Special Advertisements. ■p J. B. Y~D LP, L. D.S. BURGEON DENTIST, May be consulted in rooms (lately occnpied by Mr atraker ( above Messrs Wesney Bros., Dee Street, InveicargUl. Mr Tnle will visit Gore on Monday and Tuespay, sth and 6th May ; Mataura, Wednesday, 7th May ; and Wyndham, Thursday, Bth May. P # W. THOMP3ON, L.D.S., SURGEON DENTIST, SPEY STBEET, LNVEBCABGILL, QMOKB STEAN'S CUT TOBACCOS They are good in Morning Noon and Night, Good in Darkness or in Light, Good while Working or at Play, And always drive dull care away. Bongh Cat Baby Fins Cut Baby Welcome Nugget Cigarette Honey Dew Sponge r .'ake Cigarette Nail Bod Cavendish Jnno Mixture FRANK ITSTEANS, AMERICAN TOBACCO DEPOT (Opposite the Theatre), DBS STBEET, INVEBCABGILL. j2. THE VERY BEST Place in Town for Purchasing Goods, for 3 very good reasons— Ist— Because of the splendid Stock to choose from at WESHEY BROS., THK LEVIa.THAN GIFT DBPOT. 2nd — Because you wili get the Latest Design in all" Lines at WISNHY BROS., THE LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT. Brd— Becauee you w ill pet all articles at the very ■"" lowest Prices at WESNEY 3805., THE LEVIATHAN GIF V DEPOT. All the &ew Yearly Volumes inst to hand. . Leisure Hour London Journal Sac day at Home Family Herald Cassells' Magazine Boys' * wn Annual Quiver Girls' Own Annual Cassells' Saturday Journal, 4c, &c, &c.
AT WESNEY BBOS., THE LEVIATHAN GIFT DEPOT. NEW BOOKS arriving every month at WBBNET BBOTHERS' LEVIATHAN GIFf DEPOT. . HEW STATIONERY of all kinda at Wesney Brothers' Leviathan (Sift Depot HEW JEWBLLEI4Y, Silver Brooches, Earringa, Studs, &c, dtp, at < Wesney Brothers' LeviatKan'Giffc Depot HEW FANCY GOODS of all descriptions at | Weeney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot FBBSH SUPPLY of the New Waterbury Watches at Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot HEW PBIZE BOOKS, 1000 Volumes to chooes from at Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot LETT'S AND NEW ZEALAND DIARIES FOB 1890, At Wesney Brothers' Leviathan Gift Depot HEW FURNITURE VABMttH awd BLACK. LACQUER. 9d per Bottle. At Wesney Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depot A "Good Household Broom for Is At Wesney Bros.' L-mathan Gift Depot OUPSaudSAUCKRS^a per dozoD At Wesnf-y Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depo v KNIVES and FOhK S6s per dozen At Wesney Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depot TEA SPOOSS, wear white like silver, 4s 6d and 6s per dozen ' At Wesney Bros.' Leviaihan Gut Depot INDIA BUBBEi STAMPS made at shortest notice on the premies At Wesney Bros' Leviathan Gift Depot KEW ENAMEL PAJNTS, At Is, Is 6d, and 2s per Tin ; all colours. ( At Wesney Bros.' Leviathan Gift Depot SILVES P. WARE of eve.y description suitable for presentation AtWssney lir^F.' Leviathan Gift Depot HEW $£ij.DAME WJSIGEL Patterns every month At W> sney Broa 1 Lovisfchaa Gift Depot WOOLS, Silks. Brigg'a Patterns, Macrame Thread. &c, Ac, At'Wes ey Bros' Leviathan Gift Depot Pianos on the Hire e-ystem (20s per month or moie) At "e«ney Bros' Loviathan Gift D pot Jam Pots, Jelly Jars, all prkee, At Wesney Bros' Leviathan Gift T^opot Iron Trunks, Poitmant'.-auG, Travcll.u^ Baga, fiat Boxes, <fee, *c, At Wesney Bros' Leviathan Gift Depot Call Hid you will get all your want?. s.ippUcd al ey Wroth ©rs „- THE CRViATHAN GIFT DEPOT r' ' DBH STaSET.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 1
Southland Times, Issue 11438, 24 April 1890, Page 2
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