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Hotels. >T>ISING SUN HOTEI Walker Strbkt, Donhdiv, (within three minutes walk of the Exhibition.) I RODEBICK MoKENZIE ... Pbopribtob. Visitors will find good accommodation. Terms strictly moderate. f 26 TTT IN TON HOTEL C..D. MOORB PPOPRIKTOR. Thiß new Hotel is within one minute's walk of the Bailway Station, and is convenient for ' Travellers obtaining refreshment. First class accommodation. Ail. HORSES AND BUGGIES OBTAINABLE AT A MOMENT'S NOTIOE. au2o S. O. OAULTON'S GOVERNOR BROWNE HOTEL Hobson St_b_t, (Late of Albion Hotel), AUOKLAND, NBW ZBALAND. f_T Superior Accommodation for Tourißts, Tra- ; vellers, and Families. 1 Day and Night Porter always in attendance. Hot and Cold Plunge Baths. n22 BLIGH'S TEMP BRANCH HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, VrOTOBIA STRHBT, OHEIBTCHURO-. Beat accommodation in town is now offered to boarders. Double room, 16s per wetk ; single room, 18s per week ; board without lodging, 12s r per week ; weekly dinners, 4s per week ; board and : lodging, 3s per day. Goed accommodation for families . Smoking room , sitting room < with use of piano), bath room, and snower bath. Stabling free. se2l F. BRIDGES, Proprietor. fl___________t___ftii___, ' ____9b_ ■■__!— _3e__ E ____L__b_ _3b— _B__B-___ _— _ _i l w RAILWAY HOTXL WwToir. G. M. STABKBY, late of Invercargilhhaving taken this, the oldest establishment in Winton. and having thoroughly renovated the same throughout, is prepared to offer the beet accommodation to all who may favour him , with their patronage. COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS (WILL FIND THEIR EVERY REQUIREMENTS PROVIDED FOB. BILLIARDS, GOOD STABLING, And the Best of Wines, Beer, and Spirits. The EXCHANGE HALL suitable for Theatrical Parties, Concerts, Public Meetings, _o. au2o RAILWAY HOTEL, GORB. F. R- White ... Proprietor. Two minutes walk from Railway Station. Passengers by trains have sufficient time to obtain refreshment. FIRST-CLASS LUNCH (with cup of tea or Coffee, or glass oi Ale)— ONE SHILLING. jelß THVIATHAN RAILWAY TEMPERANCE HOTEL (Opposite Railway Station), DUNEDIN. MRB'SILK Pbof_i_T__bb This very popular Establishment continues to afford very superior accommodation to tourists and others, who desire the oomtobts or homh, combined with v__y modkbatb OHABQM. The sole management of the House, as well as the cnisine affairs, are under the personal supervision of Mrs Silk. The House ia situated within a few minutes walk of the Exhibition, Poet Office, Steamboat Landings, and other places. jel rr\Q TOUBISTS, COMMERCIAL MEB 1 AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. Thb 91OVNTA1NBBB HOTBL QUEENSTOWN, LAKE WAKATIPU. PROPRIETRESS ..7~ .. MbbB,BOND This new and commodious Hotel has been well furnished throughout, and is one of the most comfortable houses in Otago. Suites of rooms have been set apart for families, and every attention has been paid to the arrangements for carrying on a first-class trade, A Porter will attend passengers en the arrival and departure of steamers. J. F. SMITH'S Royal Mail Coach leaves foi Cromwell three times a week, vis : Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning the follow* big days. A coach leaves for Arrowtown daily, returning same day. anl FMPI Rfi HOTEL.. TAY STREET, INVERCABGILL. The Proprietor, THOS. WHITAKER, begs most respectfully to return his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage of his numerous friends and the general public during bis twenty-three years' experience in Hotel keeping, and to still further accommodate his customers and suit the times, he has deoided on making an all round reduction in price of his hitherto matchless accommodation, by adopting the following scale of charges — Regular Boarders ... £1 per week Veals ... ••• lßeach Beds... ... . — lseaoh Meals provided for Travellers leaving Town by the Early Trains, who may depend upon being called in time. HOT, COLD, AND SHOWER BATHS. ALES, WINES, AND SPIRITS OF THE BEST BRANDS. GOOD STABLING Free of Charge for parties staying at the Hotel. Please Note the Address— THOMAS WHITAKEB, Bhpiri Hotel, Tat Strhht, Ivvrroaboi-l THB OBANII HOTEL DUNEDIN. lor TourUti, Families, and Commercial Gentlemen. Fire-proof Construction, X_ the most central and open position of Uu oity; bea-tiful views of the harbomr, and charming scenery of the Penin■ala from the upper floors. A BPLENDID SUITS OF SAMPLE ROOMS PUBLIC DRAWING BOOM, Mr Geo. Augutus Sdfi in the London Daily Telegraph, says of th_F hotel : " Structurally the Grand Hotel, Dunedin, is the very finest not only in Maori Land, but in all the Australian Colonies. It is splendidly and tastefully fur* niahee throughout, nearly everything that th* traveller can possibly require he finds ready to his hand at this exceptionably commanding and commodious Garavanseri, which cost £40,000." i Extract from the Hoa. James Inglis'new work—-" Our N.Z. Cousins." "One noteworthy feature of Dunedin, one grand feature, I may eav ia its Grand Hotel. This ia mnique in the southern Hemisphere, and would not disgrace New York. Under Mr Watson'B able management the visitor find himself relieved from every care The dining-room and public drawingroom- are palatial apartments. The private eitting-rooroß are modus of elegance and cemf ort. The bedroomß are without a fault, and the bathrooms are luxurious to a degree. The table would satisfy the most f astidiow." Melbourne Argus says : " Out of all queetios the finest hotel in Australula." If OPDJin GJU-UHM. J i *i WATSQH, PtwlttQK,
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Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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831Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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