairman with power to act. In response- to a request from the Charitable Aid Hoard permission was given to the doctor to visit Lome Farm when rtMjuiml. The house surgeon's report showed that since March the number of patients treated in the institution had been steadily increasing, the average being .">i> per cent over the corresponding period ot last year -viz., 37 for 19Ul, against '_'."> for 190 ft. The trustees desire to acknowledge, with thanks, a donation of £>i 2s tkl from Chinese residents of the district. Tut ■' LuEii V CoM-KssiuN. — Robert Douglas, the prisoner serving a lite sentence who confessed that he had murdered a Mrs Pain near Masterton in 1 80S, was brought belore the Wellington Police Court- yesterday and a lengthy telegram, for which we have i not room in this issue (it is indeed uninteresting! indicates that the man, as we ventures! to say before, is seeking a little \ariety, or has, perhaps, a vague hope that a conviction for murder would end the monotony of his unhappy existence. It | appears that Douglas first confessed to the gaoler at Lyttellou two years ago, his statement then beiug (juite different from his latest. Of his second confession he had said that he had, immediately after, told one Harris that ho had murdered the woman, but counsel for the Crown said that Harris would be called to state that he never mentioned anything of the kind to him. Counsel, however, said that the known iarts were more consistent with dejuli by violence Uia-i by v lit, one ol the w Milan's shoes being gut' a long way from the creek in which the body was found. The doctor who examined the body said he still adhered to his former opinion that the woman was dnmned and that ih«; abraaure^on hcrj h«vul was a /«>?' mor'em injury. Douglas ha* beta committed foi trial."
Bank of New Zealand.— The annual general meeting of the bank was held yesterday in Wellington. Among other things the chairman "(Mr Blair) said the purchase of the half-millinn's worth of preferred shares from the (ioverninent meant a large saving of interest ; hills payable and outstanding had increased nearly £300,000, chiefly accounted for by Government transactions : the credit balance (£1,."i54,039) was £146,603 more than last year's ; fl •_'.">, lKlO had been paid off the Asset's Hoard's de-hf-ntures ; the piutii and kiss account showed vrry marked and oontinumis imjjrovoment, the profits having incrc-'isi-d from £145,020 last year to £-Jl(j,tilM. There was a tone of doubt in tin 1 chairman's remarks as to i <• colony continuing its present high pressure levi'l of j)rospcritv. Mr M. Kenned}', another director, however, s-iid that if the [ bank's bu.iinuss was as good this year as last, he thought they could show Mn- d'oveminent that they would be, jn.^t i !i<-< I in declaring a dividend. Thene k-ndin^ t.-i.-i.-, wo have extracted from tho usual telegram which, in consequence of the diminution of our staff, through sickness, c»h;Ul not be put in type. On Tunri'.i.or- Timks. ---At the Police Court before Mr S K. McCarthy, S.M, yesterday, .luhn I'ni Turner, master of the s.s. ( lee-ana, was charged with, on August (ith, during the hearing of an information for assault , ill which James Arthur C.'ruickshank was tin- informant and defendant and (ii' M.11.. 11. Miles defendants, stating, with the inteiiiion of misleading the court, that on the night of ."loth July he did m>t give any older to iiis seamen oi servants to take Alex. W. Phillips aboard the Oceana and keep him there till the following morning, and that he did not know that the man was aboard the ship until told by one of his seamen.—Mr.]. Macalister for the prosecution. Mr \V. V. H. Hall, forth" defence, stated that as the Magistrate had heard the assault case perhaps he would deem it advisable that the information should come before another Magistrate or two J.s P.