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Hospital. — We ha?e txen requested to acknowledge receipt of ii buudle of perioJica?S from Mrß. H Whi imore for the use of tbe pauem», Ea^t INVEUCAKQILL.—Tiie contest for the Mayoralty of ■ his b( r jugh has been ended by \hv retirement of Mr lieddes. Mr L. E. Keade has accoiding'y been declared duly elected. Finds Himself Famous.— Jt is reported that Mr Fred. Fargus (Hugh Coiway) is i ening £150 a week if< royal'.ips on the |>hty " (Jalle i Back, ' and the ;>rorit.H o■. the publication. Tl>i? number uf copies sold up to last week was 210,000. British Mail. — The San Francisco mails will arrive in lu^eicargiil by expse s train this afternoon, ano a geueral deivery of cjirvsponden^e w ft fak'i pl«oe over th« public couo'er at tho Po3t Office betvveeo6 30 and b o'clO-'k^this evening, Woodlands Daiky Factouy.— Fiom an advertisement elsewhere it will be seen that ~a large <laily supply of milk has beea promised by the surrounding fairmrs in the event of the above projected factory beiag str-ried. Mr G. Dawsou bas ace »rdiugly i » vited those interested to meet iv Mr Goal's Hotel, on Tuesday next, at '6 p.m, t to discuss the matter fur her. Athlstics. — The near approach of tbe j holiday sea-:on is eviden ed by the number of i notices appearing hiving reference to out- | door amusements and games, \mcng the j number must be reckoned an invitation ap« j peariug 'o day addressed to the membeiN of ; the Southland National Athletic Association. : They are ro meet at the " Prince " oq Toursday, at $ p.m., to receive report and transact other busiaess, including probably [jreiiminftfies for tha forthcotEiog spgrta.

f At It Again.— The claimant to the Tich- ; borne estates, who was recently released from prison, reasserts that the lunatic Creswell in Australia is the real Arthur Orton, Gable Messaois. — Although no » official intimation has been made it seems probable that an interruption of cable cpmmuaication with BluTope has occurred, as no messages' have reached us for three days past. Bowled.— Mr Appleby, of the Dunning Opera ' Company, whi : pJayir.g cricket in the Hooart .Domain, had his lips cut and four tenth knocked out by a ball< After beisg attended to 'da the hospital he affirmed bis intention of not displaying hi* talent on the cricket field again. LEcrrjßE At Wintok. — From an intim;;<ion in auother column it will be seeu that ■klr Heniy Clapcott, who recently delighted a large Invercargill audience by his instructive and amusing lecture on Government Life Insurance, will lecture on the same subject at the Oddfellows' Hall, V/inton, to-morrow (Thursday) evening. Entertainment. — Under the auspices of vbe Wesleyau briinju of the Gospel JemperrtDCe Uniou '..b eatwihinmeni w.U bo givi'u in the Schoolroom, Lewt street., this evening, 'f he-programme, as a& previous gaihering of the same kiml, wdl comprise afe3cli--s, rea'.liug;, recuationj, and vocal and iuslruuiunuil Mayokal Elections,— The gentlemen who aspire to be chief citizens of luvercargiil. North Invercargill, Sour.h Invercargill, anil 4venal will be nominated in their respective bo.ough i today. Messrs D. '..oclie and G. Froggatt are the rivals for the towa. while Messrs Kelly and Panton will have a contest in South invercargill. Music. — The Garrison Band will favor the citizens with an instrumental conceit on Friday evening, commencing at 7.30 p.m. The scene of action will be the Western t.eserve, Leven street, should the weather prove fiae ; if otherwise, the performance will be given from the balcony of Bloan's'lheatve. Appeal Sustained. — Messrs C. Dawson aDd Co.'s appeal to the /■> upeal Coun. bas beea successful, the Court having refused the new trial asked for by the Government, the action, it will be remeinOered, arose ont of the burning of the sawmill at One Tree Point, which was alleged to have been cStusd by a spaik from a locomotive, A Long Spin. — Mr D. Livingstone, clesoiibed an the champion tweniy-mile nuiner of the world, is announced to trivu an exhibition of his pace and powers of endurance by running a ten-mile race against time, on Saturday afternoon. The ground chosen is the Caledonian Society's enclosure on the south side of the town. Campbelltown, — The nomination of candiiiatei for iho Mayoralty of Oauapbelltown was made at the Com ihouse there at noon yest r l»y. Tt'C Candida' es were — Mr-T.G, Ward, proposed, by Mr \V. Hendorson aud seconded by .Vir Wilsun ; and Mr T. J. Warren, pro- ! posed by Mr S. J. Gordon and seconded by Air It. Walker. A poll was announced for the 26th