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' Business Notices. J SHEEP-DIPPING. i Tfß BATE JTJBT TO HAND A SUPPLY OF BROOKE'S CELEBRATED SHEEP DIPS. BBOOKE'S POTASH ARSENICAL SHEEP DIP BROOKE'S PERFECT SHEEP DIP BROOKE'S CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP FOB PABTIOULABB APPLY WHITTINGHAM BROS. AND INSTONE, AGENTS, INVERCAItGrILL. a Oboloei Qolebtlon MONUMENTS la Btook. tsPL-*** j**' ■■■, •*** ; Funerals con dnqted to ortrottj£vju«t<tf . | I. . . . .. I ,, yyyyn v-r; ... , fotttjfland., A , \ TAILORING. TURNER AND COLBRAN A LABGH AND OHOIOB ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS ALWAYS IN SfOCK. REMNANTS FOR SALE, CHJEAP SET All work done on tke premises and tke labour kepVin tke town, at Dnnedin prioek.jii COUNTBY OUBTOMBRB LEAVING THBIB ORDEBB WITH US MAY BELY UPON HAVING GOOD WOBKMANBHTP AND MATEBIAL. See appended extracts froni letter* :—- Mbssbs Tttbneb k Oolbbak. Messbs Tubneb a Colbban. Gentlemen,— Enclosed please find cheque Dear Sirs,— Please" receipt account for; Snit, in payment of Sait wkiok fit very well, witk whick I ani very well satisfied, j FWB J B F Biverton, 20tk July, 1888. ' ' ' Gore, lst August, 1888. MKBBBS TtTBNEB k COLBBAN. MESSBS TUBNBB A OOLBBAN. Dear Sirs,— l am well pleased witk tke "Dear Birs,—l send measurements for Suitfit and workmanship in Overcoat. Enclosed and okeque £3 15s, also pattern. Youkade find £1 j will send balance soon as possible. me a Suit 12 moatks ago wkiok gave thdbett S.H.W. 1 of wear, j Wintoa, 20th July, 1888. B.M. Mararoa, 14th September, 1889. Messbs Tubneb a Oolbbani —— Dear Sin,— Enclosed find cheque for tke Messbs Tttbneb k Oolbbak. balance pn Suit, which I have received all Gentlemen,— Tke Suit of clotaes seem to rigkt aad fits very well. fit very nicely ...,;. , J *£ W w B Mandeville, 27tk July, 1888, ' 18tk January 1889. IMPBOVBD ILLUSTBATED OHABTS FOB SBLF-MEASUBBMBNT WITH SAMPLES SBNT ON APPLICATION. TURNER AND COLBRAN, Dl* STBMT INVEI OARGILL, REID AND GRAY WEBE AWABDED GOLD MEDAL AND FIRST ORDER OF MERIT ANB SPECIAL MENTION By the Jurors at the recent Melbourne Exhibition, and slso at the previous Exhibition tkey not only received Gold Medal for their Double-Farrow Plough, bat Speciai Commendatory reference, from tke jurors at follows:—" In plougks there is one exhibit to whick we wisk to draw Special attention as being tbe best snd that is che Double-Furrow of Beid and I Grey* Dunedin, tfew Zealand, In finiik and construction it is far superior to any otker," v^^^ m DOUBLE-FURROW PLOUGHS (THE BEST MATEBIAL AND WOBKMANBHIP THBOUGHOUT.) DISC HARROWB. In Sises from 6ft to 12ft wide, fitted witk Patent Adjustment for Distributing tbe jweigkt uniformly on tke Harrow at any angle, and making it the most perfect Harrow in Kew Zesland. SEED-SOWING ATTACHMENTS FITTED ON IF REQUIRED. IMPROVED NEW ZEALAND GRAIN DRILL, WITH POSITIVE FEED AND BPRING OOULTEBS. REID AND GRAY'S COMBINED MANURE AND TURNIP DRILL From 2 to 8 Coulters, and from Hin to 16in 'between tke Drills. . iTHL ZIG ZAG HARROW^ Same price as Iron ; will last double tke time of Iron Harrows. , BEID k GBAY'S HOBSE GEABB are universally used in New Zealand. Tkey are selfcontained, conseqnently no liability of breaking. Over 1000 in use, CHAFFCUTTERB AND BAGGERS. No 1,2, 2L 3 and 4 Ckaffcutters witb all tke latest improvements. , Twine Binders, Flexible Tripod Harrows, Square Link Ohain Harrows (all sises), also new pattern Ligkt 2-korse Gear, Plain and Barb Fencing Wire, Wire Strainers, Drays, Grubbers, Acme Harrows, Corn Bruisers, Cambridge Boilers, ko, PLOUGH FITTINGS AT BEDUOED PBIOEB. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION Iron Fencing Standards. We are tbe Largest Makers of tkese Standards wkich we cat and punch to any size and guage from the Best Qaality Standard Iron. No inferior Iron kept. Net weigkt delivered is ckarged; CLAYTON AND SHUTTLEWOBTH'S THBEBHING MILLS AND ENGINES. Also, Traction Engines Fob Sale. WHY COUGH THE GREATEST » iVONDEB OF MODERN TIMEjSt » OKOB TRIED ALWAYS USED. WfWSWSW^&ff^SSM AS SAFB A 8 IT K.CEBTAIN. iH«*3«a-lB>ft!5lSBB-l - PILLS & OINTMENT. BONNIKGTON'B llbi'MJIBMl PEOTOBAL OXYMEL OF OABBAQBBN I™""™W=3=Hh purify the Blood, correct all Disorders ofthe Liver, Stomach, Kidney i, and Bowels. They Inran WA a B invigorate and restore to health Debilitated ■** JM. VW W, Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Com. WiU Cure any kind of Cough or Cold, recent of plaints incidental to Females of all ages, chronic, Influenza, Loss of Voice, Sore s^^^^^^^^^^^^hsb. Lungs, Asthma, Hoarseness, Tickl- Mi^SaVSllSß^TakWia^ " ing of the Threat, Bronchitiß, IKsßK^EgawnaceyUf Incipients, Oonsnmp* ' -=^^^s^^^^^^g tion, and all simi* is an infallible remedy for Bad Lees fiad liar cam. ? reasts - 01d Wounds, Sores and Ulcere.' Tot plaints. Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Ceughs, Colds, _ Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swelling aiS IT IS GUABANTEBD TO GIVE SATIS- aU Skin Diseases it has no equal FACTION; The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured ■"■™" only at It is endorsed by Vocalißts and Public vvanv nm n~t*-* «.* /, t«^ Speakers: it dears the Throat, Bemoves all '°*ewuxrord St. (late 533 Oxford St.) London} Huskiness and other causes that lead to loes And are sold by all Vm/Wc <- ™j- • SOLD EVKBYWHEBE. Uons lor use in almost every language. fT *? rcllaM " "hould look to the label Wholesds at Drug Warehouses, ma on tha Pots and Boxes. If the address is not . «33, Oxford Street, Xondon, tbey are spurious. MOHBY TO UUTD on Freehold Beoarity .__ 4w lLono»Aiji a STIBBELL. P^SS, 1 ??* 01 WK Z description, executed MAQDOffAtiE i« aUBtsWOi, JL with neatness and denatch. dona at aba A
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Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 4
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871Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 4
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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