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Drapers and Ciothers. ON VIEW TO-DAY IN OUB SPACIOUS SHOW ROOMS. TO-DAY— FIRST SHOW DAY TO DAY-FIBST SHOW DAY OF NEW AUTUMN MILLINEBY— STYLE UNEQUALLED OF NEW AUTUMN MILLINEBY— STYLE UNEQUALLED FOB THE CORRECT STYLE AND GOOD TASTE FOB THE CORRECT BTYLE AND GOOD TASTE SEE PRIOE AND BULLEID'S NEW MILLINER? SEE PBIOE AND BULLEID'S NEW MILLINEBY 150 Ladies' Plnsh Jackets, tbe latest, 36s 6d. 37s 6d 150 Ladies' Plosb Jackets, the latest, 36s 6d, 37a 6d Price and Bulleid are opening New Goods Daily Price and Bulleid are opening New Goods Daily ALL INVITED, NO ONE ASKED TO BUY » ALL INVITED, NO ONE ASKED TO BUY 1000 Smart Chic Sailor Hats, ls, ls 3d, Is 6d 1000 Smart Chic Sailor Hats, ls, Is 3d, Is 6d Onr Dress Department Crowded with New Goods Oar Drees Department Crowded with New Goods Tbe Very Latest Styles at Moderate Prices The Very Latest Styles at Moderate Prices TBY OUR DRESSMAKING— BEASONABLE OHARGES TBY OUB DBESSMAKING— REASONABLE OHABGEB 500 New Umbrellas— See Window Show 500 New Umbrellas— See Window Show And Save Yonr Cash Bills for 1890 And Save Yonr Cash Bills for 1890 The Cheapest Drapers for Ready Money The Cheapest Drapers for Ready Money ONLY BELIABLE GOODS KEPT IN STOCK ONLY RELIABLE GOODS KEPT IN STOOK AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PBICES fT ALL INVITED TO GO TO PRIGE AND BULLEID'S, TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL. HERBERT, HAYNES & CO. SHIPMENTS OF NEW WINTER GOODS ARRIVED. We beg to draw the attention of the pu lie to our New Goods just opened which are direct from the British and Continental Markets. To the following lines we would call special attention, which for quality and price combined are unsurpassable: — NEW LADIES' JACKETS AND ULSTERS NEW GIRLS' JACKETS AND ULSTERS NEW FUR-LINED MANTLES NEW FUR-LINED BOAS AND CAPES NEW MILLINERY NEW TARTAN RIBBONS AND SASHES NEW DRESS GOODS NEW HANDSOME BROCADED TRIMMINGS «®- AN EARLY INSPECTION OP THE ABOVE IS INVITED AS THEY ARE EXCEPTIONALLY NICE GOODIS. HERBERT, HAYNES & CO., DRAPBRS AHD OUTFIIIIHi, TAT STREET, INVEBCARGILL. Medical. K E. KUGELMANN & COA STAHDABD HERBAL MAGNETIC REMEDIES. WHOLBBALE AOBHTS FOB HBW ZBALAND :— Messrs P HAYMAH * Co, Dnnedin, Christchurch, WeHingtoa, and AeeMasal Tbese mmvalled Herbal Medicines are universally acknowledged to be she beet le world. They are qnite different to all others known, being absolutely nusui passed f* uev tmivMwal excellence. . . . Tb«r er* absolntelyf|pecific for those complaints for which they are specially prepares, asai asc free from poisons and all mineral drugs, and are qnite pi— sans to take. THE BALSAM OF PAKADISE : FOR ALL rjMIE HERBAL MAGRXHC TOJUC 12YEB LUSQr & THBOAT DISEASES, B nch as A AND STOMACH RESTORER.- Fot all Bronchitis, Asthma/Wheezing, Ooughs, Colds, Liver Complaints, Bfljosaness, Jaundice, ConFog Fever, Sore Throat, Bleeding fromthe gested Liver, Enlarged Lrrer and Spleen,' LangLangs, Tightness on ths Chest, Inflammation our, Drowsiness, Pains Between the Shoulders, of Longs, Collapse of the Air Cells, Induration Chronic Indigestion and all Stomach complaint*, of Lungs, Congestion of Lungs, 4c,<fcc. It is Heartburn, Flatulency, Boor Stomach, Vomittha only medicine known to mankind that will ing of Food, Loss of Appetite, Sick Headache, completely cure Consumption in its early stages. Nervousness, Nervous Debility, Prostration It is composed of choice fruits, flower seeds, and the convalescing stages iof aH Acute sums, balsams, and herbs. It renovates ana Diseases. Price, 6s, and 10s. rattens the weakest constitutioo, ar£e of young — — or old. We sold OVER ONE MILLION rriHE HERBAL MAGNETIC LIVIB PILLS BOTTLES dnring the first five yean that ire M. —These Pills are unrivalled, ani saperior introduced this marvellous and decant remedy, to all others for all Liver Troubles, Bilioasness, and that too, WITHOUT ANT ADVERTIS- Costiveness, Giddiness, Indigestion, Wind, and ING WHATEVER. It is exceedingly pleasant Heartburn. They are composed solely of the to taste, and causes an immediate improvement vital properties of herbs, are coated and tastetn all who take it. Sold in boetke si Ss «d, less. In glass bottles, at ls Sd, and Is each. 4s 6d, and 10s. These shod* be kept in every house, as tbey are . , a sore ewe for mtrnberlees Uu. rpHE NATURAL BLTOEBIO BLOOD min[T r mn visniiaT rm^vyi t. tu I yURIFfSB.