inst. IUYEKCABGII.L ROWING CLUB. — Two of thy hents for the senior pairs v\ere puiled off yesterday afternoon. The first contest waa bt tween Basstian and Collins and Clare and McPherson, the result being a decided victory for the last named couple. In the second beat Sharpe and Joyce beat Russell and Mclntosh by about three leDgchs. The oiher heats will be pulled this afternoon, commencing at 4 o'clock sharp. Returned. — By the steamer Wairarapa, which arrived ac Bluff oa Sunday eveniog, Mr Thomas Watson, the local manager of the Bauk of New Zealand, and Mrs Watson relumed to lavercargill from thtir sojourn in Britain. Both have arriv«d in excellent health, and, it is unnecessary to °ay, b^ve been welcomed back wilb great cordiality by their many friends. We understand that Mr Watfon yesterday resumed his duties at the bank, Hot ob Cold ?— la New York heat lias been supplied in the form of steam to those whochoo.e to pay for it and warehouses for the storage of cold air are now in operation in that city. And from these cold air will be served through pipes to any part of the city. la the new Washington market a Detwork of p : pe3 is fixed through the building, and cold air will be served to any of the I stalls furnished with perishable articles. A Dig. — Of a truth, says the Home News, the Admiralty wants stirring up. Thirty hours elapsed after the disaster to the Wasp, and the Admiralty was not only ignorant as j to who was drowned, but they did not even i know the names of the crew ! Odd would imagine that the list of names of every vessel ia Her Majesty's service ought to be at the finger enda of the Admiralty. If they are so helpless in a disaster off the coast of Ireian I at a time of peace, what kind of muddle would they be in during war ? The Panama Canal. — lv answer to a question as to what Sir John Hall considered were the prospects of the Panama '. 'anal, he said he had had an opportunity of conversing with an American engiueer of high f standing who had inspected the works, add who had come to a strong opinion that the-y were impracticable ; whilst on the other haud, a Frenoh engineer of intelligence and standing, who had an intimate acquaintance i with the works, a a I they would be successfuL | One thing is ceitain ; it wi]J, if fiD^hed, c^t a sum immensely in excess of the original estimate. • A Wonderful Man.— lt is said that the recent meeting of the three Emperors was not a very cheerful business, for the G Tman Kaiser arrived in such a state of exhaustion that he could scarcely s'ep out of his saloon, and he appeared so very infirm that apprehensions were expressed that he would never be able to b at the journey back to Berlin after so much cxci eraent, He, however, rallied, as he has so often done before, an 1 not only did ho accomplish the- return to Berlin without a mishar. but liext day he started off for Dusseldorf for the manoeuvres, which had b-2<-n postponed in consequence of his trip to Poland. Foolhabdy,— -A swimming feat of no oidinary kind took place oa August 25, when Lord Frederick Hamilton and Mr Cecil Paring swam acro39 Niagara just beneath the Fh'ls. They jumped into the water at the foot of the Amei?an Falls, on the American side, and struck out diagonally the stream. Lord Frederick, unluckily struck his knee against a rock on entering the water, and this partially disabled him. They both owasji safely through tbn rough wa f .e>-, being carried some way diwn by the current, which is very violent there, and reached the gmxjth water on the Canadian dde. Lori Frederick with his crippled kaee. failelto reach the b ink, and wag hauled iuto a bjat ' some tw-^ncy yar-'s from ihe shore, Mr Baring swam on, however, and lamied 100 \a t- ds be'ow tbe ne-vsasp^n L-n bridge, none the worse for his adventure. A Fecont Fike Brigade —A mer-tin* was held yesterday erenios? iv the Conon ! siren! fi e tjrixade station f«r r ho purpose of 1 fo-mi a brigade for tho >>onthf>rn part of ! tho town.. Mr James Stcwa-t, who pnsdt.-ri, I seated the >bject of the rneairg, a ! d p'-.iv.ted | out that ibose who were denied ths opj ortuni'y of joining the ct-ntia! brigade -beca-is.