[SPECIAL.] LONDON, April 24. Received, 25th, 7.35 p.m. In the House of Commons to-day Mr Gladstone opposed the Irish Land Purchase Bill and said there could be no satisfactory settlement of the question while coercion debarred combination for political purposes in Ireland. In his speech at Bradford the PostmasterGeneral referred to Mr Henniker-Heaton as a "fly on wheels" and as seeking for notoriety in connection with a popular cry, and added that his (Heaton's) foolish agitation for a further reduction of postal rates to one penny would prevent the colonies accepting Chancellor Goschen's present proposals. A procession comprising members of eighty trades in London will parade on the Victoria Embankment on May 4. Their manifesto demands that the Government and local governing bodies shall adopt the eight hours system. In the House of Commons to-day Mr George Bartley, M.P. for Islington North, withdrew the motion tabled by him on 18th March, that a select committee be established to inquire into and report on the profit sharing system as between employers and employed. He explaiued that Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, President of the Board of Trade, had given a promise that the Board would ing uire into the question. During the debate on the motion for withdrawal Mr Bradlaugh strongly denounced labour agitation. BERLIN, April 24. Received 25th, 7.35 p.m. The Socialists have presented to the Reichstag a petition bearing three million signatures and urging that the eight hour 3 system be adopted throughout the German Empire. The Protestant and Roman Catholic bishops of Prussia have appealed to the clergy to repress Socialism. The Hamburger referring to the retirement of Prince Bismarck says it is desirable that he should support General Von Caprivi, the new Chancellor. The Emperor William arrived at Strasburg to-day and Prince Bismarck will probably arrive there to-morrow when it is expected that he will explain his reasons for resigning office. The German Government remains neutral in the eight hours labour demonstration, but will protect the workers against any action of the non-workers. NEW YORK, April 24. Received 25th, 7.35 p.m. During the procedure of his trial for libel to-day O'Donovan Rossa declared that anything was justifiable to secure relief from the British yoke. CHICAGO, April 24. Received 25th, 7.35 p.m. The carpenters on strike have appealed to English and German tradesmen to desist from supplanting them. Woodruffe, the waggoner who confessed to complicity in the murder of Dr Cronin and implicated Alex. Sullivan, head of the National League of America, who, he alleged, shadowed the murdered man, has been discharged from custody. He has made a confession that his allegations against Sullivan were without foundation. NEW ORLEANS, April 24. Received 25th, 7.35 p.m. Serious flood have been experienced in Louisiana. PARIS, April 24. Received 25th, 7.35 p.m. Xews of the defeat of the Dahomeyans by the French troops has been confirmed. The Anarchists of Paris have assumed a threatening attitude. SOFIA, April 24. Received 25th, 7.35 p.m. Russia has accepted payment of the Bulgarian indemnity. ST. PETERSBURG, April 24. Received 25th, 7.35 p.m. Further enquiries confirm the suspicion that SchmiJt betrayed the plans of the fortresses at Cronstadt. The report that he had been shot proves to be incorrect he having been committed to penal servitude in Siberia. It is asserted that he disclosed plans of Cronstadt to a British in addition to a German attache. It is denied that grand Duke Coustantine, cousin of the Czar, is writing a revolutionary poem.
Southland Times, Issue 11440, 26 April 1890, Page 2
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