— His Worship concurred, seeing that he had <-vpressed an opinion in regard to tiie evidence given at the Bluff. Accused was remanded till Monday and released on bail, hirnsdlin i'2'M) and two sureties of £lw each. '^M.ITK Kmtkd —Several congratulatory messages ha\e been received by Mr K. Gal braith, secretary of the Union, on the result of Wednesday's match against Wellington. Mr C. Northcote wired : "Congratulations on \iciory. dood boy Taylor. Fine old warrior Ham." Mr Hanun, M.H.R., says: "Southland members exceedingly pleased to hear of our boys' success against Wellington. Well done Southland. Accept warmest congratulations." Mr MeNab, M.H. X., wires : "Delighted to road in this evening's paper that you scored a victory over the Wellington reps. In the House the victory i.s very popular, and several members have expressed their pleasure to me. Naturally all the southern members arc jubilant.' — J. J. Taylor, who played a sterling forward game for Southland on Wednesday had the misfortune, just before half-time, tv sliglillv dislocate a collarbone. He did not, however, leave the tield, thinking his injury only a bruise, but investigation yesterday showed that it was more serious. Taylor will not be able to play against Canterbury next week but hopes to be right for the other fixtures. Kirk Aj,akm System. — A colonial invention, of which little has been heard in Xew Zealand, has been successfully floated into j a company in London. It is styled the Mav-Oatway Fire Appliances. Limited. Both gentlemen named are well-known in Dunedin, and one of them h'jre, and elsewhere in the colony. Mr May is, we understand, the inventor, and perfected his ideas while on the staff of the telegraph department, Dunedin. Mr Oat way's name is associated with American agricultural implements and other farm requisites, he being the New Zealand representative of a number of American manufactures. In a private note to a member of. this staff Mr Oat way, writing from London, says : ■ " I have succeeded in forming May's company under the chairmanship oi >ir Kyre Shaw (1 ito Captain Shaw of the][Metropolitan Fire Brigade), one of the highest authorities on tire appliances in the world ; and I have consented to remain for a term of year* as managing director. The press commend the invention i-erv highly, and I think it will be a long while before another colonial invention starts under -ui<.h favourable auspices as those outlined in the enclosed. Commercially our shares are at a good premium: and substantial order* are in hand and in sight. 1 am naturally sorry to leave New Zealand, where >o much* kindness has been shown me." Accompanying the note is a lengthy report on the invention by Sir W. H. » 'recce, F.H.S., X.C.8., and s'lr Kyre M. Shaw, X.C.8., the two experts who represented Groat Britain at the International congress of Fire Brigades at lVtris, in H»'M». The invention is an electric tire alarm, and its intrinsic ni'-rit may be gathered from the position it has so (jiiickly acquired in London, and from the following paragraph (one of many) from the report by Sir Kyre M. Shaw. "When the May 'Jatway apparatus was brought urtdcr my notice i was at first inclined t<> place it in the same category as many others which have been submitted to me, "but on further examination I became convinced of its superiority to such an extent that I eventually determined to identify myself with it in continuation of the purpose of my life, which has been, and continues to be, the reduction of losses by tire." The company, of course, purpose pushing the invuntion over the world, and agencies will shortly be established in these colonies. Tut. Pkkakkk- JJtTB N'oiu. Xew-; from Fiji states that Sir lieorge O'Brien, on luiiving tho islands, was presented with an address by the natives, who expressed lull satisfaction with Ins actions and their thanks for all he had done for the natives. Sir (Jeorge, in reply, said that/ to spend much money on water supplies, hospitals, and other* works for the benefit of the Fijians did not please the New Zealand party in the islands, who