About Pegasus.
TO THB EDITOB. i V~ v -« Sir, — I notice Mr L. Rodgers' letter in your paper this morning,. And quite endorse all that he states. I regret being ' compelled to return to Pegasus this week, wtiich will prevent me being present at the meeting he fwoposes, should it be held,' aalahould have iked to be present to give my oJuSlon of the valuable nature of the discovery at^Pegasus, of which there is now not the, shadow of doubt in my mind, And aai have had forty years' experience on the jroldfi^ldq, in California, Australia, and New %3sjdand, I think it is no presumption on my part to state that I speak from experience. In conclusion, I would draw attaitioiijtp the pro* posed route of the tramwayf ai i marked out; by the engineer six months ago,., I would simply ask the people to look at the' map'aad they will at once see thei. absurdity of ..the route selected, as I am, conyinio^tfcat if the tramway started from Vth^Vptiirt pected by the engineer it wquld, "obrnpSaavely speaking, be useless, and would cost more tnpnjiy than the Government would care to epondat the present, besides being a very'dantccrouß and exposed position for shipping fco lie. — I am, &c, John Nelson. 23rd April, 1890.
About Pegasus.
Southland Times, Issue 11439, 25 April 1890, Page 2
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