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Published EVERY M»RM\G, and diespatched by the first Mails and Trains
5 Shipping. y, *Vja TTWION STEAM SHIP COM 31 «JSfaJPJ^. PANY OF NEW ZEALAND ii The Company will despatch steamships as under r— FBOM BLUFF. x Fob Melbourne. *Botomahana I Friday May 2 I 2.30 pm train Mararoa Friday May 9 j 2.30 pm train ♦Tarawera Fiiday May 16 | 2.30 pm train Te A nan Friday May 23 2.30 pm train 7 *Waihora Friday May, 30 2.30 pm train Wairarapa Friday June 6 230 pm train *'*Manapouri Friday June 13 2.30 pm train Rotomahana | Friday June 20 | 2,80 pm train »i ' *Callßat Hobart. o f or Sydney, tia Dunbdiw,Lyttbltow, WblLnreTOir. Napihb, Gisbobitb and Auckland f Tekapo Monday Apr 28 j 11-1 6 am train Wairarapa Monday | May 5 | 11-16 am train —r-Manaponri . Monday May 12 1 11-16 am train ' <y Botonttbana 1 'Monday May 19 j 11.16 am train aMararoa '•' Monday: May 26 I ll.i 6am train HfTarawera 't Monday Jane '* 1 11.15 am train £^te j Monday June 9 j 11.16 am train | Monday Jonelg 1 11.15 am train . 2 t Tranships at Dunedin. .;*' Passengers booked to or from London by the I^BISNT LINK of steamships. ( For any further particulars, apply at :,, : THB COMPANY'S OFFICES, Sfi '"'.■■■ Invercargill and BlufE. 53 — ' ' : ' • — : *»!• *■_: ?tv f TWOS STEAM SHIP 4^BBBB-_fd-k U COMPANY OF VIEW ZEALAND. (LIkITBD). m BOYAL MATT, BZPBESS BBBVICB, I ■•:•. — I OVMBLAND BOUTS TO ENGLAND ■ ' AMEBIOA. alike the heat of the BedSSea and the Jl; oold of Cape Horn. ' ■** _ ;i * The Steamers of this Line ■ are appointed to i . *_a»Te Sydney and Auckland for Honolulu and t .. \.Jan Fniuqißpo, every; Four Weeks, sailing as , ' /taderf— . HtMTn.ra t«t,o Leave Leave Arrive Bteamerg. Tons Bydney Lv±]a!ad , Prifloo .; I 2tALAjpn>A ". 3000 May 14 May 19 June 7 **v MABI?oeA 3000 June 11 June 16 July 5 W j* Z»ULLiuiI)IAj| 3QOO July 9 July 14 Ang 2 _ j- ."■ — — — " h> J . Tidketo are available for 12 months, and Pas I. 1 , •engers can break their journey at Auckland « j ' Oouoluld, San-Fraacißoo, and any place of call i, t en iou6b to New York. 8I J KqTAL REDUCED BATES, Throßgh Fares, Sydney or Auckland, to Lon>d iBBt-- ' Balook, £M to £67. Btbbbagb, £82 16s Bd d f£BS4e ea. G For aJI information apply at any of the CMBceaof TJgIQH STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF t- ■ oM V NEW ZEALAND (LIMITBD). a ;^- — - — ■ 5 -*V*. TJHNINSULAB ANDOBIBN AfcJNT^ JL TAL STEAM NAVIGA TION COMPANY n 4bbbbbbbßbV* Und«r oontraot with the Im- £ eeriaL^ew^So l^ Waies, Victorian and Seuth ?? , 4ustraliaß.^<GrO T^o mentB t ™M despatch the LONDON, Calling at Iff" ALBANY, COLOMBO, ADBN, BBINDISI MALTA, GIBBALTAB, and PLYMOUTH _• •■■--_ ■: '■■ Burners. Tona. gggj JU^ I' Britannia "257 Aprl 14 Aprl 19 April 23 Carthage 6018 May 5 May 10 May 14 ■j Victoria 6268 May 20 May 24 May 28 [ Taletta 4919 June 3 June 7 June 11 rw ■ , . toe I•- Aid thenceforward every alternate week. £1; ' — _- i . The PASSBNGBB IAXIS from NEW ZEAL ■ UTD are ai under:— § [ Port. Class. Single^ Beturn. 1 i rrottanyPortlo Nine Twelve ■S ; Ve^jZiealaiid > Months; Months I' f SBSS : Itt *70 £106 £111 I „ „ | tnd V — «* CoßrlndlsU _j'«P}a .g ? i \ •■ Stoond Saloon Passengers are provided with •? fbit'Salooß Aooommooation ia the Steamen £ | betwuenNew Zealand M Australia. fcS! Pasaage money oan be paid at this end for 2 I BMtaaes from England. Jjlceral oonoeNions I ! Sadilo families. i The BBOOHD SALOOB Aoeomodation in the ; , isove Steamen having been thoroughly re--1 ttoanised, the Company are now enablod to _»» ! ite;ißtending Paaeengen to Burope unrivalled : j Aooommodation at the above Beduoed Bates, ESS For, further particulars apply to the AgenU a bverargill, __jl|l * ' J. STOCK * 00. "V__v r F HE LAKE WAKATIPU JHm^. steam shipping co. ■»ObbJ!bW: . (Limited.) THJ """" TIME TABLE from Ist December, 1889, to 30th April, 1890. tog — | I ~^~l g|Jg g X f!4iP!fl^l^l HJ^ _i^!__jiu!L! \ Monday 4 p.m. 8 p.m. { L J JJJ 12 noon i _4i, Tuesday 8 a.m. 1 p.m, 1 pjni LTh Wednesday 4 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 a.n- IS noon _J SS Thursday 8 a.m. 1 p.m. S Friday 4 p.m 8 p.m. 8 a.m 14 noon ffl — i«l *ga ■ ' Passenger Fares, between Kingston and [d foi Queenstown— Saloon, 7b 6d ; Steerage, sb-. jaw Beturn Tickets from Ist November, 1889. to f 6ai 16th April, 1890, available for Bix weeks from eatiOß date of isiue-^Saloon, 12s 6d ; Steerage, 7s 6d. Freight-^lOs par ton, All Live Stock carried .'etui •* orrfien risk. * Faroe between Head of Lake and Queenstown I; -Baleon, single, 10s ; Beturn, 15s ; Steerage, &/..'■ 7s 6dj Beturn, lls. ™* All cargo is carried subject to the conditions '- and terms printed on tha Company's forms of I Consignmant Note and Waybill. !_«vi' A steamer may be chartered any day exoopt r»OW Sunday % Meals or ether refreshmanta may be had on teamen- B . T . wj^, |oeiT< Manager. i*° _*V «k rwmZ S. B. INVEBCABGILL i™] es-B-Y^ A Captain Sundstrom, will afl<H' *yßSpM\^ leave the Invercargill Jatty foi •■ . . ■__j___________B9___~ ponedin every Thursday, returnIPJ Ing from Dunedin erery Tuesday; Freighl Sr^lfoni^unelih; 18a per ton, delivered. Poi ?** tether partioiian, apply to | jp, A. B. CAMPBELL, Agent. IjIDBINTING of Every Description, executo i*TOir with Mfttaeu and deapatch, done at thi loßmowqaa** tim» ovum*
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Bibliographic details
Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 1
Word Count
861Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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