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Tea Merchants. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR JL **" m l^ \ "^CTS S. i AtY AA m #i\ \n.Z. INDUSTRIAL GAZETTE. A&T I 6A£ # IMS. %" The blending is entirely attenDHH ■ 9VVW M anffiKZSfri m ded to b Y Mr - Nelson himself, w,ww A^ ▼▼▼'▼ m ES^M^. who is a Taster of great experiIN THE Jm ? training in the art." "V mt ■ W-' VisHSEV % TIMASU HEBALD. i/ifs*. imi. ■ ' m # 'afSfrfflnX M" This firm deserves the supW M2M D 1 \^> M M ~ M&BrfgS&s. \ m^ port of all purchasers of Tea \J t\ V* AW # 0 nsOJlSan'« A \ mas the "tide they ofier is AW WW r*WLENT}lJmt*> g\ m superior to anything we M #g? - ->^*^nFTE^_ t\ bave seen in thisCbleny." *l\*V» M MS* t ftefflffigtli and PURE BLENDED TEAS? AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON, CHRISTCHURCH, DUNEDIN. AGENTS EVERYWHERE, Appointed Agents: MATHESON AND CO - - Invercarjrill T. McWDLLIiM - Winton J. WADDELL AKD CO - - Blnff GEO. JOHNSON - Lumsden Tha firm's Representative Sir Colegrove, viflits the district at regulat intervals W. GREGG AND CO/S PURE BLENDED TEAS NEW SEASON, 1889-90. IN ±lb AND Itß PAOKHTS, 2lb FANOY OANISTEBS AND 6lb AND lOlb TINS TRY THKSB BLU\US I TBI THESE BLENDS ! ©/[?* 4d\ g Baßd^ /T 3s ((eagleJ IllfflßlTißll] (( club 1 Vvft^/ \S\J \j**lJ^ ONE TBIAL WELL ESTABLISH THEIR CONSTANT USE. To bb Obtained From W. N. STIBLING, INVEROABGILL J. WADDEL &gOO.. BLOFF A. HAY &. CO., INVRBOABGILL Mbs WILSON. BLUFB 1 J. 8H;BBWOOD, INVKBOABGILL P. OALDBB, "OBE J. PABBY tc 00., BIVEKTON W. G. BEEOOT, MANDEVILLE PETOfIELL BBOS., BIVEBTON E. B. KIDD, WINTON J. T. BUBBELL, TAPANUI nl3 Business Notices. J. G. WARD, GEAIN MERCHANT AND WOOL BROIEE, cb}erc;ent, iuvercargill. HARVEST, 1890. "BRANTOED ,, LIGHT STEEL BINDER LIGHTEST. STRONGEST, AND MOST SERVICEABLE; AUCKLANI) FIBRE COMPANY'S FLAX AND MANILLA BINDING TWINE a large quantity in stock. Cooper's Sbeep IMppingr Powder, Quotations given for above, delivered at any station in Southland, or on trucks at InvercargiU, Bluff, and Gore; 31 BOOM IN BOOTS ! BOOM IN BOOTS ! SPECIAL FOR THE EXHIBITION. SLOAN BROTHERS, OITY BOOT PALACE, DEE STREET Offer the WHOLE of their IMMENSE STOCK OP BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERB, c, at the following LOW PRICES, until further notice, for CASH ONLY:— 850 p»ir» Ladies' Kid Walking Skoes, 6i 9d, 250 pairs Genta* Balmoral Boots (sewn) 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 9« 6d 14i 9d, 15s 9d, 16s 9d 300 pairs Ladies' Kid and Morocco Walking 200 pairs Gents' Oloth Top Balmoral Boots SkoRS Lace and Button, 8n 9d, 9s 6d, (sewo) 15s 6d, 16s 6d, 17s 6d 10s 9d 200 pairs Genta' Cloth Top E8 Boots fsewn) 350 pairs Ladies' Glove Kid Walking Shoes 14a 6d, 15j 6d, 16a 6d Lace and Button, 10f 6d, 11s6d, 12s 6d 250 pairs Gents' KB Boots (sewn) 12s Gd, 600 pairs Ladies' Glacy Kid Walking Shoes 13s Gd, 14a 6d, 15« 6d Lace and Button, 9s 9d, lis 9d, 12s 9d 250 pairs Gents' Balmoral and Button floots 350 pairs Ladies' Leather and Morocco Lace (sewn) 18s 6d, 19s 6d, 20s Shoes (Stout) 8s 6d, 9s 6d 400 pairs Gents' Cookhams, 17s 6d, 18s 6d, 350 pairs Ladies' Evening 9koes, kigh heelf, 19e 6d 6s 6d, 7s 6d 350 pairs Gents' Porpoise Oookhame, 21s, 450 pairs Ladies' Glacy Evening Shoes, high 22s 6d, 255, 28s 6d heels, 8s 6d, 9s 6d, 10s 6d 100 pairs Men's Bluchers Boots, 7s 6d, 8a 6d, 250 pairs Ladies' Glacy Evening Shoes, high 9s 6d, 10a 6d heels, lis 6d, 12s 6d 500 pair Men's Balmoral Boots (Colonial) 200 pairs Ladies' Glacy .Evening Shoes, high 10s 6d, lis 6d, 12s 6d heels, 12b 6d 13s 6d 250 pairs Men's Watertights, 12s lld, 13s 6d, 250 pairs Ladies' Balmoral and Button Boots 14s 6d, 15s 6d Morocco, 8s 6d, 9s 6d, 10s 6d 300 pairs Gents' Lace Shoes, 8s 6d, 9s 6d, 300 pairs Ladies' Morocco ES Boots, 7s 6d, 10s 6d 8s 6d, 9s 6d 250 pnirs Gents' Lace and Button Shoes, 300 pairs Ladies Kid ES Boots, 10s 6d, lis 6d, Us Gd, 15s 6d, 16s 66, 17s Gd 12s 6d, 13s 6d 200 pairs Gents' Cloth Top Lsce and Button 850 pairs Ladies Balmoral Button Boots Shoes, 14s 6d, 15s 6d, 16s 6d Morocco, lis 66, 12s 6d, 13«6d,1456d 300 psira Gents' Glacv Lace and Button 400 pairs Ladies' Glacy Balmoral Button Sboes, 16s Cd, 17s 6d, 18s Od Boots, 12s 6d, 13s 6d, 14s Gd, IBs Gd, 200 pairs Gents Kid Lace Shoes, 12a 6d, lGsGd 1456d,1556d 250 pairs Ladies' Glacy En Boots, lis 9d 300 pair* Gente Tennis and Bowling Bhoes, 12s 9d, 13s 9d, 14s 9g, 15s 9d, 16s 6d 5b 6d, 6s fir], fi 8 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d 2000 pairs Ladies' Slippers, 2s 6d, 3a Gdl 750 murs Gents' Slippers, 4s 9d, 5s 6d, 6s 6d, 4s 6d, 5s 6d, 6s 6d 7s 6d 1000 pairs Ladies' Slippers, 3s 6d, 4s Gd, 150 paiis North British and American 6s 6d, 6i 6d, 7s Bubber Boots from 25s per pair 250 pairs Ladies Lasting Boots, high^beels, 200 pairs Girls Levant ES Boots (10 to 13) 5s 6d, 6s 6d, 7b 6d, 8s 6d 3b 6d, 4s 6d CITY BOOT PALACB, DEE STREET, INVEROARGILL
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Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 1
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854Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 1
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