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Published EVERY M IWING, and despatched by the first Mails and Trains
Shipping. «^ TTNION STEAM SHIP CO_ <jfe|Kl^_ FANY OF NEW ZEALAND ! *^~ • The Oompany will despatch steamships a under:— FROM BLUFF. Fob M-lbouenb. Manaponri Friday j Apr 26 I 2.80 pm trail | *Rotomahana Friday | May 2 | 2.30 pm trail Mararoa Friday I 4*y 9 j 2.30 pm trai »Tarawera Fiday | May 16 | 2.3 i) pm trai ♦Calls at Hobart. I «, i ffOBSTDNBT, VIA Dt7Jf«DIN,_TTT_LTOX, Wwi < LtHSTOtr, NAPISB AND GISBOHRB_ ADCKLAN i Tekapo I Monday J Apr 28 11- 16 am trai: i Wairarapa I Monday | May 5 j 11-16 am trai; i Manapouri (Monday May 12 11-15 am trail Pa?aenger-3 Dooked to or from London by th ORIENT LINE of steamships. Fo* any furt_ei particulars, apply at | THE COMPANY'S OFFICES, ; Invercargill and Bluff. -n_. fTBTON STEAM SHI] -_ji-HL U COMPANY OF i rW-11lt I WE W ZKALANI '**bß__S_H_— •___> (Limithd), BOYAL MAIL EXPRESS SERVICE, OVBBLAND ROUTE TO ENGLAND THROUGH AMERICA. Avoiding alike the heat of the RedtSea and t_ oold of Gape Horn. Tbe.Steaamof tnis.Line are appointed t< t _»ye Sydney and Auokland for Honolulu ant I _*n Fnuiciseo every Four Weeks, sailing ai ( index :--' ' I - ' . iati_ n .o N t««= Leave Leave Arrive ■ Btflamerfl - Tona Bydney Aucklandj 'Friaoo ALAKBDA 3000 May 14 May 19 June 7 . M&bifoba 3000 June 11 June 16 July 6 ! Ticiets are available for 12 months, and Pan | tengers can .break their journey at Auckland • Ho-61ulu, San FrancißCO, and any place of call [ en ro«te to New York. SP-OIAL REDUCED RATES, Thromgh Fares, Sydney or Auckland, to Lonion:— B-ioOB, *«4 to £67. STSIKASm. £82 16b Bd to £88 4s (3d. Tex all information apply at any ef tha Uffleeaof XJKIOJSt STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF Ot* HBW ZEALAND (LIMITBD). 4 ?kflk THHE LAKE WAKATIPU _3_____^Vv_ ■ «^3^g^» STEAM SHIPPING CO. ■^^^^&* (LIMITKD.) TIME TABLE from Ist December, 1889, to | 30th April, 1890. !JJ_!_l_j_! , Monday 4 p.m. 3 p.m. { l 0 *'™ 12 noon i Tuesday 8 a»m. 1 p.m, 1 pjni Wednesday 4 p.m. Ipjn. 8 IS noon : Thursday 8 aja. 1 p.m, Friday 4 p.m 8 p.m. 8 a.a 12 noon ; aiturday] J^JS; 1 p.m. ( : ; Paseenger Fares, between Kingston and T Queenstown— Saloon, 7s 6d ; Steerage, 6s: , Return Tickets from Ist November, 1889, to ' 15th April, 1890, available for six weeks from date of ißßue— Saloon, 12s 6d ; Steerage, 7s 6d. Freight— los per ton. All Live Stock cairied at owners risk. Tares between Head of Lake and Queenstown —Saloon, single, 10s ; Return, 16s j Steerage, 7a 6d ; Return, 11s. All cargo is carried snbject to the conditions and terras, printed on the Company's forms of l Consignment H o te and Waybill. I A steamer may be chartered any day except \ Sunday { . Meals or other; refreshments may be had on i board steamers > I. T. WING, Manager. _-l«_ OBNLWSULARANDORIBjr l^^w X TAL HTEAM NAVIOA UE_-\_^» TIOH COMPANY < _aB-_— 3Bv Under oontract with the __• fftrial' ii«w j9pa_i Wales, Tiotorian and Semth lutra-an Qo^enunents, will despatch tha i oUowing tttniTi*"' i LONDON, ; Galling at ; _LBAHS, COLOMBO, ADEN, BRINDIBI | MALTA, GIBRALTAR, and PLYMOUTH j Men-era. Tons. Sy^ | j^de, i Britannia "257 AprlH Aprl 19 April 23 < Carthage 5013 May 5 May 10 May 14 f Victoria 6268 May 20 May 24 May 28 j Valetta 4919 Jnae 3 June 7! June 11 \ And Uwnoeforward every alternate week. The PASSEHGBR FAIIS front RJBW ZEAL 4HD are as mnder:— ' Port | Olaßß. Single Return. from any Portia Nine Twelve New -ealand Month*; Monthi ToPlymomth \ or London } lat .€7O £105 £111 „ 2nd W - «6 CoßrUdial,^ ?enioe.Trieate, i Kertei-ea , ' Ist «5 10ft 115 „ J tnd 85 — . « Second Saloon Passengers are provided with tint Salooa Accommodation in the Steamer* between New Zealand _id Australia. Passage money can be paid at thia end for paeeagee from Bngland. Lioital conceeaioni ejadelo lamilies. The SBCOND SALOOH Acoomodation in the \ above Steamen having been thoroughly rei erga__ed, the Company are now enabled to I eflex intending Paaeengera to Borope mnrivalled 1 accommodation at the above Boduoed Rates, ! Fotf_rther partionlars apply to the Agent* 1 im InveraaxgiU, i J. BTOCK * DO, -«!.««. nnHB S. 8. INVERCARGILL fflilX.. •*■ Captain Sundatrom, will ' a^-JNaP--* leave the Invercaxgill Jetty foi _BSS___v Dunedic every Thursday, returning from Dunedin erery Tuesday. Froighi from Duneiin, 18s per ton, delivered. Foi I fmrther p-rticilara, apply to 4 IB«8 . A. B. CAMPBELL, Agent. "-' T tfMSDBN-— MR JAMES MARTIN, Agent JJ foKthis iTonrnalat Lumeden, willreceiv< ordersfbritlw Paper or for Advertisements. Ai Age-t'e'rarcel" of the Times is despatched tt Mr Martin by t_e first ont-going train Ever] t Morning, and copies may be. obtained immedi I ately on the arrival of the train. A Bunne I attends the Waimea and Kingston Trains, a I they arrive and. depart from the Lun_4ei I- pUUeißi, E__" *'.' '"""* ' " • •
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Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
Word Count
791Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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