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Public Xotices I^HE MERCANTILE AND BANKRUPrcy GAZETTE OF NEW ZEALAND (With which is incorporated the Weekly Advertiser), PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORN ING AND DELIVERED THROUGHOUT SOUTH LAND ON SATURDAY NIGHT Established ... 1865 CoirrAiita : Particulars of Billa of Sale, Stock Mortgagee, Liens on Wool and on Crops, Bailments Affidavits of Satisfaction, Bankruptcy Petitions, and Discharges t Ac, filed during each week, up to Friday night Also carefully -revised tihare and Produce Market Reports ; Latest Legal Decisions Original Articles, illuotrating the working of Commercial -Law, and other interesting , and valuable matter. Absolutely indispensable to the, safety of all Traders, and which no one can afford to . : . be without. Terms : £1 7s fid (including Digest) per arnun strictly payable in advance. Free Sample Copies obtainable from tbe Proprietors, 7 " R. T. WHEELER h CO fl Dunlin , Having AGBNOIEB in every, place in HXW 1 ZBALAND and also throughout' Auatrallar ;; Bnglind, iftcwe are in a positive : to" trace' 1 ' absoonding debtors, OOLLEOT 'ACCOUNTB * '■■•■ FOB SUBBOBIBBH and give reliabltprivate information as 1 to the commercial standing of fedividuals. Fo^ particulara apply Hoad ( offioe ,I>»n.edin. W. G: BR^HT Aj?«kt fotlnvereMgill A SURE REMEDY FOR BAIJ)NES& STOP THE FALLING OF YOUR HAIB : and . ' ■'"■■ lU ';'■■'; ERADICATE ALLTRAGBS.OF, , , ' D AN D R U F F, ; WHICH IB THE MOST DEADLY ENEMY TO THI i.-<" HUMAH HAIBi If your Hair is Falling Out and Becoming Weak and Thin from any 1 cause; |: ■ ' ■<■ '; THEN. USE. ■ ' HICKMAN'S ECLIPSE HAI3 PEOi^paa. ;^ Registered. \.' '.."'.' It is the only preparation that , has , and will , , ' cure Dandruff and Baldness. It wul arrest the' ' ' " falling, strengthen the weak aDd dbrinant poreny v of the scalp into healthy action; ' arid ' produoif ' a vigorous growth of new hairr dinl4iie' r biM ;^ parts. '■ •'- :i ' '''iJ. As a proof of this there are hundreds in all l< parts of New Zealand who w-n' • stored by its use, after having bean, bald iot t .,], years, many of whom are forty and fifty, yean* of age. These are positive .Jacts . < Anyone cajiV. , .!•! see original written testimonials on applicaticwi; w to the proprietor. r ! , Bach bottle contains supply for one month's use ' To be obtained from 0. H. MAOALISTER I HATCH ASP QQ, ! 8.8. JONES |GEO,BA|I^ And all Chemists in Southland.' . .■ , . WHOLESALE OF V. Z. DRUG CO.—BOLS- . WHOLESALE AGENTS. . " c ,' \ T7IBMALB PILLS are invaluable ;nofarefnla?Wni! ( JT oroUtruoWotuoan reiittthem. ai.Wanipni . box. Steelaad Pennyroyal Pllto. J» «dto, Mfcart ~ reliable. Bongean'». 4* 6d box. Hota.- »Uiir«Ml Pott 'Free on receipt of pri«e in ttaJnp* drvaetil note.' Adireu-MnL. Hairkini, 84 0«IO ««•»•. r Dunedin. At a general family «■ erient, , prtpaped ijrittfßrt meroUry. and are tonlu»ble,to iß^ght »• • , BiUont and Uver Oomplainti, InfflgeiraajXMrtir 1 Dlfwuet, Wind. Spa»mi, Pato» JhetweenJ>4lie ?;' Shoulders, Palpitation of the Heait.imfoitJ JMeni, ; ., . Skin Broptioa*, Hervousneii, Headiw», t pejatma«^ - tlon, Giddlneti, to. U3d a bottle of » rafarioibel" . pilli-4one pill tea doM. Sold byalF«ertptta«*'! ( ttorekeepert. Wholetale Agents i •*e«|iMfie,-.-i(. Pro«rer,andOo. H.8.-Sfwjt ,Pjm* J^on^MM, .'• of It 3d in i^mpi. AddreM-O. W.^HAfntlllD. :\' 9* George street, Dunedin. ' ' n ' ' '" " ; - T CERTICURA OINTWEMT Cnre^ Chilblaine, Irritating Eruptdoris, Pore ' or ; ; Cracked Nipples , Bad Legß, Running Sores, Ctiti ■' Burne, Bruises, Boils, Baches; IriflammatSbß id - tbe Byes, &c In stor e covered' pots, Is 6d,4i 64" . I and 3>a 6d each. Sold by all chemists, and store-,. . keepers. Wholesale agents: Eemptfyorne.' Prosper and Co. ST.B-.Post Freo on receipt or ' price in stamps. Address— o. W. HA VTK3HB,' 94 George street, Dunedin. Certicura Blood Cleanser, 4a 6d ~ , Certicura Lotion, 3a 6d. Certioura Oil,Bs6d Certicura Soap, Is, a Tablet. Either of the above Pills or the celebrated " Certicura" Remedies can be obtained at MfG ' •• BAILEY'S, Tay street, fiivercaruill. ' •' ! Dunedin, Feb. 6th, 1890 I was troubled for many years with an irritating complaint. I tried the Certicura Ointment. and from the first application found reJiefy and a single Pot oured me.— Rubbk Isaacs, Ho. & Princss street, and 136 and IS7 George St. * Dunedin, September 7th, 1888 Over 20 years with bad legs— l applied Certi* - cura Ointment at night;- the irritation was ,. ,. instantly stopped on ÜBing the ointment ; the next morning was surprised at the impo»ve> ment. Five 2s 6d pots completely cured me.— Mb M. Kinsb. I suffered torture from Bilious Colic. One ■ : bottle of Certicura Liver Pills oured m0.— 1.N., ■ ' - Dunedin. A bad taste in the mouth and nausea in the morning was cuied by Certioura Liver Pills.— G. C. Port Chalmers Oerfcicora Nerve and Brain Bemedy pot! ttrely caret Nerrpus Debility, Premature Decline, Seminal ' Weakness, Inditoretiont and Rxoeitei. ' S.B. — One month's treatment tent. Poit Free on reoeipt of 6a in stamps, or postal note. Addrett— o. TT. HAWKINS, HerbaUst, 94 George ttreet, Dunedin. Wholesale from Kompthorne, Prosser,' and Co. _ - T UMSDEN.— MB JAMES MARTIN, Agent JJ for this Journal at Lumsdenj will receive orders for the Paper or for Advertisements. An & gent's Parcel" of the Times U despatchod; to^- ' Mr jMartin by the first out-going train /'iSvery'* ' Morning, and copies may be obtained immedU | ately on the arrival of the train. A Buaaet, . attendß the Waimea and Kingston Trains, aa they arrive and deport from the Luraaden platform.
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Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 4
Word Count
830Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 4
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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