wanted to take away t lie land of the Fijian: to break an indispensable commercial system : separate tho natives from the land, and get the land and Fijian cheap labour for Jiemselves. The New Zealand party thought foul, brackish water good enough for Fijians to drink. They should remember this when they diauk good, wholesome water. Kmissane-s, mostly renegade Fijians, had been sent into the provinces to create trouble, but a law was passed making this penal. The natives now had nothing to do fear, and were not to be goaded into any act of violence. Kntekt.wsmknt at Bi.i m --The welcome J social to Troopers T. Horrobin ami .1. Cameron (Fourth Contingent) held in the Drill Hall Bluti, on Thursday night was well attended by the public, while a number of returned troopers were present from Invercargill ant] district. The Mayor, MrJ. li. Reed, presided ivnd theallair was exceedingly pleasurable. Songs wore sung by Miss Sinclair, Messrs Murphy, McUrath Slater and Hunter (2), all of whom were heartily applauded. At an interval in the proceedings the. Mayor on behalf of the residents pvesonted tho two troopers with gold nlberts and Maltese cross pendants and both returned hearty thanks tor the j'itts made to them. Dan. 'ing was indulged in throughou', the evening, the Bluff Band rendering valuable assistance. Miss C. Keid of Invercargill made an efficient accompanist, Mr A. Craut being an excellent M.C. Votes of thanks to the performers, the committee, the chair and all who had assisted, terminated an enjoyable evening. Win Pin Hk Taki: tiik Position?— Mr Mr -Justice Kd wards is again petitioning Parliament for a sum of money for losses sustained through his appointment as judge by the (ioverninent having been subsequently invalidated, the forms of the law not having been complied with. In a volumir.ous petition he sets forth his claim, stating that he relinquished a practice worth t"J,VK(a year to take up the position, and he estimates his loss at JL'SiKX*. At a recent bull tight near Gibraltar the 'hull defeated two notable maladore, injuring them more or less severely. There was no matador understudy and the animals was liberated from the ring. The incident is rare. The Dresden Piano Co. beg to announce that they have received from John Broadwood and Sons, of Lou -.lon, a photograph of tho magnificent St. -el Barlcss Grand Piano, forte recently manufactured by that famous firm for Her' Majesty the Queen at a cost of 700 guineas. Ihe photograph of this marvellous instrument will shortly be on view at the Invercargill branch of tiie Dresden Piano Co., in Lsk street, who arc sole N.Z. agents for the historic house of Broadwood ; and will doubtless bo inspected by our Jin-icmu-gill citizens with much interest. The instrument alluded to must rank as o\w of the very finest specimens of the pianoforte makers ait in uxistcnce — perhaps the most perfect instrument in the world. Wmton.— McWilliam Bros., mcrchautai hold large stocks of Ciiambkklai.n's Col'cii He.mkdv, the great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, and Whooping Cough. It eontaius no injurious drugs ana ia pleasant to take.
Magistrate's Court.— Mr McCarthy, S.M., yesterday gave judgments for plaintiffs in Otago School Commissioners v. Geo. Evans (Druromond) for £4 10a, costs £1 7e, and Matheson and Co. v. Thos. Powell (Orenuki) for £14 2s fld, costs £1 10 a tid. In tho dog-poisoning eases heard some weeks ago his Worship gave judnient for Charles Canty against James Cameron, senr. , and Rodk. Meßae /sincn doccased) for £1, costs £1 3s, and for.]