Invercargill Current Prices.
r," "whoubaxb; ' ~ feFwdi Bntter, 7d D - rolted6jdto7d |^ Hum, 8d to BJd. > Pototw^new) JE2 5b per ton fe£? Bailey^ to 2s 6d Fowl Wheat, 2s 3d, gift- Chaff, (new) £2 5s J SS Floury£B-to7£9«• OttmmL £9 to £9 10a IM-fPoUard,£BaWa^ fe: Bran, including bags, £3 gst- Piagjariey»c«iß ■■ ■ ■ p-v v FowJij 2«: «d to 4s per pair ?pf Ducks, 8s 6d per pair & Turkeys, 8s 6d to 6b each Geeee, 3ffio' «s 6deich : > I^^-' HJBTAIL St> Fwßh Butter, 9d *r i^rjjnft is 6d Cheese, 6d Baoon. 8d per Ib 0?-:. Do rolled 9d to lOd pr; Hams, 9d to 19d^ to^rv Fowifl7*ffto Ss per pair p£.;:Wckß,4s per pair alive, 5s $d trussed : f Turkeys, 6s e«ch and upwards' trdssed v * 6s each trussed fepcttSoe CMwy«s«alewt. S^O»te7ljr6a^ .- /... |^v Flour, 200 ibs 11a j BOlbs 4s 9d feOatal, IOWbOIb edj-BOIb: 6s; 251 b3a &;■ Pollard, 6a edp&feag 9 ' % Bran, 8s 6d per bag % Chaff, la 6d per bag '%:\ Fowte feed 2a 9d per bushel ::\_ Mitt, Bdp«r quart W-/.:-f*2i & (boiling) tp M for roast. 2id fore quarter io 5d for chop ; ;
Invercargill Current Prices.
Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 4
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