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Drapers and Clothers. ON VIEW TO-DAY IN OUR SPACIOUS SHOW ROOMS. TO-DAY— FIRST SHOW DAY TO DAY— FIBST SHOW DAY OF NEW AUTUMN MILLINERY— STYLE UNEQUALLED OF NEW AUTUMN MILLINERY-STYLE UNEQUALLED FOR THE CORBEOT STYLE AND GOOD TASTE FOR THE CORRECT BTYLE AND GOOD TASTE SEE PRICE AND BULLEID'S NEW MILLINERY SEE PRICE AND BULLEID'S NEW MILLINERY 150 Ladiei' Plush Jackets, tbe lateit, 36a 6d, 37b 6d 150 Ladies' Plash Jackets, the latest, 36s 6'd, 37a 6d Price and Bulleid are opening New Gooda Daily Price and Balleid are opening New Goods Daily ALL INVITED, NO ONE ASKED TO BOY ALL INVITED, NO ONE ASKED TO BUY 1000 Smart Ohio Sailor Hats, Is, Is 3d, Is 6d 1000 Smart Ohio Sailor Hate, li. Is 3d, U 6d Our Dresa Department Crowded with New Goods Oar Drees Department Crowded with New Goods The Very Latest Styles at Moderate Priceß The Very Latest Styles at Moderate Prices TRY OUR DRESBMAKING— REASONABLE CHARGES TRY OUR DRESSMAKING— REASONABLE CHARGES 500 New Umbrellas — See Window Show 500 New Umbrellas— See Window Show And Save Yonr Cash Bills for 1890 And Save Your Cash Bills for 1890 The Cheapest Drapers for Ready Money The Cheapest Drapers for Ready Money ONLY RELIABLE GOODS KEPT IN STOCK ONLY RELIABLE GOODS KEPT IN STOCK AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES «T ALL INVITED TO GO TO PRICE AND BULLEID'S, TAY STKEET, INVEROARGILL. HERBERT, HAYNES & CO. SHIPMENTS OF NEW WINTER GOODS ARRIVED. We beg to draw the attention of the pu lie to our New Goods just opened which are direct from the British and Continental Markets. To the following lines we would call special attention, which for quality and price combined are unsurpassable: — NEW LADIES' JACKETS AND ULSTERS NEW GIRLS' JACKETS AND ULSTEKS NEW FUR-LINED MANTLES NEW FUR-LINED BOAB AND CAPES NEW MILLINERY NEW TARTAN RIBBONS AND SASHES NEW DRESS GOODS NEW HANDSOME BROCADED TRIMMINGS AN EARLY INSPECTION OP THE ABOVE IS INVITED AS THEY ARE EXCEPTIONALLY NICE GOJDb. HERBERT, HAYNES & CO., DBAPJBR^ JLIXM ttdTFITTSItS, TAY STREET, INVERCARGILL.
Medical H. E. KUGELMANN & CO.'S STANDARD HERBAL MAGNETIC REMEDIES. WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND :— Messrs P HAYMAN & Co., Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, and Auckland. The» unrivalled Herbal Medicines are universally acknowledged t« be the best in tbe world. They are quite different to all others known, being absoluieiT unsurpassed to theif naiva***! excellence . . ... , . Thw *» absolutely specific for those complaints for which they are specially prepared, and an free Iron* poisons and all mineral drugs, and are quite pleasant to take.
qr-ma BALSAM OF PARADISE : FOR ALL i LUNG & THROAT DISEASES, such as Bronchitis, AsthmajWheeiing, Coughs, Colds, Fog Fever, Sore Throat, Bleeding from the Longs, Tightness on the Chest, Inflammation of Lungs, Collapse of the Air Cells, Induration of Lungs, Congestion of Lungs, dec, <fee. It is ths only medicine known to mankind that will completely care Consumption La its early stages. It is composed of choice fruits, flower seeds, gums, balsams, and herbs. It renovates and fattens the weakest constitntioa, ali£e of young or old. We sold OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES during the first five years that we introduced this marvellous and elegant remedy, and that too, WITHOUT ANY ADVERTISING WHATEVER. It is exceedingly pleasant to taste, and causes an immediate improvement In all who take it. Sold in bottles at 2a Gd, 4s «d, and 10s. THE NATURAL BLBCTSIO BLOOD PURIFFR.— This medicine has no equal (or all Blood Skin Diseases ; perfectly free from mercury, arsenic, and all mineral drut;s,iand does mot contain any sateapariHa or yellow dock. Kerejf fails to cure the worst forms of Scrofula, Sonrvy, Eczema, Itch, Ulcera, Abscesses, Sore Legs and Breasts, Cancer, Lampus, Physical Debility, Decay of Bones, Wasting and Withering, ana all diseases having their origin in the blood. It will work wonders inerery case without exception. See Handbook. Price, 4s 6d «s6d,andl2s6d each bottle. HE KTrGELMAircrS EYE OINTMSNT • AND ANODYNE EMOLEENT.— This s undoubtedly the finest Pharmaceutical product of the century. An immediate cure for chilblains and frost bites. Nothing hitherto known can compare with this Ointment for its marvellous excellence, elegance of combination, and Buperior effectiveness. It will cure all Eye Diseases. Blight of all descriptions, Inflammation of Eyes and Lids, Chronic Ophthalmia, and ail and every Eye Disease j and as well it is the best and nicest thing possible for Fly Bite or Mosquito Bites, and for Sore Throats, Coughs, Mumps, Quinsy, Ac. It is simply splendid. All weak and nervous persons should use it to rub well in down the spine and on the stomach. We guarantee that all who use this once will never be without it. Price 2s 6d, and 6s. HE. KUGKLMANJPS CHILDREN'S c VITAL ESSENCE.— For all the ailments of infancy and childhood. A real children's friend. See onr Handbook. Price, 2s 6d aad Sa per bottle. HE. KUGEXMANN'S HERBAL • MAG ■* BTIG OINTMENT.— This unrivalled Herbal product is undoubtedly the best Ointment ever elaborated for ouring Old Sores, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Fistulas, Piles. Bleeding Piles, Eruptions of the Skin, Broken Chilblains, Cuts, Wounds, he, Ac, Ao. In jars at Is, li W, 2s 6d, and M each. *
SOLE PROPRIETORS: K. », KUC^^ISIAMar AH® €© 4TH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, U.B.A. AMtnlian Head Office *nd WMehons* : 178 and 174, William •teeet, Melbourne, Victoria. Plantations acd Bedocag Establishment at « Mount Paradise," Gembrood, Gippalaad. V Don't fad to read oni Descriptive Handbook. Mailed free to any addtew or may be ha* upon application to any of the following local agents :— InTe«eargai.-J Hatch *^o C H Macaliater, Weil's Herbal Dispensary, Wratfcmgham Bro* mat SatoneTT Mo CJhesney, Matheson & Co, John. Sherwood. Wesney Bm. Kuff--JWaj« vi CoT»obQi * Co, &nbaxy-Whit&gnara Broe. aW IwtNW, 0 1mI«. Uai*»-
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Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 4
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945Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 4
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