-This medicine has no equal f T iax V , 5 U) , HgBBAL LITR^-TMS js tte tean^^DiSsST^foetlyfiee?rom *_.J&L« J*?*.-"* *»*& 3*3* &? mercury, arsenic, and all miaeraldTOgvaad does Xni n^n-r . rTTiSSt ■ ;iJ.dnirLAT Mt otirtain any satsapafOU or ydSw dock. Never fails to cn£e the Wstfomi of Scrofula, Scurvy, Eoema, Itch, Ulcers, Afasoesses, Sore vLXSky^^i^ZSSSL. Up md Breasts, Cancer, limpuß, Pfepical H"*"***- Pnqs, Is 9dand U per botth. Debility, Decay of Bones, Wasting and Wither- ■■ '..ri Ing, and all diseases having their origin in the TT lsll^ MAfflfinWJ ABTHMA CURB blood. It will work wonders in wm case with- Al -Xbu nmtvage* oompomisl jis v+ ootexceptian. See Handbook. Prtae,4s6d donbtegythe best inhale* iaafl . Aiillii— :iril fa «d, mafias 6d «wh bottle. conplafarts sod^ Difficult Braafeaur, M.Piy . Asthma, Hmnid £"*han«_ Sptsmodie launsa, . AND ANODTNE EMOLTENT^-This the Head, eteTete. s nndoobtedly the finest Pharmaceutical pro- ' doet of the century. An immediate cure for TTXBBAL MAGNETIC SBatBSIXG chflUainsand frost tastes. Nothing hitherto J£X POWDBB^-Thm i»a most usefnl ttttle known cao. compare with this Ointment for Its Remedy of a uniform attd jsry pantim charmarveUous excellence, elegance of combination, acter. It has been devfoed aod used fee assay snd superior effeefcit-eness. It will cure all Eye yennhiring the iaveOtacVmotaoe far 'Colds ie Diseases. Blight of all descriptions, Inflamma- fa Emi. Catarrah of the Nose, HaY Fever, tion of Eyes and lids, Chronic Ophthalmia, aad o^^ ]>,«- a^ Bones pf the Beee, Dieaflaad every Eye Disease; and as well it is the charges from the Nose, Nasal PolypasTianl all beet and nicest thing possible for Fly Bite or obstructfcms in the Hose ea- Na«al Pu*ara. It Mosquito Bites, and for Boie Throats, Ccwgba. feextremdy uarfud ia the treatment of Asthma, Mumpe, Quinsy, Ac. It is simply splendid. AU Bronchitis, and all Lung TmrtWee conbiiested weak and nervosa persons should nse rt to rub with nasal obstructions. It wfljTfaisttttfy check well in down the spine and oa the stomach. We CoM in the Head, and remove Otdduiess aad guarantee tbat all who use this once witt sever Headaches zasolUac from Catandi. be withoat it. Price 2s 6d, and 6s. . , « The Boom el the Coming •Centeiy." HS. KUGELMANN'S CHILDREN'S „. _ TrTrnwT^T^™, . tM « in . VITAL ESSENCE.~For all the ail- XT B. I*UGBU1 *UGBUL a IIN8» ILKOTBIC ments of ipf ancy and childhood. A real child- JLI • ESBENOK— An •**gnA remedy for ren's friend. See oar Handbook. Pries, 3s 6d »U P«»» or **«• 4 **•*« "*? this'hsa sver aad 5s ncr bottle. bwn hnown, and nothing else will erer equal it. *^ If you have a rheumatism or gouty para that Hyou do not care about, obtain a bottle ef tbis E. KUGELMANN'S HERBAL Electric Essence and it will make yon happy. • MAG t> ETIC OINTMENT.— This un- Use it for sprained backs, knee joirrtV aS eweUrivalled Herbal product is undoubtedly the best ings, dropsy, back ache, sciatica, neuralgia, weak Ointment ever elaborated for curing Old Sores, spines, lumbago, contractions, lasaeiiees,eiaimps. Bad Legs, Ulcers, Fistulas, Piles, Bleeding Piles, quinsy, mumps, diphtheria, croup, asm for alt Eruptions of the Skin, Broken Chilblains, Cuts, pains and adies. Never be withoat it for all Wounds, Ac, Ac., ho. In jaxt at la, Is Sd, 2s bites of insects or stings, and forborss. SSBtS. 6d, and 6s eaoh. and scalds. Sold m bottle, to 4<Laad 7e7 SOLE PROPRIETORS: 4th AVENUE, NEW YORK OITY, UAA. Aaatndian Head Office and Warehouse : 172 and 174, William rteeet, Jfelbssne, Vkxeca. Plantations and Bedociaf BstaWishment at " Mount Pezadsse," Gendaood, Oipfsasssd. O" Dont fail to read our Descriptive Handbook. Mailed free to any addssss ormay be hei upon application to any of tie follwring local •B ent " >^_. iA . larerear.iU.-J HaSch * Co., C H Macalister, NeiTß Herbal DtapeßsagVWh^ghMa Bss and LsesoneTT Mo Chesney, Matheaon A Co, John. Sherwood, Wesney Bswe.^ Btax-rJ . Waonsl «j Cq_ BWol h Co, Thornbazy—Whittiogham Bms. assi Im*W% ' 0 MM fmmm*
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Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 4
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1,332Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 4
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