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Hotels. TXT IN TON HOTEL C..D. Mooub Ppoprietob. Thiß new Hotel ia within one minute's walk of the Bailway Station, and is convenient for Travellers obtaining refreshment. First clae** accommodation. Ail. HOBSES AND BUGGIES OBTAINABLE AT A MOMENT'S NOTIOE. au2o BLIGH'S TEMPBBANOB HOTEL AND BESTAUBANT, Viotokia Street, Ohbibtchueoh. Best accommodation in town is now offered to boarders. Double room, 16s per week ; single room, 18a per week ; board without lodging, 12e par week ; weekly dinners, 4s per week ; board and lodging, 3a per day. Goad accommodation far families. Smoking room, sitting room iwitb usa of piano), bath room, and shower bath. Stabling free. se2l F. BRIDGES, Proprietor. S. O. OAULTON'S riOVEBNOR BBOWtfE HOTEL vJ; ■ Hobsok Stbbkt, (Late of Albion Hotel), AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. OT, Superior Accommodation for Tourists, Travellers, and Famines. Day and Night Porter always in attendance. Hot and Cold Plunge Baths. nS J BVIATHAN BAILWAY TEMPERANCE HOTEL (Opposite Bailway Station), DUNEDIN. MBS^SILK PBoriuCTßW* This very popular Establishment continue* to afford very superior accommodation to tourists and others, who desire the com»ortb of hokb, combined with vbbt modbratj OHABOBB. The Bole management of the House, as well as the cuisine affairs, are under the personal supervision of Mib Silk. The Houst is situated within a few minutaa walk of the Exhibition, Poet Office, Steamboat Landings, and other places. jel rTOUBISTS, COMMEBOIAL MEN AND THE PUBLIO GENERALLY. Thb MOUNTAINBBB HOTBL QUEENSTOWN, LAKE WAKATIPU. PBOPBIETBBBB ..7"~ .. Mbb B. BOND This new and commodious Hotel has been well furnished throughout, and is one of the most comfortable houses in Otago. Suites of roomß have been Bat apart for families, and every attention has been paid to the arrangements far carrying on a first-class trade, A Porter will attend passengers on the arrival and departure of steamers. J. F. SMITH'S Royal Mail Coach leaves for Oromwell three times a week, vis: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning the following days. A coach leaves for Arrowtown daily, returning same day. *nl FMP IR B HOTBL. TAY STBBET, INVEBCABGILL. The Proprietor, THOS. WHITAKEB, begs most respectfully to return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage of his numerous friends and the general public during his twenty-three years' experience in Hotel keeping, and to still further accommodate his customers and suit tha times, he has decided on making an all round redaction in price of his hitherto matchless accommodation, by adopting the following scale of charges— Regular Boarders ... £1 per week Veals ... ... 1b each Beds ... ... ••• 1b each Meals provided for Travellers leaving Town by the Early Trains, who may depend npon being called in time. HOT, COLD, AND SHOWEB BATHS. ALBS, WINES, AND BPIBITS OF THE BEST BRANDS. GOOD STABLING Free of Charge for parties staying at the HoteL Please Note the Address— THOMAS WHITAKEB, j Bmptrb Hotel, Tat Btr«ilt. Iwvhboaboim, Insurances. THE MARINE INSURANCE COY., LTD OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1836. CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED ... £1,000,000. Capital paid up £180,000 Reserve Fund 450,000 Premium Funds 370,000 Total funds in hand £1,000,000 Marine risks at Lowest Current Bates. Wool Insured from shed door to London. MITCHELL, WHITE & CO,, nl6 Agents, Invercargill LIVEBPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBB INSURANCE COMPANY. Thb Labgbbt Compart nr thb World. Invested Funds £7,072,140 Net Inoom 1,829,888 Olaims Pale 21,686,102 Every description of fire risks accepted at lowest ratei, T, BBODRICK, Agent Brick and Tile Works. rpHOMAS HODGKINSON MAKAREWA BRICK AND PIPE WOBKS, Has Fob Balk— j^B Common Bricks, V^l Pressed Brioks, /^i a ___k^^ejjB 1 i 1BB lll». Farmers Pipes, /^vß___^_h_^_^_^_^_^k 2in, 2£in, Sin, tin, ff_i__H_P_^P_______H_H_n 6in, and 9in ; also, IJHJppSSSisSsIisSI 4in, 6in, and 9in )M/*y /_ ■-/ Collard <fc Glazed m+r '" ■■ 'vgP~—* Pipes, Bends, Juft Knees, 'and Junc(^bV tions, ALL at Lowest Current Bates. Postal address — Invercargil P.O. Trusting by prompt attention to business to merit the same liberal support that has been acoorded to the late firm of H; Bros. 27 THOS. HODGKINSON. Optical APTIOAL GOODS SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES 09 ALL DESCRIPTIONS, One Shilling per pair up to the beat pebble (Peritcopic). The] Paufiodonopic Spectacle — a great treat to spectacle wearers. Goggles and Eye Preserves MagnifyingjGlasses Opera and Field Glasses Compasses Barometers Thermometers, , 4o l. bodgef"s"and go,, LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT, o*l STBEJT,
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Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 1
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686Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 1
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