[ Public Notices ' npHE undersigned are Cash Purchasers of 1 MILLING OATS. al9 MACPHERSON & CO. , TTNITED MARINE INSURANCE CO, The undersigned has been appointed Agent in Invercargill for the above, and is prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. a 2l R. F. CUTHBERTSON. T A GRIPPE — RUSSIAN INFLUENZA Bur Oscar Clayton's PREVENTIVE. Post free, with directions for use, 13 pence in stamps. GEORGE BAILEY, Medical Hall Tay street, Invercargill. OIR MORELL MACKENZIE'S Certain Cure O for INFLUENZA or LA GRIPPE. No I— To be taken during the attack, ls 6d per bottle ; by post, 2s. No 2 — To be taken afterwards to prevent a relapse, Is 6d ; by post, 2s, DE ROBSON KOOSE'9 Preventive for La Grippe— lnfluenza, Is 6d ; by post, 2s. BAILEY, m2B Chemist, Invercargill. J EVERETT BEGS to state that he has taken over the KAITANGATA COAL DBPOT. Liddell street, and that he will continue to supply coal as hitherto; Also— NEWCASTLE, COALBROOKDALE, GREY AND NIGHTCAPS COAL. All kinds of Firewood, Lime, Straw and Chaff alway e on hand. Orders may be left at the Depot, Liddell street, or at his shop, Spey street, LOWEST PRICES. Carting done on the shortest notice. al6 Q BEGG AND CO. Music Sellers, 21, PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. SIX FIRST-CLASS AWARDS AT THB NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS EXHIBITION, 1889-90. EXHIBITION Everybody is Buying It MODEL Everybody is Baying It PIANO Everybody is Buying It £38 NET. Everybody is Buying It EXHIBITION Everybody is Baying It MODEL Everybody is Baying It PIANO Everybody is Buying It £38 NET. Everybody is Buying It t^ The Exhibition Model Piano can be Been and tried in InvercargiU, at the premises of our Local Agents, Messrs wesney BROS., who are in a position to give intending purchasers every information. ml 9 A. M.Jc CO. NEW WINTER GOODS INCLUDING Ladies' Plash Jackets and Dolmans, Cloth and Jersey Jackets, Ladies Ulsters and Bainproof Cloaks, Girls' Ulsters, all sizes, and a large variety Misses Reefer Jackets, Ac, &c ALSO,— NEW imKSS GOODS IN BORDERED ROBES, FRENCH SERGES and MELTONS SPECKLED TWEEDS SNOWFLAKE CHECKS COSTUME CLOTH, &0., &o. FURS ! FURS ! FURS ! FURS A. MAIB & CO., DRAPERS AUD CLOTHIEBS, DEE STREET, 0~ Next the Southland Club, jg} |J| g A F E T V J|i|i^^||» CONVENIENCE ECONOMY tMlMlllffli ATTAINED JSL, BY W#X/ PURCHASING lf|l| LAMPS vj it and it^^llP^ FROM W. €. WSE BINS, IRONMONGER AND IMPORTER Tay Stbhbt, iNvshcARGiLL. WINTON. — The Bouthland Times and Weekly Times may be obtained, immediately after arrival oi the first train for the day from Invercargill, of Mr Thomas MoWUliam, merchant, who will also receive ordars and advertisements, A special runner attends the downward trains promptly on thair arrival at the Winton platform. G. Froggatt SOUTHLAND HIGH SCHOOLS ENDOWMENTS FOR SALE. G FROGGATT will sell by public auction, • in his rooms, Kelvin street, luvercargill, I on Saturday, 3rd May, at 2 p.m., I Lot I— Section 122, Eyre District, being part Run 214, adjoining township of Garston, and containing 492 acres ; upset price, £1 10s per acre Lot 2— Section 1 of 8, Wairaki District ; 250 acreß j upset price, £1 per acre Terms— One-fourth cash; balance in equal annual instalments extending ever iive years.— Interest, fi por cent, per annum. For particulars apply to the Auctioneer ; Orto CHARLES ItOUT, Secretary Sonthland High Schools Board. i W N.Z. Loan and M.A. Co, OATS, WE have at preseni large order* on tiand and are prepared to buy OATS at FULL MARKET VALUE. THE NEW ZEAIAND LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY LD., Crescent. JOHN TURNBULL, »25 Manager,
Page 3 Advertisements Column 5
Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 3
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