- 1 . i they resided m the souiberu sibiubs — would ' have the privil'g^ of their services unier the new banner. After some | di*cu-*s : oa it wss rt-so'ved to call tne rorps '• The Scutber.d Fire Brigade." Mr B.UchsJor was appointed secretary, and was in stru.:ttd to apply to the Invercargill B jrou_;h Council f .ir the usa of tbe Nn. 2 fire (inline. Ovtr a dozen of those present sign-fied theiiintention of joining tbe new b.igade, a^.d the meeting terminated. i Floating Breakwater. —Mr Dan id Climie,' O.K., of WVJl.niton,^ has recently p stented an entirely original plan for the construction o c fbatirg b-eakwaters, and all the nnutkal aart scientific mpn who have se ~n the plan express warm approval of the Men, Mr Cliinid piopo^s to constiu"t his breakwater of a line of punts, pontoons, or barges securely moored at c-qual distances from each other and kep in place by tvo continuous beam*, one fore and one aft, thes-3 . heing secured to the decks by goos -seek joints sb as to allow the barges a certain amount of swing. The barges would be \ decked, tbe err re being pai-;efj several feet, j and. on the sloping p'alform seawards would , v«- placed opf-u j iwes or tubes to allow the ! coining wave toiflow up aud fill the tubes, ; the length and inclination of wii^h would be sutrio'ent to ens re the firdt wav« rushing back to meet tho next one. Angle iron bars to break the waves would be suspended from ; tbu bpaaia between the barges,

Overshadowed.— The Bey. G. R. Gleig ' late ChapJain-9f neral to the Forces, contributes an. exceedingly readable paper to the Fortnightly Review on " The Second Duke of Wellington," a man who, were be not obso.ured by the gigantic shadow of bis illustiious predecessor, wo<ld have been counted a re-'aarkoble character hirn~p.lf. It i? a melancholy fact that the ( of beinsf so heavi! v handicapped by the gr~at reputation of his father seeras 10 have effectually prevented the-lata Duke from taking any pa:t in public affairs. Dr Gleia-, his nearest neighbor down at Strathfieidsj.y»\ was, perhaps, his most intimate friend, and he gives as a very touching picture of the quiet, uneventful life he led in his declining years, ;vhen, though he was wholly blind and almost, wholiy- dtaf, hs intellect had lost no se of its brightness nor his tongue its facility for caustic, though not unkiadly humor. Paving- Blocks fbom Furnace Plag.— Among the new industries at Oatasaoqua, Pennsylvania, established some months ago. h that- of the Lnhigh Iron Stone Company, for the manufacture of paving a^d. street block: and bricks from molten aiag from thr Crane furnaces, The concern give-8 promise of. success. The slag, instead of bein-; p.Iiowed to harden in the furnace, to be carted away, is at' once run into an immense crumble on a rail rb id. tuck by means of which it is speedily transported to the casting-house, where, by meaos of suitable machinery, it is allowed to run into moulds of various ornamental patterns arranged on a hu^e frame resembling somewhat the tread-power oi a threshing machine. The blocks are immediately after tilted from the moulds- into sand beds aad suitably annealed by a slow pro je-'s. The process of the mauufac'nre is the invention of Charles Diebold.— Invention. Not Appreciated.— lt is suggested that, after all the Bartholii Mammoth statue, which has been a gift to the American people from 181 cities and towns in Prance, may not reac:h its intended destination in New York harbor, so little pnthi?siasm existing ia the United States as to its reception that it is difficult to ob'ain the necessary funds for a s-iitable pedestal. Notice has been given by < the officers- in charge of the erection that unless public spirit is more generally aroused the work on the pedestal must ba cl<>6ed within thirty days. As it is the greater part of the expense has been borne by a few wealthy ijhabiiants of New i r oik, who would doubtless have contributed the whole of the fund?, r.ut it was felt that such a method of meeting an .offer oE so gteat value was noi in keeping with the national dignity. The ! 'resident has be^n authorised by the coantry to provide for the maintenance of the statue as a work of art, and it is re 'retted that there should be such apathy on the s lbject. The County Cokk Traghdy.— The Home News reports that the prisoner Jobn Duarie. who has been in custody for some time in connection with the murder at Uastletownroche, six years ago, of the Sheehan family, has been brought before the magistrates at the police office, Cork, and further remanded on an information sworn by a police sergeant to the effect that private information had receatly come to his knowledge which induced him 10 Lhink he would have evidence against tbe prisoner. It is stated that a constable will be despatched to New Zealand to bring back William sbeehau, who is supposed to be the principal actor in tbe tragedy. Two witnesses have beeu found in the locality who remember to have been up one night, and to have been frightened by a country cart bjiug dri7en along by two men towards the well where the bo iies were recently f\>und The police are of opinion that more than one person was engagtd in the murder, and 1 hey believe that the man Duane, who was the only m.tle servant jn Mrs bheehan"s house ac the tttne of tfvir, could throw a good deal of Ugbt on tbe affair. He has not given anj clue, however, to the mystery. A Confirmed Lunatic-— At Blenheim a boy of 16, named Jjtm Hose, th .