. \V. Flowers against the same defendants for Cl, r,,M< <;_> [Us 4d. ■- Mr W. V. [f. Hail tor phintills, Mr \V. Macalister for defendant?. i Pi© Thi' fashionable epidemic has been obstructively liberal in it- attentions to the office of tin; Soi'Tiu. vm> Timks. In pugilistic parlance it has been " one down another conn; on," fiii' th<; pa--t ten d.iys ami the rout continues. Singularly, all who have l)L'en attacked (with one exception, which N yet doubtful) are non-smokers. Tomorrow morning the Rev. d. Lindsay conducts service in St. Paul's Wesleyan Chun-h, and the ~'ev. -1 . A. Luxtord's subject in tho evening will be " The strength and sublimity of the mountains."' Again we would remind consumers of groceries and other household rei|iiirements that goods in great variety and of best I quality can be had from Mr.l. S. H.wtek, the. Cash (Jroeur, at most reasonable prices for ready money. ! Hirds can be coloured according to l>r Sauermauo, an Ausltian, by supplying them with food dyed with aniline. He obtained pigeons of a beautiful red, and others of .i tine blue by properly dosing. Canaries can be clad in rainbow colours. Tub ExHllsrno.s Winter Sale stops on Saturday, August 10th. There are good things in plenty yet at nominal prices. If you want to participate come some day this week. New Zealand was not going to let Old Kngl.md call in vain, Together the)- tho foemen met, And side by side were slain. 'Tis said " ilisea.se kills more than war," And nothing can be truer. When coughs and colds knock at the door Take \V(>oi>.i"(jKKAT Pepi'F.kmintC'iki:. SYNOPSIS OF tfKW ADVBRTISEMGVTS The National Mo.-lgiire Oo sell Mr T C-twy's Wairio firm at their Crescent .ooma on 24th iast, UilonUl M itual Tjifo Assurance S;cieoy — Henderson »"<i Bather locil a^enu .•outhland Kduckt'on Board — Laundry classes meet on Wedne-day aft.c n^on Colonial and Hr>tn ■ we-k'ies and tmgw'nea obtainable it, Wfsnex Bms roottV touriitotli •<! boiUi passenfjera to Lond in, etc— VV B .Scandn 11, agui.l Le^«ts if Or iwn lamia in Longwood a^ Waino hive been withdrawn from sale J \ Mi'chrll an I '.'o fell ho cc«, e'e , at the Frinee of Wale* yards to-tUy 8t Paul* Presbyterian Ohurch— Services for to morro* are announced McKay Bros bell poir'ry, pi^s, furniture, and ifcneial iroo <s at the Mchin<e at. noon to-day st P.iulß Wesleyan Church— Service* for t,o-;i;orro-.v All Saints' Church, GUdgtoue— Services for tomorrow are annonn e<i The Invercar.fi. l Hwck Agents sell stock a' Wa.licctown on Tiiendn.v Will am Todd and Copurchvse eh .If In any i|inoUty Mr Cox^n nivof (\n exhibition of iron rig at McDonald Bros' ghop to-niehi Tut- N 7, l/iv- vid il A Co sell h"r<!>9, tk\ at UUU nu on Kridiy Premi r K?,'-B a i-r Co— Meeting- of ahartholdt>rß on Tuesday A W Jones h\s two lad}'« and two gsots' bikes for ial<>, btrgaina Vaiiety of trees f)r §ilo by Jani9B Cooper, nurseryman, Waikiwi W To id and Go h*ve early seed potatoes {\1 varieties) for sale Lillicrap and Oo have books on practical subjeot9 for sale (■'or children teething Barley's soothinc powders are unequalled -WO <iil"hiijl X.! Cuu w\rg h»s a firat-c ass dairy farm of ISO acres for ea'e W .nUd. a strong youth, one accustomci to horses — !hogMcEw»n, Arena) St Pa-il'd Prtabyteriao Charch seat letting committee in attendance 10-nlichi; Mrs Arthur hvi commenced business in *-eila Buildings as a putryoooit kod ronf»o ioner K W Jonee, sole maker of It. >v.J. i> rea— surpass all othprs Chipped h*nd<, a muffh skin cured b.v W G GilchrsL'a uonifjlexiin wash W Todd and i.'o Htll desirabla town propenies at th» Kiilto en 17th 1 8t Wriuh'., *te|*hen»;n and Co sell stock at Rn ersdale on Thurud»y 1 hi ->ou'hland Impleni-nt. ani Engineering Co 1: we a true inn enifiue wagifon (ne«) for sale An insyeotor of worss waDt«d by the 11 and C. A Board for Lome Farm Several gpc'iog iv Lonirwood district »i'l b« opened for seleotion at Ib« l>»nd ■ ffi ;e on 17th prox Masce'd cheap Mle, i »-c -tr-i-t-He prefers to gaomW- proflta rath r thin r niov^ «t,~ck J .>> Bi»ter, L)ee »ireet, iu»jrt» an abridged price list of jfrocer'eß McQruer, Ta>lor and Coo jfreat clearing saie of wart housemen » stock The .vZ Cloibing Kactorj'B Bile of surplus stock is in full swing
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Southland Times, Issue 15017, 10 August 1901, Page 2
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