>. sou of must respectable parents, distinguished himself oa Monday by ob fining a gun in the name of a former employer from a local tradesman, aid rallied forth into the country, pointing it in a threaten ng manner at a young man before leaving Blenheim. lie had beea in a lunatic asylum in consequence of sirantre exploirs in the Wanganui district 12 months ago. .His parents gavje information to the police, who searched the country for the b y and took him and his gun into custoiy. He had bought powder, blank cartridges, Drovisiong, and seveial small articirs of clothing, presumably for a long exptdi. tion. VVhen arrested he said he bad been out to Phoot a young woman who had deceived him, and wbo, of course, was entirely a creature i;f his own imagination, and that he did not like to return to his fa'her's house because poison was laid for him all about the place, which is equally untrue. Since his arrest he states that this is no. the first time he baa imitated Ned Kslly, and that whili 3 in the Wellington Asylum he tried U> haug himself the sheets, but although h^ hung naif aa hour he fulled, b* - cause he had not tied itho slip knot propeily, The boy was brought up at. tbe Police Court and remanded for medical examiuatioc. Spring — Great display of new goods at the Exhibition. Spring shipments mostly to hand. Mantles, Millinery, Dress Goods, Prints, &c,, procured from the best British and Continental sources. Value, variety, and style, The extent and variety of the Exhibition stock excites the admiration of every visitor. The Exhibition Millinery and Dressmaking Department have gained a wide reputation for excellence.—Thomson and Beattib. Coughs, colds, bronchitis, <fee, are quickly cured by using Baxter's " Lung Preserver." Taia old established medicine is pleasant to the palate, and highly extolled by members of tbe med'eal and clerical professions. Can be recommended. — G-. Bailey, Chemist, Dee street, Agent " See how the rascals use me. They will not let my play run, And yet they steal my thunder,'' petulantly exclaimed Mr Dennis, the author of a drama ca'led " Appiua and Virginia," who introduced a species of thm:der in the play, now in present use (which play was unsuccessful however), and being in the pit at some representation of " Macbeth " heard his own thunder made use of. And so it is with the purloiners of ths name 0: Udolpho Wolfe's Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps. They not only use all their efforts to drive this great restorative and alterative out of the market, but resort to all the means of duplicity and fraud to utilise, in a similar cordial, its supposed chief ingredients. A Lovely Chapt-et. — A hte fashion report says : — i( Nothing can be prettier than a chaplet of hop vine iv blossom." A recent medical review says : " Nothing can be a better renovator of the health than Hop Bitters. They aid in all the operations of nature ; toning up the stomach, assisting the food t~> become properly assimilated, and promote heathy action in all the organs. Th° dictates of fashion, aa well aa the laws of n health, ahke favor a r.giat application of nop3." Read. Mothers Don't Kxow.— How many children are punished for being uncouth, wilful and indifferent to instructions or reward simply because they are out of health ! An intelligent lady said of a child of this kind ; '■' Mother don't know that she should give the little one moderatedoses of Hop Bitters for two or three week*, and the child would be all a parent could desire." Look for

• My son,' a>ked a rroud father, aft-r the u-ual greetings upon the young man's return from college, ' have you a microscope among your I raps?' 'A microscope, dad?' repli'd the astonished jouth. • Yea, my son; you have baeu in college, you know, four years, and I thought i£ you had a microsojpo handy I sluuld ltfss to see hew much ypn, bad learned, 1

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Southland Times, Issue 5089, 19 November 1884, Page 2

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Untitled Southland Times, Issue 5089, 19 November 1884, Page 2


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